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Atlantic Armory F- (Long Rant)



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Old February 14th, 2006, 10:20   #16
A Total Bastard
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Originally Posted by Sephir0th
Yeah after all this, I'll definately reconsider buying online again.

I do blame myself for waiting this long thou.

At least they replied me this morning, saying they had a storm, and that hes going to send out my refund now, which is still odd...since paypal takes one minute, but oh long as I get it.
To be honest, I don't have to deal with these guys to understand they are jerks and liars.

I wouldn't have been as optimistic as you however. I haven't been burned yet (a testament to the people I buy from on this board) but I have learned from other threads just like this one. I hear one excuse (they had a storm? give me a fuckin break) and I'll let it slide. Two or more and I ask for a refund, I don't care what they say. It's here today? Too bad. You didn't fulfill your commitment.

My question is why the fuck are these guys still on the "Canadian Retailers" bar on this site? This thread alone is testimony that they should at least be pulled for a probationary period. Maybe they can get their shit togther and get back on the list.

It's a real shame online retailers can't take a lesson from some of the retailers on this board. I have bough from these boards a couple of times, and always been impressed with the communication.

Most retailers here send out regular emails with updates without having to be hounded at all. IT's CUSTOMER SERVICE and it's obvious these guys don't have a fuckin clue what that is.

It's to their detriment. In this game all you need are a stable supplier and good communication and you can corner the fucking market.
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Old February 14th, 2006, 11:00   #17
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I have dealt with Specarms, Rangers/DEA and Tru.

Trust them. They have the best prices and the rep.
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Old February 14th, 2006, 11:54   #18
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Atlantic Armoury has been removed from the retailer list.
Nothing to see here
May you live in interesting times.
ASCMART, your smart choice
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Old February 14th, 2006, 12:34   #19
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I usually get my guns from Tru; always been a positive experience. (even when Peter Kang fucked everyone on the KJW group order, Tru made everything right)

Recently also picked up a WE pistol from DEA, that was really smooth too. I'd deal with them again.

And I've dealt with Illusion a lot for parts; great guy, never a problem there either.
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Old February 14th, 2006, 12:43   #20
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I agree: Airsoft Kelowna, DEA, SpecArms and Tru are the best retailers I have used and bought from to date. They are also the only Canadian Retailers currently listed on out team website due to the great deals and transactions I have done with them.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old February 14th, 2006, 13:26   #21
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Yeah retailer ratings are really helpful to newbs like me who plans on buying their first AEG. It's nice to know who to trust and who not to trust with our hard-earned money.

Cheers guys,
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Old February 14th, 2006, 15:08   #22
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ATTN mods

I noticed that "Velocity Arms" (?) in the retailer list goes to one of those generic search portals junk things.
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Old February 14th, 2006, 15:58   #23
Bob the Angry Potato
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You know Craig, on this site?
He ordered an AK-47 from Atlantic Armoury as well, and from what I can tell it still hasn't arrived.
Flabeo did the same thing (complaint, now edited out, in the Old Buy/Sell Ratings) and it took 3 months to get to him (I know him personally, I can testify to this).
Lisa did the right thing, but the guns aren't with the people yet...
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old February 14th, 2006, 16:19   #24
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I'd have to say that Rangers, Tru, and Spec arms are the best. I've dealt with SD-Unit too but not anything major (mags and such). They handled themselves well, but recently they've lost their website and haven't been updating whats left of it lately. I'm a little sketchy about DEA since their inventory is similar if not the same to Rangers and so is their site. Seems fishy. But they have a rep while I wasn't present here so I'd give em a go if they had something I needed. I also like that rangers has 4% tax, only really major when your buying 500 and up or so.

Also 007 has what looks like a creditable website just haven't tried them yet.

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Old February 14th, 2006, 16:22   #25
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DEA shares stock with RA, that's why they have the same stock.

I thought it looked fishy too, until he cleared it up.
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Old February 14th, 2006, 16:27   #26
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I bought from rangers before and my invoice said DEA.
The one and the same as far am I am concerned.
The difference I noticed at the time was that DEA added tax in the shopping cart feature while Rangers didn't. This could be due to the fact that rangers didn't sell enough to even pay tax while DEA did. Just a tax thing, nothing more.

The question is, which do you like better, green or red?
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Old February 14th, 2006, 16:36   #27
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I don't deal with anyone that I can't show up at their door and kick their teeth in.

Needless to say I've never been scammed.
When the going gets tough... the tough go cyclic.
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Old February 14th, 2006, 16:42   #28
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Sounds like a full prof method.

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Old February 14th, 2006, 16:55   #29
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Wow...all this time we've been telling noobs to use the retailer bar....I personally like dealing with Forum members more...especially those who have 6+ Trader ratings. I mean if they get it that high they aren't likely to screw you over for small things.
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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Old February 14th, 2006, 16:57   #30
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Originally Posted by AvroAero
I'd have to say that Rangers, Tru, and Spec arms are the best. I've dealt with SD-Unit too but not anything major (mags and such). They handled themselves well, but recently they've lost their website and haven't been updating whats left of it lately. I'm a little sketchy about DEA since their inventory is similar if not the same to Rangers and so is their site. Seems fishy. But they have a rep while I wasn't present here so I'd give em a go if they had something I needed. I also like that rangers has 4% tax, only really major when your buying 500 and up or so.

Also 007 has what looks like a creditable website just haven't tried them yet.
007 is pretty safe to deal with although their listed price is a bit higher. I've tried to buy my G3/SG1 from them but by the time I sent the money, it wasn't available anymore.... Ken was pretty good at responding and explainning what had happened and refunded my money promptly. At the time it was about $750.

The fact that he responded quickly to that and refunded my money promptly made me feel that I could trust them enough to do business....
(> <) Joinning the cause.....

Originally Posted by harleyb
Who wants a Chinese pickle?
Yuxi: Yo...count me in. Viet pickles are great too!

Manmaries: Dude a chinese pickle is when you get a blowjob from a girl while she's taking a shit. Yuxi you kinky white supremascist you!
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