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Old March 23rd, 2006, 22:48   #31
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Well, I've got a TM G36C on the way, that'll be my first step into the G36's. I'll probably mod it into a K with the STAR conversion kit eventually if I like the performance and if not I'll just sell it and get the STAR G36K and do some work on the internals, but I am a big admirer of TM especially for beginners, they do have good reliability from what I've seen so far.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 23:43   #32
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Ressurecting my own thread to ask a quick question: Do the CA/STAR G36 Series guns accept the TM 50 rd. Mags?
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Old April 27th, 2006, 21:45   #33
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I can't remember for certain, and I believe I may have heard a couple different things but do stock G36c's (TM) fit the 1200 MaH Intellect battery packs? Or do they require some slight modification. If anyone with experience could help me out with this I'd much appreciate it. Thanks!
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Old April 27th, 2006, 22:29   #34
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Originally Posted by Aaidin
Ressurecting my own thread to ask a quick question: Do the CA/STAR G36 Series guns accept the TM 50 rd. Mags?
No, the TM mags have a little notch in the top, that when loaded, will force the CA/Star G36's to explode :grin:

Yes they'll all fit :cheers:
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Old April 29th, 2006, 14:01   #35
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Yay! My TM G36C arrived today! I'm happy. I'll play with it tomorrow and let people know what I think.
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Old June 3rd, 2006, 12:33   #36
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I've got a query;

I want to remove the iron sights from the TM rail of my G36, but the pins are stubborn as shit. How do I do it? Speculations welcome, I'll try anything once.
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Old June 3rd, 2006, 16:44   #37
Ghost Snake
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Originally Posted by Lerch
I've got a query;

I want to remove the iron sights from the TM rail of my G36, but the pins are stubborn as shit. How do I do it? Speculations welcome, I'll try anything once.
Dangerous statement my friend. I'll leave the examples out, but you can be sure I'm thinking of something terribly gross and twisted.

But seriously though, what have you tried? I would be surprised if a hammer and punch couldn't get it out. I've never taken mine off, but I might try now, just to see.
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Old June 3rd, 2006, 22:47   #38
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Ghost Snake
But seriously though, what have you tried? I would be surprised if a hammer and punch couldn't get it out. I've never taken mine off, but I might try now, just to see.
I did it with a screw driver, a hammer, a pair of pliers and a 50/50 mixture of elbow grease and skin. Then I went out today and found some nuts and bolts to bolt them on from now on.
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Old June 3rd, 2006, 22:53   #39
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You could get an extremely caustic substance and eat away at the sights until they're gone, and then buffer it till it's smooth.

...You said anything.
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Old June 4th, 2006, 00:30   #40
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Okay...I take back the 'anything' comment.

I'll give the hammer and pin a shot.
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Old July 8th, 2006, 16:58   #41
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Another Ressurection for my beloved G36C thread.

I've had the gun for quite some time now, played many games (well, about 10) with it and I love it. I'm definitely planning the upgrades to be in place for late summer/early fall this year and I need a tiny bit of help.

I want to minimize any stress on the internals of the gun while still bringing up the FPS. From what I understand the best way to achieve this is by creating better airseal rather than stronger springs. So the idea is to get a metal bushing set, metal gears, and a reasonably powerful spring to take it up to around 350-375 Fps. After that I planned on a 6.01mm tightbore which may or may not (still haven't got confirmation on this) add 10-20 more fps. Are there any other parts that will improve the airseal and allow me to use not quite such a powerful spring?

So other than the standard Systema or Guarder Bushings and Gears a Spring that will bring it to where I want (which I can figure out on my own I'm pretty sure). Was there anything I missed? I'm fairly certain the other internal parts (Piston, Cylinder, etc...) will be fine in stock form and still last quite a while.

Also, once I get my gun do people recommend I try and install the stuff by myself or send it to a gunsmith somewhere to get it done?

Thanks for the help everyone!

*EDIT: Just looked at the Guarder FTK for the G36C on UNcompany and it looks like a simple way to get everything I want (except the barrel) but the spring (SP120) according to Illusions Spring Comparison Chart would put the gun well over 400 that a misreading of information or is the FTK a weird thing to buy?
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Old July 21st, 2006, 21:35   #42
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I really need a reply to this ASAP. I'm ordering in a Guarder FTK for my G36C tomorrow probably but I need to know if I should order a weaker spring as well? I don't want to push my gun over 400 fps, in fact, 375-385 would be nice.
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Old July 22nd, 2006, 00:38   #43
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If you love the crane stock they do sell a Crane Stock adapter for the G36..
Dunno what it will look like but it will be unique.. I am ordering the Sniper V Stock for
the G36 it has a cheekpad and well a nice 11v battery will go inside.. cant wait
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Old November 30th, 2006, 17:17   #44
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Here's a nice one, Pic of it on the G36C, so u can c how it will look

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Old December 5th, 2006, 20:08   #45
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I love the way the G36C looks. Thats a nice stock too.
Insane, did you just totally try to shoot me?
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