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colt m203 grenade launcher


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Old April 30th, 2010, 10:10   #1
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colt m203 grenade launcher

hello fellow airsofters
ripanu1 here from SCOTIA ARMS AIRSOFT. I WOULD LIKE TO AQUIRE A FEW OF TTHE GRENADE LAUNCHERS FROM Halifax Airsoft Wholesale.BUT NO WAY TO PAY ON ATOMS SITE. does anyone know how to purshase from him or am i wasting time trying to spend all this money .would really like at least 4 in my shop. if anyone can help that would be great.

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Old April 30th, 2010, 10:20   #2
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Why not PM him directly?
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Old April 30th, 2010, 10:30   #3
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colt m203 grenade launcher

his site says to contact him through airsoft can. not up on all procedures here
kinda green around here as far as finding shit. ??:
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Old April 30th, 2010, 10:35   #4
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You can't buy anything here unless you're Age Verified.

The FAQ button at the top of the page is your friend.

Direct link to AV info:

Sales are not permitted to un-AV'd users or minors.
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Old April 30th, 2010, 10:58   #5
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colt m203 grenade launcher

so your telling me a registered business ,canada wide ,importation license,40 yrs old own my own business plus hold other types of licenses. i have to drive 400 klms to be AGE VERIFIED . well maybe with the extra money $100.for gas ill shop other. . i guess i end this with thanks for the info ill skip the VERIFIED,? just wanted to keep my $money$ in the country,:salute:
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Old April 30th, 2010, 10:59   #6
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Originally Posted by ripanu1 View Post
so your telling me a registered business ,canada wide ,importation license,40 yrs old own my own business plus hold other types of licenses. i have to drive 400 klms to be AGE VERIFIED . well maybe with the extra money $100.for gas ill shop other. . i guess i end this with thanks for the info ill skip the VERIFIED,? just wanted to keep my $money$ in the country,:salute:
then order it from outside the country, see where that get's ya. If your going to ask a question about buying this type of item here your going to get the same response every time. Get AV'd. Respect it or move on. You don't have to like it but that's the way it is.
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Old April 30th, 2010, 11:20   #7
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Originally Posted by ripanu1 View Post
so your telling me a registered business ,canada wide ,importation license,40 yrs old own my own business plus hold other types of licenses. i have to drive 400 klms to be AGE VERIFIED . well maybe with the extra money $100.for gas ill shop other. . i guess i end this with thanks for the info ill skip the VERIFIED,? just wanted to keep my $money$ in the country,:salute:
That is the rules for this site to keep airsoft from minors, I'm sure you can appreciate the community concerns about possesion of airsoft for minors and respect it.
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Old April 30th, 2010, 12:06   #8
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Originally Posted by ripanu1 View Post
so your telling me a registered business ,canada wide ,importation license,40 yrs old own my own business plus hold other types of licenses. i have to drive 400 klms to be AGE VERIFIED . well maybe with the extra money $100.for gas ill shop other. . i guess i end this with thanks for the info ill skip the VERIFIED,? just wanted to keep my $money$ in the country,:salute:
Just because you have a registered business, does not mean your old enough to play airsoft. All you need to register a business is daddy's creditcard.

The internet is a wonderful thing. In this magical land, Everyone is 18+ and you can even make your facebook account, msn profile, twitter, myspace account show that you are.

If your not willing to get age verified, and your not willing to go out to games with verifiers, why are you even trying to retail these? What does that show for your commitment and interest to the airsoft community?

Getting pissy with us over age verification isnt going to help you, and IMO makes you look less legitemate as a retailer.
Airsoft in canada is a privilidge, not a right. Saying "If you dont want my money, ill go elsewhere" while flashing a wad of cash is not helping you at all.

Right now, the attitude youve displayed is making me suspect that you are in fact underage. As a verifier, Ive seen enough underage people act in similar fashion when confronted with AV.

