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ICS M4A1 Project



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Old June 6th, 2011, 21:20   #1
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ICS M4A1 Project

First off, I would like to say hello. I've been lurking and reading posts throughout the site but have never posted myself, until now.

Although I've owned this M4 for a year now, I'm still pretty new to airsoft. Only lately did I decide to modify my rifle to my tastes (or at least, try to). My M4A1 is a ICS-20 M4A1 Retractable model. So far I've changed the stock, added a scope, suppressor, new magazine and a rear flip up iron sight (which I completely forgot to mount back on for the picture). The only internal parts I've changed to date would be a new inner barrel (6.03... I think it was..).

Basically, my goal is to turn this M4 into something that looks more like a sniper rifle. I love M4's but also share an equal amount of love for sniper rifles (WA2000, M14 and m24 are some favorites). This may not of course appeal to everyone's tastes but hopefully I didn't butcher this rifle too much for your likings! I just thought I'd give it a shot and see what happens.

So here it is, work in progress. And yes, I'm aware it was on semi at the time the pictures were taken .

By mericiobenz at 2011-06-06

By mericiobenz at 2011-06-06

By mericiobenz at 2011-06-06

By mericiobenz at 2011-06-06

As I've mentioned earlier, the rear flip up iron sight is missing in the picture. Also, you're probably wondering why on earth does that rifle have both a scope and stock front sights installed.. Well, I'll be honest, I completely forgot all about the front sights until I took the pictures.

Now here's where I'd really love some input. Below is a list of mods I want to do this weekend. Some items I've already got a preference for as far as to which model to go with, while others, I'd really appreciate your ideas/opinions on.

- For a rail system, ICS MA-120 S.I.R. 14.5. Since finding a rail for this rifle is almost impossible it seems. Due to ICS unique measurements. Here's what I found (through Mach1) Personally, I really like the looks of this one.

- Front bipod, not 100% sure which would look better. Help?

- Front folding iron sight. More or less have an idea but again, comments and suggestions are welcome!

- Scope caps ( not sure if that's what they're actually called). Preferably ones that flip up, appose to ones that just pop off and are held together with a stretch cord. Really don't know where to find these and could really use some help.

Any input or help is greatly appreciated. Also hope you enjoy this thread so far. Can't wait to continue with these modifications!

I apologize in advance if I've broken any rules that I'm not yet aware of and (image sizing, image host, posted urls to store sites). Please let me know and I'll take care of it myself, thanks!
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Old June 6th, 2011, 21:23   #2
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You should put this in the media section.

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Old June 6th, 2011, 21:41   #3
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Change the front end, and you got a winner.

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Old June 7th, 2011, 19:48   #4
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
You should put this in the media section.
Ah, sorry. I wasn't exactly sure where to start this thread. Thanks for the heads up. If an administrator reads this, could you please do me the favor of moving this thread.. Since I've no clue how to myself
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Old June 12th, 2011, 07:15   #5
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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I'd advise against putting a RIS/RAS on it unless you plan to actually stick stuff on it. There are barrel mounts (clamps to barrel) that allows you to mount a bi-pod. Sniper rifles end up very front heavy when you start putting a lot of crap on it and it will feel a lot heavier than it actually is.

Folding sights aren't really required -- if you use raised scope rings, you'll never see your front sight. You also might want to replace the pistol grip for comfort, since as I said -- these things tend to get front heavy and I find the stock M4/M16 grip gives me blisters after a while.

The PRS looks a bit out of place because it's almost as long as the entire front end. I actually had a similar idea (mod M4 into a sniper rifle), though I eventually decided to just buy an M16 to do it (otherwise you will end up replacing the entire front end just for length).

(Years ago slapping a scope+bi-pod onto my M4... unsatisfactory)

Below: Current M4 and M16.
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Old June 14th, 2011, 00:28   #6
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Thanks for the heads up Affliction. I ended up installing the mods on my m4. You're right about the rail system. I've got nothing attached to it so far and it's already pretty front heavy. I think I should have went with a longer front.. seeing as I just fell in love with your M16... Looks awesome, great job. I'm waiting on my scope hood (finally found a place in B.C). Thanks for the feedback, really appreciate it. I'll post up new pics as soon as I get a chance. P.s. I may have to get an M16 now..
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Old June 14th, 2011, 02:48   #7
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The beauty of owning an ICS is that all you have to do is swap out the upper receiver and upper gearbox assembly.
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Old June 14th, 2011, 03:03   #8
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Please, keep it as is. Like said before, only put rails on your gun if you actually plan on using them. Otherwise you're cluttering up your gun for no real reason.

