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Female Airsofters: Gear Questions


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Old March 17th, 2009, 13:46   #1
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Female Airsofters: Gear Questions

I've been playing airsoft for about a year and having been looking for BDUs that actually fit - no luck with typical surplus (fit is way off - I am in no way shaped like a dude) and the reviews re. 5.11's Womens' line are very mixed. Googling only pulls up women's section in online surplus stores, completely consisting of unusable booty shorts and camo bikinis.

So - female airsofters - what do you game in (BDUs, gloves, boots, etc) and where can I get some?
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Old March 17th, 2009, 13:58   #2
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Well in the army they don't make female clothes so your going to have to just try and find the closest fitting bdus.
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Old March 17th, 2009, 14:03   #3
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I am 5'2" and typically can make a SM Regular pant and SM Short top work for BDUs. Army Issue has been a good source for small sizes recently for me (especially for Military Surplus Fleece which is hard to find). Also, if you are in the north Toronto area, the Stouffville Fleamarket had a number of vendors last year that had tonnes of surplus camo at dirt cheap prices and size small was available.

If you are looking for solid colour pants that can be abused, ironically I like the Costco cargo pants (men's section)...hard to find SM but they are there. They fit rather baggy and a bit long but you can beat the hell out of them and they are cheap. When you are crawling around the field, they are quite comfortable.

Gloves are a bitch to find in small sizes but try subbing in bike gloves or the ones I like now are ones I found at Marks Work Warehouse...I Krylon'ed the non-OD and Black parts and they fit perfect.

Boots - Army Issue...I have bought three pair from him and they are great. Another place you can check is eBay...sometimes you can find great deals online there.

Underarmour - Brigade Quartermaster (in US)... I've ordered online and had great customer service each time. Recommend you ask them to ship via Ground Postage (not UPS) to avoid customs/duty at the border.

Happy hunting (on and off the field).

Last edited by Mizfit; March 17th, 2009 at 14:07..
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Old March 17th, 2009, 14:04   #4
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you could try the French BDUs, either woodland or OD, they have a tight fit that might suit you, and they are very comfortable.

like this

Last edited by Jimski; March 17th, 2009 at 14:07..
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Old March 17th, 2009, 14:05   #5
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One of our teammate has the same problem and on top of that she got a small frame.

For glove I know the company are making womem, tactical glove. I'm not sure they have them on their web site but check it out and maybe try contact them for more info.
I'll be back!

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Old March 17th, 2009, 14:09   #6
Suburban Gun Runner
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You may want to check for large boys camo pants in retail stores, these will fit you more closely. However all female soldiers have this problem. The pants and jackets will always be very baggy on you.

Here I found this link it has the usual bikini's but it also has some womans fatigues.
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Old March 17th, 2009, 14:12   #7
aka Maleficent
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Actually, excellent suggestion...I have bought Boy's L or XL shirts (Tan and OD'ish) dirt no tax on kids clothes.

Careful with the "women's line" of camo - you usually end up with Gucci-flage instead of real issue.
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Old March 17th, 2009, 14:12   #8
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If wou want flight gloves, those are availble in very small size. I've got a pair used but as new out of eBay, but there's usually quite a lot in surplus.
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Old March 17th, 2009, 14:32   #9
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As Miz said, gloves are a bitch to find in smalls and extra smalls, subbing bike gloves or the like is a great option, and you'll definitly want gloves.
Otherwise, to repeat and reafirm the above, Army Issue's where I get my pant's, I've had the same problem where the crotch on bdu's are either at my knees and it looks like I laid a loaf, or if they're pulled up on the waste - well, I dont like camel impressions.
Found the XS Reg's work the best for me, and everythings unisex, unless again if you do like the above and ditch the camo's all together and go in solid color, then just opt for cargos or whatever you like best.
Best bet's to just hit an army surplus store and try on everything you can. Different print's have different cut's too so if your heart's set on say woodlands, try ACU or MC, you may find they fit more comfortably.
Good luck!
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Old March 17th, 2009, 14:48   #10
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A quick note on BDUs...keep in mind that they are functional pieces of equipment just like your gear. You are going to be running around a field or in a building and you want comfort rather than "tight fitting jeans". Although we all know what fashion/gear sluts Airsofters can be, when you arrive at the field, you are typically in uniform with the team you are running with. As long as you are not tripping over the pants or your hands are covered by the sleeves, you are good to go.
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Old March 17th, 2009, 14:51   #11
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Shop at COSTCO's in predominantly Asian populated areas. They carry smaller sizes.
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Old March 17th, 2009, 15:10   #12
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My only experience with buying surplus BDUs was with a M Reg and it was definitely way too tight around the hips and very loose around the waist. I never end though of trying the Large Boys clothes - thanks for the tip.

Will probably end up ditching camo altogether and going for solid cargoes/UnderArmour - will have to check out Brigade QM. I'm not a gear slut at all (all my money goes to parts. ;p) but I hate having loose clothing - I find it really gets in my way. I'm not on any teams, so I'm not too worried about coordinating, either. I just hate wearing everyday civvies to the field, esp. when I know I can find better suited stuff out there.

Really noticed the "Gucci-flage" on a lot of surplus sites, including the women's section in that Camo Clothing site. Meh.

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Old March 17th, 2009, 15:15   #13
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i've been rocking a pseudo PMC look. SO for that I went to a local Marks Work Wearhouse and bought a pair of women's double kneed cargo pants in an OD color. I just pair that up with a men's camo or OD shirt. Then wear my gear over that. It's not real milspec by any means...but it gets the job done.
Inside me is a thin woman, screaming to get out. But I can usually shut the b*tch up with chocolate.
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Old March 17th, 2009, 15:23   #14
aka Maleficent
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If you go to Brigade QM website, keep a close eye on the Bargain link....they almost always have OD and Tan Underarmour on sale and they have women's sizes all the time.

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Old March 17th, 2009, 15:28   #15
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Go see army Issue in Port Credit if your ever in the area. You can sort through the clothes and see what fits. I have even found surplus clothes that fit my Daughter when she was 11 years old.
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