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JG HK 416 Review



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Old March 17th, 2008, 15:36   #151
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465 is hot wow.

Has anyone replaced their actually shims yet, and with what brand?

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Old March 17th, 2008, 15:48   #152
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Yeah, really hot. And I know without a doubt (from the sound the BB made on impact) that it was a LOT harder than the other shots, so I know it wasn't a chrony error. I chronied a few more shots since then, and only had one shot hit 452. Other than those 2 isolated shots, I haven't had a shot go over 435. But still, that's WAY too hot.
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Old March 17th, 2008, 16:09   #153
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I got a sunburn the first time I fired mine.
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Old March 17th, 2008, 16:12   #154
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Old March 18th, 2008, 00:16   #155
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Yeah just got back home from Crunches house, used his crony and my gun is firing around what I wanted 380, his is also getting around 407 so our guess is that the springs just needed to get broken in since I've already put 600+ rounds through the gun and he hasn't put nearly that many.
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Old March 18th, 2008, 00:22   #156
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Well well... how springs settle...

Sepulcrum came over to my place tonight so he could chrony his HK416. He fired maybe a dozen or so shots thru the chrony using Metal Tech .20g (used my BBs), and his was firing pretty consistently at about 370 -380fps. With these low results compared to what I had shot with mine originally, I put about 25 rounds through my chrony with my 416.

It seems like my current muzzle velocity is somewhat lower than when I originally chronied it. Tonight it was shooting pretty consistently (for the most part) in the 410 range, with an odd spike or drop in velocity. About 5 or 6 shots in a row clocked exactly 410.7 (the screen blinked before the new reading came up, so I know it wasn't just the chrony not registering the shots). A few subsequent shots also hit exactly 410.7. The high was a single shot that hit 435 or so and there wa couple of low ones in the 388-394 range. But it was pretty consistent in the 410-420 range for most shots.

So it would appear that my spring is starting to settle with a bit of use. I've only fired about 200 rounds out of it at most since I got it. When I first chronied it, I had put at most 50 rounds through it, IF that. Sepulcrum said he's fired over 600 out of his, and it was about on par with the advertised velocity of 370 for this gun. It appears that the stock springs might sette down somewhat with use. I'm hoping that happens with mine as well. I hope that it eventually settles down to a sub-400 fps speed like Sepulcrum's did.

This could also explain why my MP5 seems to shoot a lot lower velocity than when I first got it. I thought it was shooting mid-to-high 300s. After putting 1500+ rounds through it 2 weeks ago at a friend's house, it didn't seem to shoot quite as fast as it did before, although still hitting with respectable force. When I finally chronied got my chrony, it was actually shooting 340-ish. 10 fps above the advertised speed.

I'll keep an eye on this and chrony this gun more regularly as I shoot it to see if the springs settles, and if so, how much.

On another note, we opened up our guns and compared internals. He has the SB-tagged mechbox everyone else seems to have with these 416s. I have a UTG-tagged mechbox. However, from what we could tell without actually removing them from the gun is that they appeared to be identical in every way. The pistons, springs and spring guides all appeared to be the same. The finish on his spring was a bit worn since he's used it more than mine, but otherwise, all seemed the same. Even the SB and UTG fonts were the same, although the UTG tag is stamped deeper into the mechbox shell and in a slightly smaller size font.

And yeah, his rails are sharp too. He's worn down the edges on his top and bottom rails a bit, but hasn't done the side ones. Mine are sharper than his.
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Old March 18th, 2008, 01:21   #157
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I had mine chrono'd lastnight, 350-360fps with .25s and I've put about 1000 rounds through mine.
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Old March 18th, 2008, 01:33   #158
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you guys and your fancy chronies, I'm stuck here trying to finish as much coke as I possibly can.

