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Hi cap mags.... Really?



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Old December 4th, 2012, 04:14   #1
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Angry Hi cap mags.... Really?

Hey there, just getting into the sport, I love the realism of airsoft, compared to my x turnement paintball backround. But when I see people using hi caps, it makes me wonder.... You're in full mil sim gear, talk the talk, but you're winding and rattling, as you're moving up the airsoft field, Firing as many rounds down range at you're apponents as possible. This is not milsim, nor realism. just coming into the sport, I can give an outside perspective on ( hi caps) I would feel embarrassed to put on all my Tac gear,radio,camo, then use a hi cap.

More of a rant sorry but I was wondering do others hate hi caps also? Is there sertain games I can go to where I can not run into anyone using these?
Thank you for you're reply's

Last edited by QUATTROISKING; December 4th, 2012 at 05:30..
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Old December 4th, 2012, 05:24   #2
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I dont use them, but I dont mind others using them either...

if they want to run around with rattlers on their guns go ahead...

also, shooting off ten rounds then winding for 2-3 seconds is a slight disadvantage to them...

Everyone has one, mostly because they come with the guns usually. But I dont think you see too many players buying hicaps to go with their hicaps, or loadouts with just hicaps...

I dont really care about the realism aspect of it all either, I just dont like winding or rattling on the field.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 07:26   #3
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Go to as many milsim games as you can... usually there's a hicap ban in effect.

IMO the only gun that should be running any sort of winding magazine is an LMG.
I change primaries like other people change socks.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 07:47   #4
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i've seen them used by new players, or people at skrims, though they usually only have one, and the next time they come out they have some mid caps
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Old December 4th, 2012, 07:56   #5
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Friends don't let friends use high caps. I have lent some of my standard cap mags to people at games to stop them from using using maracas. Every time they said they had a better time with the lower cap mags.

Half the fun of airsoft is reloading and the stress it induces.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 08:41   #6
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Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING View Post
Hey there, just getting into the sport, I love the realism of airsoft, ... Is there sertain games I can go to where I can not run into anyone using these?
Thank you for you're reply's
That's the key part there. You'll want to pick and choose the games you go to.

There's two to three sorts of airsoft games that you'll run into...size/number of guys playing/game theme/etc doesn't matter.

1. Fun skirmishes
- open to all comers, no gear/kit/loadout requirements. If you've got eyepro and a gun you're good to go. You'll see lots of new guys, lots of brand new out of the box first timers...using whatever they have.
- same as the above, but a bit more structured. Loose requirements re. gear...but tend to be pretty lax on loadout requirements. Some have mag limits. Typically no org structure, simple objectives (i.e. attack/defend), etc...

2. MilSims
- org structure, comms, pretty tight kit/gear requirements
- loadout requirements/limits, sometimes mag limits (but it's a PITA to manage sometimes...typically just saying 300rnds/sortie max, load your mags however you want works well enough).
- objectives might be simple, or very complex...they may evolve as the game plays out
- can be small 25-30 players...or large 100+. Can be an afternoon or multiday. Some of the best ones are short 6hr 30person games.

There's A LOT more skirmishes vs. MilSims...doesn't have to be that way really but a lot of time/energy goes into MilSims so it's easier to just toss together a skirmish. What doesn't work (just leads to frustration) is when guys go to one type of game expecting the other.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 08:45   #7
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Speaking as a new player myself, I am not a fan...but I can accept new players or LMG players using them. If that's all they have, I'd rather they play than not. That being said, I am a fan of the realism and milsim. I'd personally like to see more real cap games...
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Old December 4th, 2012, 09:30   #8
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I don't think I've seen players using HiCaps because they liked them;
Most I've seen were new players using whatever they had, as stated above. But after a few games you would see most of these new players transitioning to MidCaps mostly.

Hicaps tend to evaporate with time :P
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old December 4th, 2012, 09:53   #9
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I run a p90 there is no option. Lows are too weird to carry a full load out. "hi-caps' are gravity feed and shooting any direct but down fails. So I skip right to box mag. 1500rds of full auto p90. My 7331 M4 doesn't like anything but hi-caps.
This is more of a cave man perspective though. When everyone plays hi-caps and runs a 10 mag load out and their AEG's ROF sounds more like a blender than a pioneers weaving loom, then we will have caught up to the Japanese Players.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 10:23   #10
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Originally Posted by CR0M View Post
I dont use them, but I dont mind others using them either...

if they want to run around with rattlers on their guns go ahead...

also, shooting off ten rounds then winding for 2-3 seconds is a slight disadvantage to them...

Everyone has one, mostly because they come with the guns usually. But I dont think you see too many players buying hicaps to go with their hicaps, or loadouts with just hicaps...

I dont really care about the realism aspect of it all either, I just dont like winding or rattling on the field.
If you can only shoot 10 rounds on a wind, there's definitely something wrong with your hicap! Try 80 or 100, or even more.

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Old December 4th, 2012, 10:50   #11
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I have used hicaps in the past and I don't really mind the rattling. It's annoying, sure, but sometimes people just don't have the money to buy 10 mid or locaps and they're stuck with a hicap.

Most people who use them don't use them by choice, IMO.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 10:51   #12
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Unless you're a master tickler! tickle and fire! I hate having to wind, makes you shake too much and increases your grouping size a lot.

If you like realism, get a GBBR
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Old December 4th, 2012, 11:15   #13
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It may Not be Milsim or Realism but airsoft is played in many different ways. There is no correct way of playing airsoft. Milsim is just one of the many types of styles that airsoft incorporates. If someone likes wearing full on milsim gear and go play a speedball game its up to them. don't judge.

Speedball airsoft is very popular in Asia as well as the US. More in the US actually, its not that big of a thing in Asia but we still use Hi-Caps there for skirmishes.

If you "Hate" hi-caps then don't go to skirms with newbies cuz your gona see someone with a hi-cap. stick to milsims.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 11:24   #14
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Originally Posted by Huge View Post
I have used hicaps in the past and I don't really mind the rattling. It's annoying, sure, but sometimes people just don't have the money to buy 10 mid or locaps and they're stuck with a hicap.

Most people who use them don't use them by choice, IMO.
Well if you can afford $300 or $400 for a gun you can most likely afford the $50-$100 for lowcaps/midcaps.

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Old December 4th, 2012, 11:36   #15
Cobalt Caliber
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I have 2 hi-caps I keep them as loaners for my Paintball friends when I take them with me to skirms. But I don't even load my mid caps beyond a certain number of rounds. Midcaps 90+ round capacity is still way to high for me. I like to stick roughly around Brian McIlmoyle's TTAC rules which try to keep it within a few BB's of real cap. More often then not my Mid-caps are -45 BBs per mag at most. Now some guns like the FA-MAS are difficult to find mags for. This also goes with the new VFC HK417. So if players use Hicaps. As long as they are not idiots with them, it's fine.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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