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Start up costs of a GBBR


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Old July 5th, 2011, 16:59   #1
Ozone06's Avatar
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Start up costs of a GBBR

Step one: Put my flame retardant suit on.
Step two: Ask Question:

So I'm not asking about the cheap road here, I'm asking about the reliable road to GBBR Goodness. I'm looking at either an M4/M16 or a Scar-L but am open to other suggestions. I want to keep a Stanag mag configuration which saves me buying new pouches for mags.

I've read the horror stories of Gen-1 WE Scars and I've seen the headaches people have at games when their GBBR goes down. And well I'm looking for suggestions that would Minimalize that.

So any thoughts?

Step three: Find cover!!

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To those Rough men... Thank You.
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Old July 5th, 2011, 17:22   #2
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Pre Step
Step more
Step more

Hint: Pick a system...research by finding and reading the threads on that system (there are several instances that layout the "start up costs")

Short answer:
- approx $1000-1800 for a basic fieldable rifle (i.e. working gas rifle...but no optics/l33t stuff) and a loadout of mags.
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Old July 5th, 2011, 17:31   #3
aZn_triXta07's Avatar
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It's quite simple if you aren't looking to cheap out.

Pick a system: WE or Prime/Inokatsu
Internals: RATECH
Externals: Real Steel

The question is, are you mechanically capable of doing it yourself?
If so, GO FOR IT!
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Old July 5th, 2011, 17:41   #4
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$700 Used WE M4 (MK18mod1)
$200 on a tightbore and ra-tech upgrade kit
$100 on a vs-z kit.
$100 on trigger mech parts(hammer, sear trigger)
=1100$ for a average performing gun(haven't received the vs-z yet)

Now I've gotta pay like $300 for some mags.

So was it worth it? meh. I like the realism but for the money/reliability, no.
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Old July 5th, 2011, 18:38   #5
kullwarrior's Avatar
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I think you need to choose a model then a system first before going down any road. Then set your budget to limit your

1) Internal Air (propane/ 12g CO2) or External Air (tank +hoseline)
2) Choose a model
AR-15 (External&Internal Available)
AK47/74 (External&Internal Available)
SCAR (Internal ONLY)
M14 (Internal ONLY)
G36 (Internal ONLY)
KAC PDW (Internal ONLY)
MP5 (External&Internal Available)
AUG (External ONLY)
L85 (Internal ONLY)

3) Choose a manufacture
WE (AR-15, SCAR, PDW, M14, G36, L85)
WA/Magna System (All possible variant of M4)
VFC (M4A1, M4 CQBR, MP5, G36C)
Escort/Daytonagun (AK, AR-15, AUG, MP5, MP44) [EXTERNAL AIR]

4) Price range
<$500 (I don't care about reliability that much)
WE G36, KJW Cansoft M4, AGM/JG/China Magna M4)

$500 to $750
WE G36, WE SCAR, WE AR-15 (upgraded)
KJW M4/M4CQBR (upgraded)
King Arms M4
VFC MP5 & G36C?!?

$750 to $1000
Every WE series except M14 (upgraded)
G&P WOC rifle
VFC MP5 & G36C?!?

$1000 to $1500
WE M14 (upgraded)
Every WA/Magna M4 system except Inokatsu and Viper tech
Classic GBBR

Inokatsu, Viper Tech M4
Classic GBBR (rare ones)

As for counter, a WE G36 rifle
~$500 new G36 (standard, kurz, or compact within $25 difference)
$40 tightbore barrel
$120 trigger set
$15 NPAS (all G36 'officially' are uncontroleld firearm aka above 430fps)
$20 Firefly VSR bucking and SCS Spacer (if not you need to run 0.4g bb or heavier)

~$600 you can get a good G36, magazine are around $40 oversea each or you can pay canadian price of $50 each (if you're ordering more than 3 GO OVERSEA, the even EMS shipping, the cost will be cheaper)

Last edited by kullwarrior; July 5th, 2011 at 18:42..
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Old July 5th, 2011, 18:57   #6
Saberwing's Avatar
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Used KJW M4 - $340
6 Magazines - $200
ACOG - $40
DD RIS 9" - $60
DD 10.3" Barrel - $55
QD Silencer - $40
MBUS - $25
Total Cost: $755

KJW Mk18 MOD1 BLOCK 2 - Well VSR-10 - Les Baer Ultimate Recon
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Old July 5th, 2011, 19:37   #7
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at the very least - $1000.00,.... for shits and giggles
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Old July 5th, 2011, 20:29   #8
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Out of the box you'll need to replace many parts on a we scar-L to keep it functioning for a few games. And without the proper hinges, it's a ticking time bomb.
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Old July 5th, 2011, 22:52   #9
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Jump on this deal and you have a good start in you GBB career.

There is nothing to be shy by owning an M4 of KJW over an M4 of WE.
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Old July 6th, 2011, 10:18   #10
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This is a bit of a thread hijack (sorry ozone), but is a WE m4 the same thing as a WETTI M4? When I see a picture of a WETTI m4 in the bottom right corner there is usually a "WE" stamp, so this is what makes me guess that they are the same. That and the fact that the WETTI m4 is usually advertised in the WE section on most "for sale" sites.

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Old July 6th, 2011, 10:36   #11
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Originally Posted by Double|Rainbow View Post
This is a bit of a thread hijack (sorry ozone), but is a WE m4 the same thing as a WETTI M4? When I see a picture of a WETTI m4 in the bottom right corner there is usually a "WE" stamp, so this is what makes me guess that they are the same. That and the fact that the WETTI m4 is usually advertised in the WE section on most "for sale" sites.
WE is WETTI is AFC. I think the AFC version is the one with trademarks.

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Old July 6th, 2011, 12:06   #12
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Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
WE is WETTI is AFC. I think the AFC version is the one with trademarks.
Much thanks

A bullet may have your name on it, but a grenade is addressed to whoever it may concern.
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Old July 7th, 2011, 21:13   #13
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: SoCal, USA
My experience:

WE 416: $240
6 WE GG mags: $210
Vltor Emod stock: $120
Clone Vortex flash hider: $25
Stinger hopup: $25
RA-Tech NPAS: $40
Noveske QD End Plate: $22
Daniel Defense QD Rail Mount sling attachment: $40

So, $722 (US) for my GBBR. Granted, mostly optional parts. Gun and mags were less than $500. I left out the cost for the Aimpoint CompM4 I'm using on this gun.

$700ish isn't too out of line for what most of my AEG's cost, counting functional and Gucci upgrades.
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Old July 9th, 2011, 04:01   #14
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by wurger View Post
My experience:

WE 416: $240
6 WE GG mags: $210
Vltor Emod stock: $120
Clone Vortex flash hider: $25
Stinger hopup: $25
RA-Tech NPAS: $40
Noveske QD End Plate: $22
Daniel Defense QD Rail Mount sling attachment: $40

So, $722 (US) for my GBBR. Granted, mostly optional parts. Gun and mags were less than $500. I left out the cost for the Aimpoint CompM4 I'm using on this gun.

$700ish isn't too out of line for what most of my AEG's cost, counting functional and Gucci upgrades.
You are also American, meaning your prices for most stuff is typically lower than ours.
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Old July 11th, 2011, 23:39   #15
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I figured the OP could do the relative $$ math.

My point was that a basic WE GBB will probably cost the same as an upgraded, higher end AEG.
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