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Old March 18th, 2008, 01:48   #159
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
I had mine chrono'd lastnight, 350-360fps with .25s and I've put about 1000 rounds through mine.
That's very interesting to hear. That velocity with .25s would translate to about 370-380 with .20s - about the same as Sepulcrum's is currently firing. I hope mine can settle to the same range. IMO, that's the ideal velocity, and it's the velocity I'm shooting for (no pun intended) with all my longer AEGs.

Originally Posted by Qlong View Post
you guys and your fancy chronies, I'm stuck here trying to finish as much coke as I possibly can.
lol Well, I think there's some validity to using a coke can for testing, but the numbers on Redwolf's guide are WAY off. New numbers would have to be drummed up using Canadian cans, rather than cans from Asia. They're more than likely very different than ours in terms of thickness and possibly material.

If I can get some free time, I'll see if I can throw some coke can numbers together to create a more relevant "poor man's chrony" chart than Redwolf's. My 11 airsoft guns have a wide enough range of velocities that I should be able to at least give a rough idea that can give someone a ballpark figure on how powerful their guns are.
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Old March 18th, 2008, 01:53   #160
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post

lol Well, I think there's some validity to using a coke can for testing, but the numbers on Redwolf's guide are WAY off. New numbers would have to be drummed up using Canadian cans, rather than cans from Asia. They're more than likely very different than ours in terms of thickness and possibly material.

If I can get some free time, I'll see if I can throw some coke can numbers together to create a more relevant "poor man's chrony" chart than Redwolf's. My 11 airsoft guns have a wide enough range of velocities that I should be able to at least give a rough idea that can give someone a ballpark figure on how powerful their guns are.
If you would be so kind that would be greatly appreciated not just by me but all the guys out there stuck with this fine testing method.

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Old March 18th, 2008, 02:00   #161
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
That's very interesting to hear. That velocity with .25s would translate to about 370-380 with .20s - about the same as Sepulcrum's is currently firing. I hope mine can settle to the same range. IMO, that's the ideal velocity, and it's the velocity I'm shooting for (no pun intended) with all my longer AEGs.

lol Well, I think there's some validity to using a coke can for testing, but the numbers on Redwolf's guide are WAY off. New numbers would have to be drummed up using Canadian cans, rather than cans from Asia. They're more than likely very different than ours in terms of thickness and possibly material.

If I can get some free time, I'll see if I can throw some coke can numbers together to create a more relevant "poor man's chrony" chart than Redwolf's. My 11 airsoft guns have a wide enough range of velocities that I should be able to at least give a rough idea that can give someone a ballpark figure on how powerful their guns are.
Whats weird is using the Joule calculator, .25s at 360fps rate 1.51 joules, to get that joule with a .2, you need 403fps.

Anyways using the poor man's chrony my 416 will easily put a .2 through the bottom of a coke can....
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Old March 18th, 2008, 03:28   #162
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
Whats weird is using the Joule calculator, .25s at 360fps rate 1.51 joules, to get that joule with a .2, you need 403fps.
That seems about right. My AUG shoots 400 on .2's, and 330 on .28's.
No weirdness!

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Old March 18th, 2008, 07:48   #163
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
That seems about right. My AUG shoots 400 on .2's, and 330 on .28's.
No weirdness!
That seems a bit of a large gap. I tested my pistols using both .20 and .25. The one I remember best was my M9 that fires between 310 and 320 ,with, 2, and I was getting 290-ish with .25s, hence my estimate about the .25s about. I could be mistaken though. I'll check it out again when I have time to confirm.
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Old March 18th, 2008, 09:21   #164
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I took a peek through this thread as I was searching for which brand-name mechbox the JG's resembles the closest. I was looking at the Systema drop-in solution and am wondering if it'd work in this.

I really don't have time to scour around any longer than I already have.
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Old March 18th, 2008, 10:27   #165
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The 416's mechbox is reportedly a Systema clone, although I've yet to see an actual side-by-side comparison of both.

However, it's externally a standard V2 mechbox, so I don't see why the Systema V2 complete set wouldn't just drop in and replace it completely. As long as it's a Systema with ported cylinder for the short barrel length, you're golden.
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