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Old December 4th, 2008, 16:40   #91
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I am looking for a gun diagram for a KSC/KWA P226.

I cant figure out how to remove the feed nozzle and blowback chamber.

Does anyone have one of these diagrams??
Call sign: Shadow_Matter

"I play airsoft, yes yes..."

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Old January 2nd, 2009, 17:05   #92
johnnyrico's Avatar
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Location: Winnipeg, MB
Is there any chance anyone has a Marushin Ruger Redhawk Diagram / manual that they could scan please?

I need to find a diagram but it is like pulling teeth!!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks allz and happy new years!!

"Banning firearms to prevent criminal use of guns is about as smart as banning
marriage to prevent spousal abuse, or banning pregnancy to prevent child abuse. "

"When just seconds can mean life or death, the police are just minutes away"

"If you can read this, thank a teacher... Since it's in English, thank a soldier"
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Old January 11th, 2009, 19:10   #93
Join Date: Jan 2009
I have an M47 shotgun that i took apart to fix some plastic part that broke. I need an exposive diagram to put it back together.
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Old January 27th, 2009, 14:38   #94
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Does anyone have a KSC P226 diagram? Thanks in advance.

Thanks to Amos.
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Last edited by sushi_boy604; February 8th, 2009 at 01:18.. Reason: Found diagram
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Old January 31st, 2009, 23:07   #95
Join Date: Jan 2009
I need help to reassemble a Y&P GNB-2105 pistol. mainly the hammer part.

hoping someone knows about this, considering this is a relatively cheap airsoft gun
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Old February 13th, 2009, 20:25   #96
patcou's Avatar
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Ksc P226 Diagrams

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Old February 13th, 2009, 23:14   #97
Join Date: Jan 2009
hiii ... any one with the KJW M9A1 co2 blowback diagram

thanks =)
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Old February 14th, 2009, 00:09   #98
Captain Awesome
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hmmm im in need of a tm 1911 diagram, all the previous posts are 404 or expired.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old March 2nd, 2009, 08:09   #99
Silverthorn's Avatar
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Location: Sainte-Julie, Quebec
Would need diagrams or parts list for a TM Colt Python gas revolver.

Many thanks!
Team N.A.P.K.I.N.S (Ninjas And Pirates Kommando Infiltration Night-ops Specialists)

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Old March 7th, 2009, 04:50   #100
Join Date: Oct 2006
DBoys Kar98 (gas bolt) diagrams ?


I'm looking for diagrams / detailed pictures / exploded views of DBoys KAR98 gas version.


Thanks in advance.

Last edited by lukvdh; March 8th, 2009 at 10:37..
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Old March 7th, 2009, 15:38   #101
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Toronto
Hey all,

Does anyone have the diagram of the TM1911 with the parts list?
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Old May 26th, 2009, 15:20   #102
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i wanna make some spare mags

well i ordered 2 bb guns (finally im gettin sick of those weak fairground guns) and i get just 1 mag with each gun and i want to make some spares could i get a diagram of the mag of a s-m6 and a cz 75 asg? alrdy ty
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Old June 17th, 2009, 12:14   #103
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Marushin Five seveN

I've been workin' OT on teh googles, but to no avail.
I really, really need a diagram for this one.
If anyone has it, a link to it, or, could scan and upload it, I'd be ever so grateful.

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Old June 17th, 2009, 14:48   #104
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Glace Bay, Nova Scotia
not sure if this is already posted but here it is, it's got diagrams of countless guns including TM mk23 socom NBB