Edit : If your planning on buying from outside of canada, Good luck. Obviously you know nothing about airsoft in canada. Running around saying you have an Importation License means nothing. I have an Importation license, and so do half the other gun docs on asc. It means nothing in terms of bringing restricted parts over the border. Do some damn homework before you get yourself in hot water with the CBSA.

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Last edited by DarkAngel; April 30th, 2010 at 13:09..
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Old April 30th, 2010, 16:45   #9
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how many people do you know that enjoy paying over a dollar a litre for gas and would have to drive 400+ kilm costing about 100 bucks just because i need to be age verified maybe you guys should have live video chat and you could see that i am not under 18 but over 39 which is 40 i could hold up my drivers lic. and smile to match my picture but maybe the wrinkles and white hairs could be added in with adobe i guess ill stick with franks wonderful service over at v.a. where i enjoy spending MY MONEY made from MY license .and as far as importing i GET what ever i order, its just that with our econ. i think its proper
to try to put the money back into our country unlike some of our leaders.if there is any other way besides draging myself up there to hear shit man your old looking lol yup def. old enough.just trying to save money and i dont like the long drives.4.3 v6 gmc is just about at the top of the fuel latter.i have sold over 200 aegs 15 gbb riffles and a ton of acc. and gbb pistols all tinted lower rec. never sell to minors,ever and also not to mention i have my own play field with buildings and it is around 2 acres square. oh shit i just had a brain fart ...what if you guys were say to meeting a fella half way how about i set up a fax from the county det. of my local rcmp office and fax you guys my drivers license. qite a brain fart but any ways ill hang around here a few more days then . and cont.on my next move .o ya before i forget the licences i have for example restricted carrier licencse. allows me to import all my shit but why give them the money when i can invest here im sorry if your
sixth sense ability tells you im mad and under 18 .i hope you dont make a living with that tallent.because your way off. any ways have a good day and ill think on the trip and if i dont drive up then thats alright.ill take my shot down wounds and carry on never to return and i know youll just miss the hell out of me. further note i didnt need any var. from ken at 007 0r at CAS. very fine considerate people over there . sometimes ya got to flash the cash to get er done was just trying to buy 5 203,s def. no sale now thats over a grand in 1 gauranteed ouch
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Old April 30th, 2010, 16:56   #10
Wanna buy some Nod's? #StolenValour
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what's your stores web address? Google returned zippo.
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Old April 30th, 2010, 17:37   #11
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Holy run on sentence, Batman...

Anyway look, if you want to/can deal with Halifax Airsoft on your own like you do with V.A and CAS and whoever else, you go ahead and do that.

If you want to deal ON the forum, you follow the rules. It's simple.

If you're actually a licensed business as you claim, I don't even know why you're trying to go through a 3rd party forum to purchase wholesale from them. What's up with THAT?
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Old April 30th, 2010, 18:04   #12
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Yarmouth is 300km from Halifax, not 400.
If you were AV'd on here then you'd open up a huge opportunity for yourself in terms of supply and customer base, though I doubt you can compete with HAW.

That illogical sense of business, and your piss poor grammar, suggests that you are indeed BSing.
I change primaries like other people change socks.
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Old April 30th, 2010, 18:17   #13
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
If you're actually a licensed business as you claim, I don't even know why you're trying to go through a 3rd party forum to purchase wholesale from them. What's up with THAT?
I was thinking the same thing. If you have a BFL and your importing your own stuff. Why are you bothering with dealing with a middle man? Sounds to me like your just buying locally and reselling.

Quite frankly, I dont care how many guns you claim to sell. This is the internet, and anyone can say w/e the hell they want. If I wanted to, I could fake a video or webcam stream, duplicate it w/e. As far as Im concerned, your not a known retailer, you arnt a known player. If noone reputable in the community (ie age verifier) can vouch for you, then as far as im concerned, you are no different from every other 14 year old out there.

