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want a bit more range


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Old March 6th, 2012, 22:35   #16
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@ OP:

This is what I'd do to start out:

- "upgrade" to .28 if not .30g BB's
- Bucking (Prommy Purple/soft)
- SCS (Shredder Concave Spacer)
- Tight Bore (6.02 or 6.03)
- M110 or M120 spring
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Old March 6th, 2012, 23:33   #17
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
I've developed a personal theory (that I'm guessing a lot of you more experienced guys here share) that this little interaction Stalker is describing above is the source of a lot of misguided "you don't call your hits" accusations...
Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
I don't think so, because most of the "You don't call your hits" I see happens in plain sight with clear sound of BBs hitting the player.
It's actually both of what you said, some guys, even experienced players, want faster speed so it's harder to dodge BBs, makes for a slightly faster kill. Introduce brush, 0.20g bounce off dead grass easy. So there have been times rounds haven't made it through brush, guy on the other side, totally untouched, gets accused of cheating.

Other hand, there are guys you shoot a burst at, hear "THWAP THWAP THWAP TINK!" on them, they shift a bit then move or shoot back. In which case you can either unload on the fucker aiming for sensitive spots, better action is to call them out and warn the next burst will be 100% face or balls shot with a highcap......... or say your hop up is set on full, have heavy ass'd BBs loaded, they will fly up between his balls and asshole, make him take the rest of the week off, but is ok because you have tampons to hand out to 'Jessies' on the field.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; March 6th, 2012 at 23:39..
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Old March 6th, 2012, 23:53   #18
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Originally Posted by Shatter View Post
+1 for R hop. Especially if you have the patience and time to properly tune it.
Takes a long ass time the first time. I'm down to about an hour from initial gun takedown to complete tuned install now.
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Old March 7th, 2012, 01:10   #19
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
@ OP:

This is what I'd do to start out:

- "upgrade" to .28 if not .30g BB's
- Bucking (Prommy Purple/soft)
- SCS (Shredder Concave Spacer)
- Tight Bore (6.02 or 6.03)
- M110 or M120 spring

+1 super yes.
Seems everyone is going to recommend a different hop rubber though lol
IMO firefly without SCS is still the greatest thing on the market
Otherwise, ARS rubber or even guarder black with SCS.

I'm sure you've seen this a lot too, guys realize there's a sniper rifle pointed at them, started laying down full auto like it's gonna save their lives, but they're panicking and you can see every one of their rounds spray in a perfect circle around you as you fire off the one shot that really matters lol

Little do they know, if they just took the time to aim in semi, they'd have a much higher chance of hitting us
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Old March 7th, 2012, 02:11   #20
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I guess I should also qualify the TBB with a QUALITY TBB. Part of accuracy depends on the tightness of the bore but a larger part of it is the "trueness" of it. If it's kinked it will send the BB downrange in weird trajectories. If it's "true" it will send the BB out in a more predictable trajectory.

I highly recommend Prommy 6.03 TBB's but they can be pricey, however the benefit of the Stainless Steel design is that it's more rigid than other materials that barrels are made of and can better stand barrel wobble but TBH it's kind of a moot point if you've got a one piece outer and a free float rail system.
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Old March 7th, 2012, 04:10   #21
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the consistency matters a lot more than the bore, within a reasonable limit of course.
But a gas pistol with a 120mm barrel, 6.08 bore, as long as it's a consistent bore, the pistol is a sniper rifle lol
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Old March 7th, 2012, 10:24   #22
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
@SMD, where are you located? That would help us steer you towards a local group in your area, where there is most likely a number of people willing to help you in person. Also we can point you towards an AV rep.
This is the #1 best advice to follow.

Originally Posted by SMD View Post
i dont know much about the difference with bb weight. but my gun right now is shooting 355-360. if i use .20s shouldnt i be getting more range?
See comments about effective range vs. max range. Going from 0.20's to 0.25+ weights is like magic (even if the spring/power isn't changed). It'll be travelling slower and you might get a little less range, but consistency of hitting what you're aiming at goes WAY up.

Rough analogy (and exagerated a bit for clarity)...With 0.20's at your max range where the BB is still flying vs. dropping to the ground, you're aiming at a guys center mass...but your BBs are ending up in an area the size of his whole body, you've got to dump a lot of shots to maybe hit him. Swap out to 0.25's and step 5 big paces towards your target, aim for the same shot and now your BBs are landing in the area the size of his chest. Swap out to 0.30's, adjust your distance to the target a bit, and now you can more predictably aim that 1-2 shots and land them right where you want. All of this is magnified outdoors with a bit of a crosswind, with guys moving, partially hidden/etc...