Everything you need to know about Airsoft in Ireland - Newbie's start here -

Airsoft Gas Guns

- KHC M92F NBB: 1
- KHC Desert Eagle NBB: 1
- KJW G27: 1
- KJW Mk1 NBB: 1 | 2
- KJW M9: 1 | 2
- KSC M11A1: 1 | 2
- KSC TMP: 1 | 2
- KSC G17: 1
- KSC G19: 1
- KSC G23F: 1
- KSC G26: 1
- KSC G26c: 1 | 2
- KSC Cz75: 1 | 2
- KSC STI 2011: 1 | 2
- KSC P230: 1 | 2
- KSC M9: 1 | 2
- KSC M92: 1
- KSC M93R: 1
- KSC M93R II: 1
- KSC Mk23: 1 | 2
- KSC M8000 Cougar F: 1 | 2
- KSC Night Hawk 4.3: 1
- KSC SIG Pro SP2340: 1
- KWA Cz75 Magazine: 1
- KWA M92F NBB: 1
- KWA USP Compact: 1
- KWC P990: 1
- KWC Desert Eagle: 1
- Maruzen MP5K: 1
- Maruzen Micro Uzi: 1
- Maruzen P99: 1 | 2
- Maruzen 1911 Govt: 1
- Maruzen Vz61 Scorpion: 1
- Maruzen M11A1: 1 | 2
- STTi M92F NBB: 1
- TM Desert Eagle .50AE: 1 | 2 | 3
- TM Hard Baller NBB: 1 | 2
- TM M92F: 1 | 2 | 3
- TM Mk23 SOCOM NBB: 1 | 2
- TM Steyr M-GB NBB: 1 | 2
- WA Beretta M8045 Cougar INOX: 1 | 2
- WA Beretta M92FS: 1
- WA Colt M1911A1 Government: 1
- WA Para-Ordnance P14.45: 1 | 2
- WA SCW Colt M1911A1 Government: 1 | 2
- WA SV Infinity Championship: 1 | 2 |3 |4 |5
- WA SV Infinity ProKiller Mark II: 1 |2 |3
- WA SV Infinity Tactical Carry: 1 |2 |3

Airsoft Electric Guns

Lets all fill this in!

Airsoft Spring Guns

Lets all fill this in!


Rifles,MachineGuns and Shotguns

Asahi MP40
Asahi M40A1
CAW M24 Sniper
Falcon Toy Corp MP5K
Falcon Toy Corp Specter
G&G Armanent M14
G&G Armanent RK-104(AK-47)
G&G Armanent SOCOM 16
G&G Armanent UMG(UMP)
JAC Browning Hi-Power MkIII
JAC M16A2 Technical Manual
Kokusai CAR-15
Kokusai M16A2 Sniper Crimebuster
Maruzen APS-2 SV
Maruzen Ingram M10A1 (MAC10)
Maruzen KG9
Maruzen KG9 Bullet Valve
Maruzen MP5K
Maruzen Steyr AUG Mini
PDI M24 SOCOM Sniper
Shoei MG42
STAR M249 Para
Sun Project M16
Systema Personal Training Weapon M16
Tanaka M700 Sniper
Tokyo Marui AK47B-Spetsnaz
Tokyo Marui AK47/AK47S
Tokyo Marui AK47/AK47S Technical Manual
Tokyo Marui FA-MAS F1
Tokyo Marui FA-MAS SV
Tokyo Marui FA-MAS Technical Manual
Tokyo Marui G36C
Tokyo Marui G3A3-A4
Tokyo Marui G3A3-A4 Technical Manual
Tokyo Marui G3SG/1 Profile
Tokyo Marui M16A2
Tokyo Marui M16A2 Technical Manual
Tokyo Marui M1A1 Thompson
Tokyo Marui M3 Super90 Technical Manual
Tokyo Marui M4A1
Tokyo Marui M4A1 Technical Manual
Tokyo Marui M4A1 R.I.S
Tokyo Marui M733
Tokyo Marui MC51 (G3 Shorty)
Tokyo Marui MP5A4/A5
Tokyo Marui MP5A4/A5 Technical Manual
Tokyo Marui MP5 Kurz A4
Tokyo Marui MP5 Kurz A4 Technical Manual
Tokyo Marui MP5 R.A.S
Tokyo Marui MP5SD5/SD6
Tokyo Marui P90/P90TR
Tokyo Marui P90 Technical Manual
Tokyo Marui PSG1
Tokyo Marui PSG1 Technical Manual
Tokyo Marui SPAS12 Technical Manual
Tokyo Marui SR16 M4
Tokyo Marui Steyr AUG Technical Manual
Tokyo Marui UZI SMG
Tokyo Marui VSR-10
Toy-Tec Calico M-100
Youth Engineering MP5A5