I'm curious though, how'd you acheive that kind of texture with your photographs? Its mesmerizing.
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Old June 14th, 2011, 12:31   #9
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I agree with Strelok the gun looks amazing if you realy need a RIS or RAS mount on it then try the grip rail kit. it will give you the ability to ad any grip or ris bipod you want and the stays looking epic
also in the past I have found front mounts that allow you to have the bayonet atttachment still haven't found any but I am starting to come arround to them.
but yeah if you want to put a different frontset on this gun then maybe a front grip set like this myte help ( ) but A++ on the photos and the gun looks killer.
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Old June 14th, 2011, 22:23   #10
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Shatter: The beauty of owning an ICS is that all you have to do is swap out the upper receiver and upper gearbox assembly.
Yeah, like Shatter stated, the ICS split box works awesome when switching upper receivers. At least it was really quick when I changed it to the MA-120 S.I.R. 14.5.

Strelok: Please, keep it as is. Like said before, only put rails on your gun if you actually plan on using them. Otherwise you're cluttering up your gun for no real reason.

I'm curious though, how'd you acheive that kind of texture with your photographs? Its mesmerizing.
Strelok, you're right. Don't get me wrong, I love Afflictions m16 and it has rail covers, makes it look even cleaner. But, when I installed the MA-120, the rails bulked up the rifle. Isn't working for me unfortunately.
I took HDR's of my rifle. Photography is my other hobby

iname: I agree with Strelok the gun looks amazing if you realy need a RIS or RAS mount on it then try the grip rail kit. it will give you the ability to ad any grip or ris bipod you want and the stays looking epic
also in the past I have found front mounts that allow you to have the bayonet atttachment still haven't found any but I am starting to come arround to them.
but yeah if you want to put a different frontset on this gun then maybe a front grip set like this myte help ( ) but A++ on the photos and the gun looks killer.
iname, first off, thanks for the compliments. Second off, that front grip is amazing. See I'd love to grab something like that. Every shop I've entered (in my area) told me that ICS is extremely picky with rail systems and so on. Apparently the measurements are slightly different, making something fit almost impossible. That's the only reason why I went with that pre-built MA-120 SIR. If that grip from that link were to fit.. I'd be in business.

I'll Be taking pic's this weekend of what it currently looks like :/. Meanwhile.. I'll be researching on iname's link on the Madbull JP hand guard.
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Old June 14th, 2011, 22:34   #11
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So it didn't take me long to find this in the forums
" "

But what worries me was this post

Originally Posted by DonKorleone View Post
I have a Madbull JP frontend installed on my ICS m4.

I had to buy a Madbull re-threading tool and have my gun doc re-thread the body to make the frontend fit properly.

There was also a bit of wobble after it was installed, that was fixed by adding a rubber washer from a stock TM piston head to make it more of a snug fit.

Works great and looks slick as hell now!
Though, this was a year ago.. Any ideas? Thanks in advance guys, really appreciate it.
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Old June 15th, 2011, 08:57   #12
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From my understanding, you need a different delta ring and front handgaurd cap in order to fit most RIS. For a sure fit, use the ics ris. I've owned 3 ics m4s, 2 in which have ris. Sure looks nice but I don't eveen use any rail accesories.
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Old June 20th, 2011, 20:21   #13
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Alright so it's been a little while but, like i promised, I took some pictures this weekend. Thanks to Strelok, I decided to take the same style of photos.
I didn't want to spam with a bunch of huge photos so you'll have to click the thumbs and click once again on the re sized image to get the "full res".

First off, here's the second front I picked up for the M4, the ICS MA-120 S.I.R. 14.5. In the end, I wasn't too happy.

And now, what I'm extremely happy with. Thanks iname for the idea. I got mine through, thanks Duy for the help as well. I went with the Mad Bull JP Rifles 9.8" Handguard Kit w/1 Length Barrel.

An extra with the last front end

An M9 from KJW I picked up on Saterday.

WE Dragon 5.1 I got a while back. With pointless but humorous accessories, hah.

Thanks for viewing


Also, I'm still trying to figure out where I can get my hands on a 3" sunshade for the scope.. Rear iron flip up is missing as well.

Last edited by 13enz; June 20th, 2011 at 20:24..
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