Differences in Tappet Plates V2 & V3
Hello all,
I am very new to mechbox work so I don't have a pile of parts laying about to see for myself. Yesterday I was working on a V3 mechbox. I bought a V3 tappet plate to change out the stock one (as well as various other parts). When I went to put it back together the short upright portion of the tappet plate that holds the nozzle was too "short" for the nozzle to stay seated in properly and line up with the cylinder head. I had to use the stock tappet plate which was in fine conditon and was of similar material to the replacement.
So my question is, is there a difference in distances between the short upright part that holds the nozzle on a tappet plate between V2 and V3? I am thinking that this tappet plate may have been mislabeled, and may not even be a V2 or V3, but I am not familiar enough with any other mechboxes to comment intelligently. Of course given my inexperince I am perplexed. Thank you.