HFC Beretta M190 Special Forces Auto
KJ Works Beretta M8000 Cougar
KJ Works Beretta M9
KJ Works Colt 1911
KJ Works Ruger Mk1
KSC Glock 17
KSC Glock 18C
KSC Glock 19
KSC USP Compact
KWA Colt 1911 Government .45
KWC Beretta M92FS
Marushin COP .357
Maruzen Beretta M93R
Tokyo Marui Beretta M92F Chrome Stainless
Tokyo Marui Beretta M92F Military
Tokyo Marui Desert Eagle EBB
Tokyo Marui Glock18C AEP Fixed
Tokyo Marui Glock18C EBB
Tokyo Marui SOCOM Mk23
Wei-E Tech Hi-Capa 5.1
Western Arms Colt 1911 (SCW)
Western Arms Para-Ordnance HRT Special
Western Arms SCW Para-Ordnance HRT Special


Classic Army M203 QD Mount
Tokyo Marui M203 Grenade Launcher

Airsoft Reviews

Spring Rifles, Shotguns and Launchers

CAW M79 - arnies
CAW M79 Wood Version - amplifiedairsoft
CAW M79 Sawed Off -
CAW Mini Grenade Launcher - arnies
Classic Army Armalite M15A4 - airsoftretreat
Classic Army M24 Spring Version 2 - airsoftretreat
Crosman R32 - airsoftretreat
CSI XM8 - airsoftretreat
CSI XM8 (Jia Li Sheng S-M8) - airsoftretreat
CSI XM8 (Jia Li Sheng S-M8) - airsoftcore
Cybergun AK47 - airsoftretreat
Cybergun Thompson - airsoftretreat
Cybergun Thompson - arnies
Double Eagle FAMAS (M46A) #1 - airsoftretreat
Double Eagle FAMAS (M46A) #2 - airsoftretreat
Double Eagle FAMAS Internal Review - airsoftretreat
Double Eagle FAMAS Review + Disassembly Guide - airsoftretreat
Double Eagle G36c (M41) - airsoftretreat
Double Eagle M47 B2 Shotty - arnies
DPMS A-15 Evolution - airsoftretreat
DPMS Panther Arms A-15 - ampair
DPMS Panther Arms A-15 - airsoftohio
DPMS Panther Arms A-15 #1 - airsoftcore
DPMS Panther Arms A-15 #2 - airsoftcore
G&P QD M203 Grenade Launcher - arnies
HFC L85A1 - arnies
HFC M16a2 - airsoftcore
HFC USR-11 - airsoftretreat
HFC USR-11 - arnies
HFC XM-177 - airsoftcore
King Arms/KM SVD Dragunov - arnies
K.T.W. Winchester M1873 Carbine -
Mad Bull M922A1 120 rounds BB Shower - arnies
Maruzen APS-2 L96A1 Sniper Rifle - arnies
Maruzen APS-2 MK2 Sporter - arnies
Maruzen APS-2 SV - arnies
Maruzen APS-2 SV "SHADOW" (Custom) - airsoftcore
Maruzen Mini Steyr AUG - airsoftretreat
Maruzen CA870 Range - arnies
Maruzen Remington CA870 CQB - justpistols
Maruzen Remington CA870 - justpistols
Maruzen Remington CA870 - airsoftcore
Smokey's Gun Factory Barrett M82A1 - arnies
Sun Project M203 Launcher R.I.S. version - arnies
Sun Project M40A1 - airsoftcore
Sun Project M40A1 - redwolf
Sun Project M700 - arnies
Swiss Arms Black Eagle M6 - airsoftretreat
Tokyo Marui Benelli M3 Shorty - airsoftretreat
Tokyo Marui Benelli M3 Shorty - arnies
Tokyo Marui Benelli M3 Super 90 - redwolf
Tokyo Marui Benelli M3 Super 90 - airsoftretreat
Tokyo Marui Benelli M3 Super 90 - arnies
Tokyo Marui H&K G3A3 - ampair
Tokyo Marui M203 Launcher - redwolf
Tokyo Marui MP5A3 - airsoftretreat
Tokyo Marui SPAS 12 -
Tokyo Marui SPAS 12 #1 - airsoftcore
Tokyo Marui SPAS 12 #2 - airsoftcore
Tokyo Marui SPAS 12 with Stock - airsoftcore
Tokyo Marui SPAS 12 Folding Stock - arnies
Tokyo Marui TACTICAL LAUNCHER - arnies
Tokyo Marui VSR-10 Pro Sniper - justpistols
Tokyo Marui VSR-10 G-Spec Sniper - airsoftcore
Tokyo Marui VSR-10 G-Spec #1 - arnies
Tokyo Marui VSR-10 G-Spec #2 - arnies
Tokyo Marui VSR-10 G-Spec -
Tokyo Marui XM177E2 - airsoftretreat
Tokyo Marui XM177E2 - airsoftretreat
Tokyo Marui XM177E2 - airsoftcore
ToyStar L85A1 - airsoftcore
ToyStar M4A1 #1 - airsoftcore
ToyStar M4A1 #2 - airsoftcore
Toystar SR-16 - airsoftretreat
Toystar SR-16 - arnies
Toystar SR-16 M4 - airsoftretreat
UHC MP5SD3 #1 - airsoftretreat
UHC MP5SD3 #2 - airsoftretreat
UHC MP5SD3 - airsoftohio
UHC Super-9 Pro - airsoftretreat
UHC Super-9 - airsoftretreat
UHC Super X-9 SWAT - airsoftcore
UHC Tactical 9 Sniper #1 - airsoftretreat
UHC Tactical 9 Sniper #2 - airsoftretreat
UTG M324 vs. UHC Tactical 9 - airsoftretreat
UTG M87SA Shotty - airsoftohio
UTG M87SA CQB Shotty - airsoftretreat
UTG M87 Shotgun - airsoftretreat
UTG 870 shotgun series - airsoftretreat
UTG 870 Shotgun Fullstock - arnies
UTG MP5A5/A4 - airsoftretreat
UTG MP5A4/A5 - airsoftretreat
VFC / GB-Tech CA870 Charger Full Metal -
WELL 16-A4 - airsoftretreat
WELL Neonfire M4 - airsoftretreat

