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Unique helmet suggestion/modification. Medical - Bone Anchored Hearing Aid related.


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Old May 19th, 2013, 19:15   #1
galabriath's Avatar
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Question Unique helmet suggestion/modification. Medical - Bone Anchored Hearing Aid related.

I am fairly new to airsoft. Have been wanting in to the sport for a number of years. Turned 18 last September, working on age verification. I'm getting a basic game able kit together. I am completely deaf in my right ear, and almost completely deaf in my left ear. For my first 16-17 years I have worn a traditional hearingaid. Recently I took a step into the unknown and got myself screwed in the head (quite literally) and acquired a bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA). (see link for details)

The sound quality is phenominally increased. I love it! The only downside is that it produces feed back if it is touched. I am looking for ideas on how we can modify a military-type helmet to fit, but leave the sound processor alone.

I also longboard, and simply took the foam out of the spot where the processor sat.

(see attached photo)

If anyone wants to come up with a few suggestions for compatible helmets, ideas for modification, or simple pointers I would be indebted to said one. I currently game with my old BTE hearing aid. The sound quality is the worst thing ever, and I find it much more difficult to be aware of my surroundings. The BAHA would improve my game significantly.

A number of things to be aware of.
  1. I have a small head
  2. The processor sticks out about the width of my thumb
  3. The processor is similar in size to the upper portion, to the first knuckle of my thumb (sorry, no exact dimensions yet.)
  4. The helmet can't touch the BAHA processor, but must fit snugly on to my head
  5. I am a student, the affordable solution is the superior solution

Any help is appreciated! Hope somebody takes interest!

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Old May 19th, 2013, 19:24   #2
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How about MICH Series of helmets? They come with padding that is velcroed in, typically 7 pieces, could they be rearranged to accomodate the implant maybe?

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Old May 19th, 2013, 19:24   #3
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Your best bet would probably be to go to an actual airsoft store or surplus store that carries a good variety of helmets and try them on find one that comes close to your needs and mod it from there. Or even a Protech bike helmet from Crappy Tire and mod it.
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Old May 19th, 2013, 20:20   #4
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Where on your cranium is the BAHA/part you can't touch located? I'm presuming behind the ear like a normal hearing aid, but maybe not?

Most helmets, like the MICH series, OpsCore BUMP/FAST helmets, IBH, and CRYE AirFrame have open space around the ear area to accommodate radio headsets (MSA Sordin, Peltor Comtac, etc)

Here's a TC2001 for example:

even on the MICH TC2000 (pic) the portion that goes down over the ear doesn't touch you in any way, so headsets can fit under it.

If avoiding an accidental BB strike to the hearing aid is a consideration, the TC2000 may be a better choice.

Few other pics:

FAST helmet


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Old May 19th, 2013, 20:31   #5
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- is the BAHA able to take a round? You might be better off without a helmet, to be honest, unless you have fall/bump concerns or are running NVG.

- The other reasonable option, if you can't find a helmet or want to protect the very expensive screw in your head, is to go back to hearing aids for games. Especially if the BAHA is not waterproof (but I am unfamiliar with them, so take this all with a grain of salt.) Otherwise the advise above is solid, mich/protech. If you are in Toronto, drop by TTAC when we have a game and you are welcome to try on our OPS Core helmets and see if they fit... but those are $300...

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Old May 19th, 2013, 23:29   #6
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Hey folks, didn't expect so many replies so fast. Thank you! I definitely should be trying these things on. I'll post a photo of my head tomorrow after work so you can see the positioning of the device. It is not water proof, unfortunately. It is fairly prone to knocking off... I'd have to clip it to a lanyard in case of falling, and it definitely cannot take a round. Because of that, I have been using my 10 year old hearing aid. My issue is that the sound quality is so diminished that I play way less effectively than I could. The bike helmet idea seems good, but I might feel/look like a tool. Perhaps a little custom work could change that. The MICH helmet with the flare for the headset seems like the best option if the flare goes up high enough. Are there any replica helmets of this type in a more affordable price range? I can't justify a $300 helmet at this point - school is expensive! Again, thanks. I'll have to hitch a ride to a city near me for some headgear testing.

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Last edited by galabriath; May 19th, 2013 at 23:32..
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Old May 19th, 2013, 23:36   #7
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Replica MICH helmets can run you around $70 for the better quality ones, such as the ones Airsoft Depot sells I have a few and they are good serve the purpose and even protect your noggin from light impacts. I highly recommend if you do grab a replica MICH style helmet invest the extra money into real MICH straps way more comfortable and more adjustable then the replicas. The real ones can be had for $35ish on Ebay. And there are a few cool looking Protech helmets in the Helmet Gallery thread you may want to take a peak through there for ideas.
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Old May 20th, 2013, 02:13   #8
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1) You don't need a helmet to play airsoft.

2) If you want a helmet then spend some time gaming and check out the options first hand.
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Old May 20th, 2013, 06:02   #9
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If you play CQB or with an agressive assault team, you will be effective even with diminished hearing. I found this out while doing CQB using hearing protection. At first everything felt weird but I discovered that sounds did not mather that much when you can see.

Stalking in the wood is a different thing though. But rutting with an assault team, you make so much noise yourself running and yelling orders, the ennemy will show itself or flee.

Back to your question, I'm pretty sure the padded helmets can be modded easely to fit. You really neet to try it yourself. If you don't find anything suitable, then go back to your older aid without worry!

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Old May 20th, 2013, 16:30   #10
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Id say ditch the helmet all together and just get a headset like this

maybe just wear it without it being plugged in. If you wear it tight against your ear it shouldnt move too much.

another option is to get one of those m88 helmets, they have ear protection built in. I bought one for like $10 off, they will protect your ear, but if your like me, they make you feel like a giant bobblehead. I hate the stupid thing lol. Lots of people buy the bike helmets and mod them, I have one, I like it, doesnt really do anything for the ears mind you.

another option is to wear whatever you want and just get a mesh lower mask that covers your ears like this
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Old June 5th, 2013, 21:29   #11
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Thanks for the suggestions folks. For now, I am just going to revert back to regular hearing aids for games. I'll just switch a few days before so my brain learns to process the sound correctly. I am going to wait until I attend some games where folks are using helmet and observe first person. Sorry for the late reply. Work has been busy.
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Old June 5th, 2013, 22:35   #12
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Originally Posted by galabriath View Post
Recently I took a step into the unknown and got myself screwed in the head (quite literally) and acquired a bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA).

That's so badass! I love science.
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Old June 6th, 2013, 07:11   #13
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I would still like to see a picture of your ear setup. I think there are better options that switching back and forth.
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Old June 8th, 2013, 17:59   #14
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Ill try to post one tonight, after work.

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Old June 9th, 2013, 14:51   #15
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Haven't uploaded a photo before. Here is a photo so you get an idea of placement for those still interested.

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