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Old October 4th, 2006, 18:34   #1
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I am on the hunt for a Canadian distributor of Interceptor vests. I need em for Props on AVP2

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Old October 4th, 2006, 19:29   #2
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AFAIK the Interceptor OTV is an export restricted item and has no distribution outside of the US. I've had a hell of a time getting parts for mine.

SDS does make a replacement cover (along with the throat and groing protector), I think Paraclete makes a set too, and Propper makes the new IBA2 cover (more PALS strips). The cover isn't export restricted and can probably be ordered directly from SDS or other manufacturer. You will be missing the yoke/collar however, if you plan on using the full setup; there's no replacement cover for that, you need to get the whole part.

The only way to obtain the armor part (such as the collar) legally is to get a surplused/expired one; body armor is considered to have a five (5) year serviceable lifespan (assuming it hasnt taken a hit), after which it's discarded. Since the US Army is phasing out woodland and tri-color for ACU and the Marines for Coyote Brown, older Woodland/tricolor parts (2001 and prior) get surplused.

If you're getting the covers, you can stuff them yourself with a stifferener to simulate plates. (what you use depends on how realistic you want it to look) Refer to the Over There TV show (now cancelled); they used empty carriers with a thin stiffener in the back plate pocket (maybe the front too, hard to tell).
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Old October 4th, 2006, 20:14   #3
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got any links drake? im looking to get the collar piece and shoulder pieces for my interceptor vest, along with a tricolor skin
Age verifier southern Alberta

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Old October 4th, 2006, 21:26   #4
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Originally Posted by swatt13 View Post
got any links drake? im looking to get the collar piece and shoulder pieces for my interceptor vest, along with a tricolor skin

For a tricolor cover, you can get an SDS replacement set from Tactical Advantage/Entry Gear ( ), on sale. The SDS cover is made of nylon, not quite as textured a surface as the Cordura Point Blank. Shops like US Cavalry also have "covers only" which shouldn't be a problem to export, they seem pretty complete but not sure who manufactures them or how they are, and they're pretty pricey.

Paraclete also make a replacement cover (modified, more PALs on the back), but that's in the $500 range just for the carrier (yeeeeaaah... 'k, thanks.)

The yoke/collar is always actual armor, so that's surplus. eBay is probably your best bet, I've seen good deals there, picked a few up. Just about all of them are woodland, however. Seen the occasional tricolor. Seen ACU ones once or twice, but I'd suspect those are "misappropriated" since I don't think ACU IBA OTVs have been in the system long enough to expire yet. Ditto for USMC CB.

The shoulder pieces are part of the DAP kit (Deltoids and Axillary Protection), which seem rather uncommon. I've seen some in tricolor, not sure I ever came across any in woodland... I'd guess they weren't initially issued much, and will mostly be out in ACU (and/or CB). No replacement cover kits that I know of, so you'd probably have to find/buy a set with soft armor packs.

Same deal with E-S-SAPI (side plate) carriers.

When dealing with eBay you also want to look at (if you're usually browsing; some shops explicitly state they won't export armor components, but if contacted, some sellers - which don't initially offer sales outside the US - will agree to send it to Canada.

Also don't worry about importing, there's no import restrictions; the restriction is on US export.
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Old October 6th, 2006, 02:42   #5
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Here's something else I happened across today, while looking up something else from King Arms:

It's made of Cordura and resembles the real one pretty closely; the drag handle looks bigger than it should be, and the PALs strips on the pack go completely across instead of being only on either side. Everything else seems done right, down to the button hole on the rear plate pocket cover.

It also includes the yoke/collar, which is a plus IMO. It's designed right, but the filling looks too soft (real one is pretty stiff, like a centimeter thick piece of felt -- look at the other thread about FSBE AAVs, I have a pic of mine with an IBA collar installed). While not critical, I'd worry about it bunching up and rubbing against my neck which would get annoying, specially when it's hot.

Found em on eBay for about C$125 (shipped here). Couldn't find it on WGC, but I did notice Guarder's IBA (MOD vest) also has the full width PALs strips on the back, so I'd guess KA knocked it off.
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Old October 6th, 2006, 02:59   #6
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Here's something else I happened across today, while looking up something else from King Arms:

It's made of Cordura and resembles the real one pretty closely; the drag handle looks bigger than it should be, and the PALs strips on the pack go completely across instead of being only on either side. Everything else seems done right, down to the button hole on the rear plate pocket cover.

It also includes the yoke/collar, which is a plus IMO. It's designed right, but the filling looks too soft (real one is pretty stiff, like a centimeter thick piece of felt -- look at the other thread about FSBE AAVs, I have a pic of mine with an IBA collar installed). While not critical, I'd worry about it bunching up and rubbing against my neck which would get annoying, specially when it's hot.

Found em on eBay for about C$125 (shipped here). Couldn't find it on WGC, but I did notice Guarder's IBA (MOD vest) also has the full width PALs strips on the back, so I'd guess KA knocked it off.
It should be noted that Gaurder has an ACU version out now too... now if only there was a canadian distributor....
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old October 6th, 2006, 14:40   #7
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Contact daves army surplus in BC.
They had some real IBA sets a while back, and currently has a few issue ACU IBA covers in stock.
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Old October 20th, 2006, 13:45   #8
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Desert Tan

Actually they are the desert tan vest version. Still hunting. There is a guy on Ebay with them but communication is limited with the guy.

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Old October 20th, 2006, 14:28   #9
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I have one, its the level 3 blah blah, perfect condition, I have the groin guard, and neck guard. Looking for the shoulder parts ect. Should I be worried that I have it? as in, can I get in trouble for owning it.
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Old October 20th, 2006, 16:20   #10
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There are no restrictions on owning body armour in Canada.
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Exclusive Canadian Distributor for Blue Force Gear, Knights Armament, Rainier Arms, High Ground, Battle Comp, Multitasker and more!

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Old October 21st, 2006, 16:50   #11
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Originally Posted by seekah View Post
I have one, its the level 3 blah blah, perfect condition, I have the groin guard, and neck guard. Looking for the shoulder parts ect. Should I be worried that I have it? as in, can I get in trouble for owning it.
Daves got some shoulder peices in a while ago, check with martin, they still might have some.
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Old October 21st, 2006, 18:08   #12
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thanks, ill look into that
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Old October 25th, 2006, 14:32   #13
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Prop, how many do you need?
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Old October 25th, 2006, 18:39   #14
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Originally Posted by seekah View Post
I have one, its the level 3 blah blah, perfect condition, I have the groin guard, and neck guard. Looking for the shoulder parts ect. Should I be worried that I have it? as in, can I get in trouble for owning it.
No, as Farmboy stated, there's no restrictions on owning/importing; the restriction is on exporting (American end), and that being said, it's not outright illegal to export.

Some armor is considered surplus or "expired" (armor is considered to have a five year life span). Units with blacked out serial numbers and recent dates, and/or new patterns (like ACU) were probably stolen out of stores, however. Not something YOU'll get in trouble for, either, more of a moral point. There was one case where the Marine Corp tracked down and "re-aquired" full IBA sets (vest and auxiliary parts) that had been stolen and sold off to civvies; you can Google that story up, it's well documented.
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Old October 25th, 2006, 19:31   #15
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alright good, I wasnt sure, because its very new, and thus not surplus. I wasnt sure if that would be a problem, Just better never get stolen, doubt my house insurance would cover such misplaced items
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