Gas Rifles and Shotguns

Classic Army M24 Gas - airsoftcore
G&P SVD Dragunov - arnies
KWC M16A2 Carbine - airsoftcore
KJW M700P - arnies
KJW M700 Review by Silent Assasin
KJW M700 Takedown - wgcshop
Marushin M1 Carbine #1 - arnies
Marushin M1 Carbine #2 - arnies
Marushin Mossberg M500 Maxi (8mm) - arnies
Marushin Mossberg M500 SSB - arnies
Maruzen M870 Shotty -
Maruzen M870 Shotty - airsoftcore
Maruzen M870 Shotty - arnies
Maruzen M1100 Shotty - arnies
Maruzen M1100 Full Stock Shotty - airsoftcore
Marushin M1887 Guard's Gun - arnies
Tanaka Karabiner 98k #1 - arnies
Tanaka Karabiner 98k #2 - arnies
Tanaka M700 AICS #1 - arnies
Tanaka M700 AICS #2 - arnies
Tanaka M700 Police Model - arnies
Tanaka M700 Police (Camouflage)
Tanaka M700 Sniper - hammermods
Tanaka M700 Light Tactical Rifle - arnies
Tokyo Marui H&K PSG-1 -
Tokyo Marui H&K PSG-1 #1 - airsoftplayers
Tokyo Marui H&K PSG-1 - airsoftcore
VFC M82A1 - airsoftcore


Bianchi M12 NATO Holster -
Guarder M.O.D Body Armour -
King Arms Knee Pads -
Blackhawk Industries SERPA System Holster - arnies
King Arms Triple Mag Pouch - arnies
IBEX U.S. Special Action Tactical Vest 3 - arnies
Infinity Tactical Semi Modular Tactical Chest Harness - arnies

Miscellaneous Airsoft

CS Specs MM3 Landmine - airsoftretreat
Escort M26A1 Gas-Powered BB Hand Grenade - arnies
J-Armory Colt M1911A1- arnies
Madbull adjustable CO2 regulator/adaptor - airsoftcanada
Madbull Powdershot - airsoftcanada
Airsoft Innovations Propane Adaptor - airsoftretreat
Cybergun S&W Sigma 40F - lonestarairsoft
AirsoftSurgeon Custom STI Eagle 6.0 - arnies
3PSA Colt 1908 VP .25 ACP - justpistols
3PSA/UHC S&W Model 19 .357 Magnum 6" - justpistols
Super Cell Development ASC7 Claymore Landmine #1 - airsoftretreat
Super Cell Development ASC7 Claymore Landmine #2 - airsoftretreat
Clarence Lai AirsoftSurgeon Custom - airsoftplayers
Madbull 120 round 'nade -
Caw Launcher -