I will repeat what the others have been saying. Ive never heard of you, Ive never seen you. I have no idea where your selling all these guns or whom your selling em to because considering your competeing with CAS and 4-5 other Cansoft retailers and even then there arnt alot of tinted guns out there. Your numbers just dont seem to add up. Im not accusing you of anything. This is just my personal opinion.

Your reaction and poor attitude towards the community doesnt give me a good vibe about you. Selling guns or not, I wouldnt do business with someone like you, never mind go out of my way/time to verify you. (If i was your local representative). I also dont buy that whole "Im doing it for the local economy" thing.

Sorry but dude, your situation is beyond fishy. Alarm bells have long gone off from your first post, your other posts just confirmed it. Even if you are almost 40. Verifiers have the right to refuse verification if they deem the person to be unsafe, poor attitude etc. You would not be verified even if you came to me in my books.

Drake has twice now given you links and information regarding the rules of the forum. I highly suggest you read them if you intend to have any sort of future on asc in both business or personal matters. Age verification is not only to verify your age, its to prevent other potential problems such as duplicate accounts etc. This is why we dont allow verification over cam, pictures, etc.

Edit : 4 Verifiers, one of which is in charge of the whole verification process is calling shenanigans on you. With the poor attitude you have displayed so far, I wish you luck on your ventures outside of the general airsoft community, cause chances are, if you keep up with that attitude, you sure as hell arnt getting it from here.

2nd Edit : I found his business registry. Its a new company registered 7 days ago. You must have alot of business if your selling 250airsoft guns under the name of a company started less than a week ago.

PROFILE - SCOTIA ARMS AIRSOFT - as of: 2010-04-30 08:16 PM

Company/Society Name: SCOTIA ARMS AIRSOFT
Registry ID: 3244964
Type: Partnership/Business Name
Status: Active
Jurisdiction: Nova Scotia
Registered Office: 1081 HARDSCRATCH ROAD
Mailing Address: RR4 BOX 4810


Name Position Civic Address Mailing Address


Activity Date
Registered 2010-04-21
This does not prove or disprove anything, as you still have to see a verifier in person. You dont have to be 18+ to own or have a business registered in your name.

Certified Sniper Clinic Instructor and Counter Sniper
Sentinel Arms Customs - Specializing In Unique, One of a kind guns

Last edited by DarkAngel; April 30th, 2010 at 19:32..
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Old April 30th, 2010, 20:02   #14
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i appoligize for seeming pissed ,im not pissed at all just frustrated .so i will spend the money for gas and try to hook up with your ver. and as far as the money staying in canada yes it is true no b.s. i think its better to invest here
also my shop is totaly real so ill leave the unbelievers these couple of pics showing me in gear and also a peak at a couple of registrys of mine ill not be rattling on any more .if thats how you want to play than ill get er done ill just have to figure out when i can take the trip very busy oh another thing my web store is currently in process just another 4,500 dollars and shes mine it will be very user freindly with pay pal and all the sorts ill get ver. if you wish and i do agree with keeping the guns out of youngsters hands there would be nothing worse than a kid getting shot for having a fake gun. sorry for the grief guys
later. oh this is my new name it has been changed because i wanted to incorprate where i was from nova scotia via-scotia arms airsoft
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Last edited by ripanu1; April 30th, 2010 at 20:07.. Reason: forgot something
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Old April 30th, 2010, 20:24   #15
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Fair Enough. Understand that as Verifiers we hear the same thing from countless people. 99% of the time, our suspicions are correct. When something doesnt look right, smell right, it usually isnt. And yes Ive been given the "i own a business so i have to be old enough" line before. Youd be surprised what "internet evidence" kids will try to pull to get around the age verification system.

As I said to another member on the boards earlier this week. Im not a diplomat. I call it as I see it. If I come across as hard, its because I try to be as vigilant as possible in maintaining that system.

Good luck with your age verification and your business venture.

Certified Sniper Clinic Instructor and Counter Sniper
Sentinel Arms Customs - Specializing In Unique, One of a kind guns

Last edited by DarkAngel; April 30th, 2010 at 20:29..
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