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KWC 92FS mag leaking...


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Old December 19th, 2008, 01:50   #1
sushicake's Avatar
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KWC 92FS mag leaking...

I bought this gun knowing the mag was leaking but I was hoping to just buy a new mag from some online store, but no stores have it in stock or have any in stock anytime soon...

So my next course of action is to somehow fix the magazine myself, does anyone know what I can do to fix the problem?

When I put gas in it I have roughly 3-4 seconds to put it in the gun and fire 2 shots, before the mag leaks out all the gas. Also when I put some gas in it you can hear it leaking, but I have no clue where the leak is originating from...
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Old December 19th, 2008, 18:33   #2
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Gas it up and dunk it under water to see where the leak is. I know for my HFC mags I pulled the bottom plate and hosed down the rubber seals down with pelligun oil. (crappy tire and walmart carry this)

I let it sit for a day and have no heard a peep out of it yet. This is assuming that all your seals are in good shape. Depending on how handy you are you can always make a seal from packing that you can buy at a hardware store.

Hope this helps and good luck.
Psst. it's okay.
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Old December 19th, 2008, 18:49   #3
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Probably gonna be a valve, or the big o-ring at the base of the mag (most likely). Like Millhouse said, narrow it down. If it's the base, take it apart, dry it of any oil, and wrap the o-ring in a few layers of teflon tape (which is like 50 cents at any hardware store). Ideally, take off the o-ring, lay about three layers of wrap underneath it, then put the ring back to hold the tape in place.
Reassemble, and don't forget to add oil to your gas to lube up the seals.
That should solve your problems.
Drop a few drops of oil onto your valves and work them 10-15 times by hand, too, just to be safe.
Wouldn't hurt to make sure your pistol is properly lubed too, with a little silicone oil or lithium grease. That usually helps the gas go further too.
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Old December 19th, 2008, 18:51   #4
The Saint
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You can also take the o-ring to a hardware store and try to find a better one. I did that to all my KJW mags, replacing both the large bottom o-ring and the one around the fill valve with something a hair larger (and better quality). They don't leak anymore.
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Old December 19th, 2008, 22:33   #5
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Does anyone have instructions or atleast a diagram on how to crack it open? I'm baffled on how it's even put together...
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