Gun vs. Gun

KJW G23 vs UN-KSC G19 -
Tokyo Marui M1911A1 GBB vs. J-Armory M1911A1 GBB - arnies
Tokyo Marui Glock 26 vs Western Arms M84F - redwolf
KSC Glock 19 vs. Western Arms Infinity SV3.9 - redwolf
KSC G34 vs. WA S&W Sigma - airsoftretreat
KSC MK23 Socom GBB vs TM MK23 Socom NBB - snowman
Tokyo Marui GBB Comparisons SIG P226, TM 5.1, TM 4.3 and Glock 26 Advanced. -
Pocket Power: Backup Backups Compared

Custom Mods
- Opinion and advice on my "metal" painting.
- Disassembling the AirSoft Walther P99
- KJW USP P8 Airsoft Handgun Disassembly and Reassembly Guide
- UTG M324 Tightbore & Teflon Mod---instructions and review! --- REMOVED
- WA 1911 SCW2 take down & reassembly guide
- Making of the Silencer -- by DFA
- Homemade M135-A2 3/4" Mortar
- Tutorial: painting to simulate wood
- TM Sig Sauer P226 Rail review, w/creation slide + nine ball tightbore
- KSC USP Compact upgrades review - arnies
- Custom Heckler & Koch MP7 - PDW - unknown
- VSR Cylinder Pin Removal, Step by Step Guide - airsoftforum
- FIELD OF DREAMS: sacred’s guide to bunkers on a budget.
- How to sand metal slides on GBB pistols
- Basher519's VSR-10 Upgrade Guide
- Guarder Enhanced Springs for TM Hi-Capa (Recoil and Hammer)
- Firefly Rocket Valve for KSC/KWA Glock Series
- Guarder Metal Magazine Latch for KSC/KWA Glock Series
- PDI (X-Fire) Hard Kick Recoil Spring for TM Hi Capa 5.1
- Nine Ball Silencer (CW) Adapter for Tokyo Marui M92F
- G&P Metal slide and barrel for G17
- Guarder Enhanced recoil spring and rod for G17 and G18c
- Painting your airsoft gun 101
- Retro-fit Marushin 8mm M1 Carbine into paratrooper folding stock conversion.
- DIY refinishing of the Marushin M1 Garand Stock in a few easy steps.
- Stripping the Maruzen M1100/870 series shotties
- Step-By-Step Disassembly Of The DPMS A-15 Version 1
- Upgraded Cybergun FA-MAS CQB
- How To: Paint Camouflage, Template and Freehand
- Toystar M4A1 upgrade guide by Adamant.
- The M9 Hammer Custom - Ross takes a stock Tokyo Marui M9 Tactical Master and tricks it out!!
- Personalize your favourite weapon - Create and personalize your favorite weapon in real time thanks to the javascript.
- Custom M11, Uzi, G18C, TMP w/lots of big pictures - airsoftretreat
- Customized KWC P226 with lots of pics - airsoftretreat
- S&W M4506 w/ Taclight and Short Silencer -- *Lots of Pics* - airsoftretreat
- Making a HiFlow Valve - unconventional airsoft
- An Automated Motion-Sensing Airsoft Gun Turret - unconventional airsoft
- How We Built the Quintessential Sentry Gun
- Custom Gas Gun - unconventional airsoft
- KWA/KSC G18C Rocket Valve Installation
- Western Arms 1911 SCW2 take down & reassembly guide - arnies
- How to pull the Receiver of the TM Hi-Capa 5.1 apart - by Wege
- Topic: How to polish metal slides? - a topic at ASR with some good ideas on metal slide stripping/polishing
- KWC P99 Field Strip Guide - airsoftretreat
- Exploded Views/Dissassembly Guides of dozens of airsoft guns
- Review and guide to installing a PGC Metal slide on the WA Colt M1911A1
- A review of upgrades for Tokyo Marui P226
- Radio controlled briefcase gun
- Sonic Grenades - Instead of exploding with BBs, they emit a piercing alarm shriek.
- How to Paint Camouflage
- How To Make Another Type Of Airsoft Claymore
- DIY: grenade launcher/trip mine - airsoftretreat
- Homemade Mortar Launcher
- How to: Airsoft RPG!
- Marui M9 Pullapart guide - wege