That's all without changing anything with your rifle.

Try it out at the next game...load one mag with 0.20's and another with 0.25's or something heavier. Have the wind crossing from left to right (or vice versa) and aim at a target at your max range. Let 'er rip in full auto, don't change your aim hold steady, and watch the pattern of BB's. Switch ammo and repeat.

If you want to really see this in practice...have a buddy stand down range and keep moving back until you can't hit him 4/5 times any longer. That's your effective range. Switch to heavier BBs and repeat. Then let him do the same to you...'cause that's only fair.

After using good BBs you get into squeezing more out of it from there...and you'll want to look at the following for biggest bang for buck:
1. Airseal...consistent airseal = solid base for realizing accuracy
2. Hopup rubber/nub = consistent hopup application
3.'ve already got...but keep in mind that quality really starts to count when you're chasing the "perfect" setup...and all "tightbores" are not created equal
4. Spring

All that said and done....figure out what/where you're shooting. If it's outdoors...then heavier BBs + whatever down the road (you DON'T have to rebuild your gun on day 1 to have fun). If it's indoors...0.20's are fine and don't sweat the upgrades. At typical indoor ranges it doesn't matter...if you're really having accuracy issues indoors see #1 and #2.
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Old March 7th, 2012, 14:32   #23
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BB weight and velocity is always talked to death and generally wrong

Everyone should re-read this:

Specifically the coles notes:

The Coles notes is that at "X" range (i think it's 100ft) a .30 BB is travelling faster than a 0.20 BB as the 0.20 BB has a higher rate of deceleration. Lighter weight BB's simply do not get to target faster than a heavier BB or, the difference is meaningless
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old March 7th, 2012, 14:50   #24
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What a's like one of my ranting posts but all numbers and graphs. Who wants actual scientific reasoning in a forum?

I am surprised to see that heavier BBs will travel farther (flat shot same power etc...) than lighter BBs. However, since the tabled data is a theoretical ideal and the difference is only ~20-ish ft between 0.20/0.30...I can see why in practice the difference in range is not so apparant.

It really does still distill down to:
- in CQB...doesn't matter and 0.20's are fine
- in outdoors...shoot min 0.25's
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Old March 7th, 2012, 14:56   #25
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I'm sure you've seen this a lot too, guys realize there's a sniper rifle pointed at them, started laying down full auto like it's gonna save their lives, but they're panicking and you can see every one of their rounds spray in a perfect circle around you as you fire off the one shot that really matters lol

Little do they know, if they just took the time to aim in semi, they'd have a much higher chance of hitting us
True enough, and a smart sniper will have bunkered himself in well enough that the only BBs coming close are the ones falling on his head after hitting leaves and branches.
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 01:16   #26
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
@SMD, where are you located? That would help us steer you towards a local group in your area, where there is most likely a number of people willing to help you in person. Also we can point you towards an AV rep.
hey sorry for the really really late reply

but right now i did take some advice from this thread i posted
i regreased my gun gave it a tight airseal replaced that stupid clear vfc piston
the hop up is fine atm and i did do a little test with using

.20s .25s .28s .3s

at .2s 378 fps at 200 feet my bbs made a little nick in the box
withs 2.5s the dent was a bit bigger
but when i got to the .28s it was noticable and the groupings were tighter
and with the .3s they went through the first wall of the box .

but right now im located in markham richmondhill area.
an AV rep would be greatly appraciated soo i can get full access to this site

Thank you
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 02:55   #27
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Good to hear.

I personally find .28's probably the best weight to use. Although the difference between .28 and .3 isn't that much I feel that .28 is the right mix of speed and accuracy for most "rifleman" roles.
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 03:20   #28
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
True enough, and a smart sniper will have bunkered himself in well enough that the only BBs coming close are the ones falling on his head after hitting leaves and branches.
And yet rocks and my ebb shooting .12s were able to bring you to your knees
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Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 08:45   #29
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You mean that night I was quite drunk and tripped over rocks? Lol
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 13:23   #30
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
You mean that night I was quite drunk and tripped over rocks? Lol
you left out the part where you fell into the fire
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Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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