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Optics / Vest??


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Old September 21st, 2009, 07:20   #1
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Location: Peace River, Alberta
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Optics / Vest??

So to go with my new 'G&G M416-s' or whatever the actual name of it is.... , Im gonna place an order into airsoft GI consisting of 5 79 or 100 rds midcaps, an optic of some sort, and a vest.

Dilema - Optic; I am debating on an ACOG style or a Holo sight style (replica EOTECH style). Im leaning towards a Holo.. but will it clear the front M4 post? which is really my question.

Vest - should i get one with two top utility pouches and 4 double m4 mag pouches with molle webbing on the back? or get a molle vest and just get the pouces seperate? minding, i do not want to break the bank on a vest.. o.O


EDIT: ignore the vest part.. i realize that could have went into the gear disscusion area. o.O my bad.

Last edited by StealthShock; September 21st, 2009 at 07:30..
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Old September 21st, 2009, 07:34   #2
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to be honest you should get yourself age verified. how old are you?
if your under 18 the majority of the people on here will tell you to save your money and wait, as well as the fact that if your under 18 not alot of fields will let you play, and please please don't say "i'm going to play in a field/forest/backyard with my friends" or anything along those lines because it is greatly frowned upon here.

back to age verification
once you do that the classifieds will open up and retailers will open up, basically you will feel like a fat kid in a candy store.

thats all i'm allowed to say, hope this helped a bit

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Old September 21st, 2009, 08:29   #3
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Im 17. And FYI im not a kid thats gonna shoot little springer guns in a backyard. im looking for someones opinion, not a retailer to buy from or searching through classifieds for anything. i can get everything i want right now. just looking for an opinion. Im getting into airsoft, and im gonna play around grande prarie, there's a field just outside of GP i think... So go bash on a 14 yo, not me. ^.^
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Old September 21st, 2009, 08:31   #4
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And the reason i said 'or what ever it is called....' is because posts the gun as an 'M416-s' which i doubt the name of it actually is that. then another site says GR15 and another says PM416. So.. it's not like i dont know what im talking about..
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Old September 21st, 2009, 09:43   #5
Redneck Jimbo
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Dood he was helping you out what the fuck is your problem?

No one is going to help you when you have the "I'm a little shit and IM going to get my mommy and daddy to pay for my things because I know every thing" attitude. You just proved to us that you are that 14 year old little tard thats going to do sothig stupid. When you grow the fuck up come back and maby the comunity will help you.

P.S. Mods I know this is an infration but its worth it.
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Old September 21st, 2009, 11:03   #6
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Originally Posted by StealthShock View Post
Im 17. And FYI im not a kid thats gonna shoot little springer guns in a backyard. im looking for someones opinion, not a retailer to buy from or searching through classifieds for anything. i can get everything i want right now. just looking for an opinion. Im getting into airsoft, and im gonna play around grande prarie, there's a field just outside of GP i think... So go bash on a 14 yo, not me. ^.^
Originally Posted by StealthShock View Post
And the reason i said 'or what ever it is called....' is because posts the gun as an 'M416-s' which i doubt the name of it actually is that. then another site says GR15 and another says PM416. So.. it's not like i dont know what im talking about..
I'm just going to quote you so you can't edit your posts, and use it as evidence for the mods, I tried being nice, but obviously you weren't mature enough
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Old September 21st, 2009, 11:10   #7
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Neither the EOtech nor the ACOG will clear the front sight. They're not meant to. Personally, I wouldn't bother with a magnified ACOG for your first setup...for typical airsoft ranges it's not usually needed. The eye relief on most ACOGs are really poor as well...with goggles it's really a pain to use. Go with the EOtech.

Once zero'd in, your iron sights should be co-witnessed with the aiming point on the EOtech. i.e. if your battery failed or the EOtech got shot out (which happens) you'd still be able to use your iron sights.

(re. gear)....after so many different rigs...I'd just get a rig with built in pouches.
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Old September 21st, 2009, 11:18   #8
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the only optics I ever needed is a pair of binoculars to spot the Jixtonator before he spots me.
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Old September 21st, 2009, 11:27   #9
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If you like the look of the ACOG, get a RDS ACOG.

as for a vest. there are plenty of options. asking us out opinion wont help you as we all bought out equipment for our owns reasons, such as a specific impression, camo pattern, or to meet our specific purpose. If you aren't entirely sure, your best bet is to get a MOLLE vest and buy the pouches that you need so you can customize it to your specifications.

also, you aren't going to find much help from us here. we dont support minors getting into the sport for a plethora of reasons that i dont wish to get into, suffice to say that generally, minors have negative track records.
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Old September 21st, 2009, 12:29   #10
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I would also get a mollie vest incase you change your setup to lets say an mp5. then you don't have to buy another vest
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Old September 22nd, 2009, 02:24   #11
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true, and thanks to you guys that didnt bash me because im a minor. I understand that we do have a bad track record, but really thanks for giving me imput.

Also, Redneck Jimbo? i really could care less. i just asked for advice and you gave me an opinion on a diffrent topic. I really dont care what you think, because what you think isnt the truth. So good like with that bud. ^.^

and Ritz, i know you were just trying to help me out. Sorry for getting angered over nothing. =[
I just know where im gonna get the stuff from, i dont need the classifieds.

Last edited by StealthShock; September 22nd, 2009 at 02:27..
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Old September 22nd, 2009, 02:30   #12
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Originally Posted by StealthShock View Post
true, and thanks to you guys that didnt bash me because im a minor. I understand that we do have a bad track record, but really thanks for giving me imput.

Also, Redneck Jimbo? i really could care less. i just asked for advice and you gave me an opinion on a diffrent topic. I really dont care what you think, because what you think isnt the truth. So good like with that bud. ^.^

and Ritz, i know you were just trying to help me out. Sorry for getting angered over nothing. =[
I just know where im gonna get the stuff from, i dont need the classifieds.
Look man, we have tried to help you here, and we are more then willing to keep helping you, but please, drop the additude. We see too many new players (usually minors) coming here with this assumption that they can say whatever they want, and they are always right.

We don't mean to be ass-holes, but just giving you a heads up...
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Old September 22nd, 2009, 02:48   #13
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fyi im also a minor and so is theguy

you learn fast here hah :P
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Old September 22nd, 2009, 04:11   #14
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OP has some rights getting mad when people jump on him when he is asking legit questions.

ACOG is very nice because of the zoom they provide, but the airsoft versions have horrible eye releif.
Eotech are also very nice because they have a wide field of view. Problem is they are cheaply made, the glass break easy and some are hard to adjust/stay adjusted.
Aimpoint is a cheaper no hassle option you can consider.

None will clear the front post. I suggest getting a flip up front post.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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