Hsu Wei
Browning Hi Power MkIII - justpistols


Beretta M92 M190 Special Edition - arnies
Beretta M92 M190 Special Forces Auto FMV - arnies
Beretta M92 M190 FMV - arnies
Beretta M92 M190 Compensated FMV - arnies
Beretta M92 M190 - justpistols
Beretta M92 M190 - nlairsoft
Beretta M92FS - reviewcentre
Colt 1911 Commander - airsoftcore
Colt Python .357 Revolver - airsoftretreat
DarkHawk - arnies
DarkHawk - hotspotairsoft
Glock 26 - airsoftcore
Glock 17 - arnies
IMI Desert Eagle - arnies
IMI Desert Eagle - arnies
Mauser C-96 model 712 #1 - arnies
Mauser C-96 model 712 #2 - arnies
Mauser C-96 model 712 -
Mauser C-96 model 712 with stock -


Browning Hi Power - justpistols

M3a1 Grease Gun - airsoftcore

KJ WorksBeretta M9 - reviewcentre #1
Beretta M9 - reviewcentre #2
Beretta M9 - arnies
Beretta M9 - 858airsoft
Beretta M9 - airsoftcore
Beretta M9 Elite FMJ - planetairsoft
Beretta M9 Elite Full Metal - airsoftcore
Beretta M9 Full Metal #1 - arnies
Beretta M9 Full Metal #2 - arnies
Beretta M9 Full Metal - neasg
Beretta M9 Full Metal - nlairsoft
Beretta M9 Regular - airsoftcore
Beretta M92f Full Metal - SmmAirsoft
Colt M1911A1 - airsoftforum
Colt 1911 - airsoftohio
Colt 1911 Full Metal - 858airsoft
Colt 1911 Full Metal - airsoftcore
Colt 1911A1 - 858airsoft
Colt 1911A1 - arnies
Glock 23 - airsoftcore
Glock 23 FMV - reviewcentre #1
Glock 23 FMV - reviewcentre #2
Glock 23 FMV - reviewcentre #3
Glock 23 Metal Version - airsoftohio
Glock 23 metal slide - arnies
Glock 27 - arnies
Glock 27 - planetairsoft
Glock 32C Metal Slide - arnies
H&K P8 - arnies
H&K USP - 858airsoft
H&K USP - airsoft-guide
H&K USP - arnies
H&K USP - lonestarairsoft
H&K USP STTI Tactical - airsoftretreat
H&K USP Tactical - justpistols
H&K MK23 Socom - airsoftretreat
H&K Mk23 Socom - poweredge hawaii
Para Ordnance P14.45 - arnies
Para Ordnance P14.45 - poweredge hawaii
Para Ordnance 14.45 Full Metal #1 - arnies
Para Ordnance 14.45 Full Metal #2 - arnies
Para Ordnance 14.45 Full Metal - airsoftcanada
Para Ordnance 14.45 Full Metal - airsoftcore
Para Ordnance 14.45 Full Metal -
Ruger Mk 1 - justpistols
Ruger MkI NBB - airsoftforum
Ruger MK1 NBB - airsoftcore
Ruger MK1 NBB - 858airsoft
Sig Sauer P226 FMV - arnies


