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Tm, ICS, or CA mp5?


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Old April 16th, 2006, 22:35   #1
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Tm, ICS, or CA mp5?

I've recently become interested in the sport of airsoft. And I want to buy a mp5, but I'm not sure if I should buy a TM, ICS, or CA mp5. What are the pro's and con's about each companies make on this gun?
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Old April 16th, 2006, 22:42   #2
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1. Google is are freind.
2. They don't put the SEARCH button there for looks.
3. You are only 17 You are going to have to wairt a year. So you will have lots of time to figer out 1. & 2.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 00:13   #3
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well before rumple gets here TM are nice but save up the money and get a CA or ICS.
what does CA and ICS have over TM well the biggest thing full metal outa that box, from what i've read better mech boxes and i'm sure theres more but thats all i can pull outa my head right now.

like right now i have a TM and it works well but the gun i have i want to go full metal but its going to cost my big bucks to do so. CA is coming out with a FMU (full metal upgrade) gun very soon and i'm going to sell my TM and get the CA one and save big bucks by doing so.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 00:59   #4
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Originally Posted by R.A.T.M._JLD
1. Google is are freind.
2. They don't put the SEARCH button there for looks.
3. You are only 17 You are going to have to wairt a year. So you will have lots of time to figer out 1. & 2.
You have the first two right pal, as for the third, who cares he's trying to research and get some opinions, so take it easy.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 08:54   #5
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The US laws are different for age.
He should be a bit more logical and ask US boards, not a board in a different country.
Which brand? Whatever you can get and afford out there.
My current pick would be an ICS.
Read the reviews.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 15:00   #6
Rumpel Felt
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RF here to preach the word of CA.

CA is by far you're best choice/deal/smartest move. TM would be your worst. With CA, you get a full metal body, various models to choose from, the most accesories, various internal upgrades and an upgraded mechbox. All of this for nearly the same price as a TM execpt with get hunk plastic that shoots like 260. Not to mention made in Japan stamped all over it.

There you have it.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 16:16   #7
formerly sstrunks
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ICS is by far your best choice here.
Read arnie's review and you'll see what I mean.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 16:32   #8
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I have only heard good things about the ICS. That being out of the way,


Waiting responsibly since early 2005.

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Old April 17th, 2006, 16:44   #9
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I have only heard good things about the ICS. That being out of the way,


Waiting responsibly since early 2005.

Of course I've got all my ducks in a line, it's easier to shoot 'em that way! - me
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Old April 17th, 2006, 16:52   #10
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Maybe you should go to a game...and see which is good...I'm most positive you'll see a TM but not sure about ICS/CA as they are more expsensive. Talk to local players and they can help you...
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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Old April 17th, 2006, 23:32   #11
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R.A.T.M._JLD -Since we are so quick to tear people down i believe proper grammar would tell us that the correct word is OUR, not are

p.s. if you would look at his location, also not there for looks, you would see that he is from Boca Raton, a rather well known city in FL which happens to be in the southern United States, where he can most certainly own an airsoft gun. Its wonderful how quickly people forget what its like to be young and interested in something and eager to jump right in and cut corners and ask questions that yes have been asked a million times. Calm down Killer
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Old April 18th, 2006, 00:02   #12
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wow, it is interesting to read some of the posts.

I purchased my about a year ago now, and I am happy with my choice. Before buying I did about 4-6 months of constant reading and found that by others opinion and reviews that TM was the best choice. To read people above telling a new airsofter that TM is the worst is interesting.

To say that TM has the worst mechbox is crazy, they have been around the longest and have the most proven and reliable one made.

CS and ICS do have the advantage of the metal bodies but with their first generations of weapons there was MAJOR problems, I have heard some good things about their latest versions, but many do not trust them yet.

My choice would be a TM rifle, it is the best for a first time buyer, with reliability being a major concern.

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Old April 18th, 2006, 00:27   #13
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Originally Posted by deimos256
R.A.T.M._JLD -Since we are so quick to tear people down i believe proper grammar would tell us that the correct word is OUR, not are

p.s. if you would look at his location, also not there for looks, you would see that he is from Boca Raton, a rather well known city in FL which happens to be in the southern United States, where he can most certainly own an airsoft gun. Its wonderful how quickly people forget what its like to be young and interested in something and eager to jump right in and cut corners and ask questions that yes have been asked a million times. Calm down Killer
Being in Boca Raton is kind of like me being in Scarborough, we don't know every tiny town/city in the US, much like you won't recognize a lot of towns in Canada.

But seeing how we're on airsoftCANADA, one would likely assume one is from Canada unless otherwise specified like yours that says US of A.
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Old April 18th, 2006, 01:28   #14
Rumpel Felt
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Originally Posted by Hockstar
wow, it is interesting to read some of the posts.

I purchased my about a year ago now, and I am happy with my choice. Before buying I did about 4-6 months of constant reading and found that by others opinion and reviews that TM was the best choice. To read people above telling a new airsofter that TM is the worst is interesting.

To say that TM has the worst mechbox is crazy, they have been around the longest and have the most proven and reliable one made.

CS and ICS do have the advantage of the metal bodies but with their first generations of weapons there was MAJOR problems, I have heard some good things about their latest versions, but many do not trust them yet.

My choice would be a TM rifle, it is the best for a first time buyer, with reliability being a major concern.


Thing is though, they are PROVEN now and that is what I'm trying to get out there. Read around. Not one person that has writen a review somewhere has been dissatisfied. Yes there may be a few who got problem ones but I've heard of many TM lemons as well. They aren't perfect either. It's like if CA fucks up, the're hung from their teeth but TM, no, people sweep it under the rug. Well I say screw them. Not only cause they arn't perfect but because they offer the least with everything they sell and havn't stepped it up to compete. Those who don't see how much of a rip off they are when they go and spend over a thounsand bucks on their TM with CA parts and other upgrades just to get what I pulled out of the box for less than half of that are fools.

Think about it, it's pretty simple. TM=huge price for the name and what you get (plastic body, V2 mechbox with a flaw, no accesories, low power, no upgrades, coice between only A4/A5)

CA=reasonable price for getting something that is equal to but usually far better in oall areas listed above.

Jebus, this journey to get Canadian players to see the light is a tough one, though it bloody well shouldn't be!
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Old April 18th, 2006, 01:42   #15
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Ok I well say I jumped the gun and I am sorry didn't know he was from the US.

Rumpel Felt has a point I alwas hear of ppl upgreading their TM's with CA parts and I don't think I heared to many ppl upgreading their CA's with TM parts.
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