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G36 Mags


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Old June 4th, 2009, 08:49   #1
formerly Godfather
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G36 Mags

Do G36 mags fit in the same mag pouches as M4/M16 mags?
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Old June 4th, 2009, 10:03   #2
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G36 mags in M4/M16 pouches

They do where there is a will there is a way, but it has to be at least the double pouches. And it doesn't fit all that well. I am sure some people have done it with success, but I do not find it all that effective in the end.
Keep in mind by putting G36 mags in AR pouches, you run the risk of breaking off the tabs that clip the mags together. That being said, I am sure some of the more experienced G36 users have come up with some interesting ways to modify kit to compensate for that.
Your best bet is the G36 mag pouches. The downside of being a G36 user is that without the mag well adapter, you are pretty much stuck getting separate pouches and whatnot than the Armalite users. Typically this ends up being more expensive...But if you are getting a G36, generally you are not doing so because it will be an inexpensive AEG solution. I love my G36, but AR kit costs less (generally speaking, as there are plenty of people who use them), and is easier to get parts for...
Greater Sudbury Area
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Old June 4th, 2009, 13:13   #3
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I use a SiG 552. SiG mags are roughly the same kind of size of a G36's mags, my mags may be smaller in height though. Personally, I'm able to fit 1 SiG Mag in 1 M4 mag pouch. Given, it is a tight fit, they do fit. Not like I can't get them out or anything, either.

IMO, if you're skeptical as to whether or not the mags will fit, ask the person you're buying from if a G36 mag will fit in it. If they can't give you an answer due to not having a G36 mag to test with, ask them for the dimensions of the inside of the pouch, and you can base those measurements on whether or not it will fit.

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Old June 4th, 2009, 13:15   #4
aka SNK or Shaniqua
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Some people cut off the tabs on the G36 mags since they can catch on all the hooks and fabric on some of the mag pouches.

The double mag pouches that have no top cover but have a cord to hold them in work better.

Anothers solution is to cut the elastic band around the pouches that keep them taut (since they are designed to tightly hold 2 M4 mags). Once that band is cut, G36 mags go in and out much much easier.
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Old June 4th, 2009, 15:45   #5
formerly Godfather
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Ya, I was just wondering, I am getting the ebaybanned CIRAS high quality and it comes with the M4/M16 pouches so was seeing if I will need different mag pouches. Looks like i'll have to spend a bit more. No problem though. Thanks for the help.
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Old June 4th, 2009, 16:01   #6
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I have this vest:

The vest works great, but I hear that the company is hard to deal with.
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