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CYMA AKS-74 (CM040) Barrel disassembly help


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Old July 2nd, 2010, 19:25   #1
Coresair's Avatar
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CYMA AKS-74 (CM040) Barrel disassembly help

Hi all!

I'm having a really hard time disassembling my CYMA CM040's barrel assembly: flashhider, outer barrel and handguards. Did anybody have a clue or a reference to how I could disassemble this part of my AEG?

I have a "pin" blocking my dummy cleaning rod, it screwed/punched/whatevered to the bottom of the front sight. I also have tried to take off the flashider with no sucess. People kept telling me about "pins" or screws that hold off the whole barrel assembly together but can't find them on my gun (I think there is a screw located at the gas tube/barrel ending but I'd still have to take out the cleaning rod, which I'm incapable of doing right now).

for the record: I have searched the forums, asked around CYMA owners, searched the forums some more, went to, went to filipino ak airsoft forums, searched there, googled the exploded views, checked out the various TM ak disassembly guides lying around on the interwebs then googled it some more...

It has been a week, I'm usually the DIY kind of person (and I'm stubborn as shit) but I'm fresh out of ideas. I'm requesting your help for this.

If you need pictures I could take some.

thank you in advance!
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Old July 2nd, 2010, 19:33   #2
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If this is a VFC clone, all you need to do is punch out the barrel pin. Familiarize yourself with AK nomenclature; it is located under the RSB, and through the front trunnion. Gas tube/ upper handguard should come off and out in real AK fashion; as would the lower handguard.

Last edited by GZA; July 2nd, 2010 at 19:35..
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Old July 7th, 2010, 00:30   #3
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After searching furthermore on VFC types and such, I came to realise there was something wrong with my personal gun. reffering to my first post, this is the part that keeps me from removing the fake cleaning rod. I cannot unsrcew it or punch it out as it doesn't seem to connect with the outer barrel. Does anyone have encountered this situation with their CYMA's ?

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Old July 7th, 2010, 08:24   #4
Basic-Wedge's Avatar
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I have the same issue with my CYMA AKS-74.

That front fastener appears to have been a 2.5mm hex head screw, but it must've been stripped-out during assembly. I can think of a few ways to get it out, but I don't have a similar fastener to replace it with. I'm not letting it bother me, since I really have no need to fully disassemble the front end of the gun.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 22:57   #5
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Originally Posted by Basic-Wedge View Post
I have the same issue with my CYMA AKS-74.

That front fastener appears to have been a 2.5mm hex head screw, but it must've been stripped-out during assembly. I can think of a few ways to get it out, but I don't have a similar fastener to replace it with. I'm not letting it bother me, since I really have no need to fully disassemble the front end of the gun.
Ahh I see, i got to take off that first hex screw...only to find out the rest of these holding the barrel are -all- stripped. These screws are so small I don't know if an easy-out would work, could try to solder an allen key to them but I'd be afraid to damage de gun in the process. this sucks big time as I was planning on replacing the stock handguards in the future.

thank you all for your help!
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Old July 8th, 2010, 12:32   #6
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I was thinking of just using a pair of needle-nose vice-grips to remove my stripped-out bolt. That's a lot easier than soldering anything, and there's a pretty good change I'll be able to reuse the fastener. You might, first, want to try that method...

As I understand it, once that first bolt is out, you can extract the cleaning rod, then access the hex head screw under the gas block. When that last screw is removed, the block should slide forward, and the rest of the front end just comes apart.

If our rifles each has the same issue, it's probably because they use some heavy handed assembly methods in the CYMA factory. Other than one stripped fastener, my gun has no problems, and is a real treat to use.

BTW, what fore end grip do you want to put on your rifle instead?
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Rob Bye

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