Beretta Elite M92FS - justpistols
Beretta Elite M92FS - planetairsoft
Beretta M9 Heavy Weight - airsoftcore
Beretta M9 Heavyweight - justpistols
Beretta M93R - arnies
Beretta M93R - redwolf
Colt M1911A1- arnies
Colt M1911A1 - x-fire
CZ75 1st Edition - airsoftcore
CZ75 1st Edition #1 - arnies
CZ75 1st Edition #2 - arnies
Glock 17 - airsoftcore
Glock 17 - airsoftforum
Glock 17 - arnies
Glock 17 - arnies
Glock 17 - floridaairsoft
Glock 17 - wege
Glock 17 and 18c - justpistols
Glock 17 and 19 - anon
Glock 18c - airsoftcore
Glock 18c - unknown
Glock 18c - airsoftforum
Glock 18c - redwolf
Glock 18c - airsoftplayers
Glock 18c - arnies
Glock 18c - floridaairsoft
Glock 18c - neasg
Glock 18c - smmairsoftguide
Glock 18c - unconventional-airsoft
Glock 18c #1 - reviewcentre
Glock 18c #2 - reviewcentre
Glock 18c #3 - reviewcentre
Glock 18c #4 - reviewcentre
Glock 18c #5 - reviewcentre
Glock 19 - ampair
Glock 19 - unknown
Glock 19 - arnies
Glock 19 - airsoftcore
Glock 19 - justpistols
Glock 19 - planetairsoft
Glock 19 - renegaderecon
Glock 19 - lonestarairsoft
Glock 19 UN Custom - airsoftretreat
Glock 26 - reviewcentre
Glock 26C - reviewcentre
Glock 34 - justpistols
H&K Mk23 Socom Hardkick - lonestarairsoft
H&K MK23 Socom - airsoftcore
H&K MK23 Socom - airsoftohio
H&K MK23 Socom - arnies
H&K MK23 Socom - planetairsoft
H&K MK23 Socom HW - reviewcentre
H&K MK23 Socom - unconventional-airsoft
H&K MK23 Socom - unknown
H&K USP Compact - arnies
H&K USP Compact - justpistols
H&K USP .45 - arnies
H&K USP .45 Standard - arnies
H&K USP .45 Standard - airsoftforum
Ingram M11A1 - airsoftcore
Ingram M11A1 - arnies
Ingram M11A1 - floridaairsoft
Ingram M11A1 - mnairsoft
Ingram M11A1 - redwolf
Ingram M11A1 - tac4airsoft
Ingram Mac 11 - planetairsoft
S&W M945 - airsoftcore
S&W M945 - wege
S&W Performance Center M945 Black - justpistols
S&W Performance Center M945 Silver - justpistols
SIG Sauer P230JP - arnies
SIG Sauer Pro SP2340 - justpistols
SIG Sauer Pro SP2340 - redwolf
SIG Sauer SP2009 Heavy Weight - airsoftcore
Steyr TMP - airsoftcore
Steyr TMP - airsoftretreat
Steyr SPP - airsoftforum
Steyr TMP - unknown
STi Titan 5.1 - justpistols
STi Eagle 5.5" Hybrid - justpistols


Beretta M9 - airsoftforum
Beretta M9 Vertec #1 - airsoftgi
Beretta M9 Vertec #2 - airsoftgi
Beretta M9 Vertec - airsoftcore
Beretta M93r Metal - airsoftgi
Colt 1911 Government Mk IV - neasg
CZ-75 (Version 2) - neasg
Glock 17 - arnies
Glock 17 - hotspotairsoft
Glock 17 Metal Slide - airsoftgi
Glock 18c - 858airsoft
Glock 18c - airsoftplayers
Glock 18c - unknown
Glock 18C - arnies
Glock 18c - ampair
Glock 19 Metal Slide - airsoftforum
Glock 19 Metal Slide - airsoftcore
Glock 19 Metal Slide - airsoftohio
Glock 19 Metal Slide - ampair
Glock 19 Metal Slide - arnies
Glock 19 Metal Slide - hellasairsoft
Glock 19 Metal Slide - justpistols
Glock 19 Metal Slide -
Glock 19 Metal Slide - neasg
Glock 19 Metal Slide - ironfoot
Glock 19 Metal Slide #1 - airsoftgi
Glock 19 Metal Slide #2 - airsoftgi
Glock 19 Metal Slide #3 - airsoftgi
Glock 23f - airsoftgi
Glock 23f - airsoftretreat
Glock 23F - arnies
Glock 23f -
Glock 34 - airsoftgi
H&K USP - arnies
H&K USP Compact - poweredge hawaii
H&K USP Compact - airsoftcore
H&K USP Compact - airsoftohio
H&K USP Compact - ampair
H&K USP Compact - arnies
Ingram M11A1 (2nd Version) - airsoftohio
Ingram M11A1 (Magnesium Bolt Version) - arnies
Ingram Mac 11 - ampair
S&W M945T - airsoftohio


Beretta M92FS - neasg
Beretta M9 Heavy Weight - airsoftcore
Beretta M9 -
Beretta M92FS STD Silver - airsoftgi
Colt 1911 - airsoftcore
Colt 1911 BS -
Colt 1911 Caspian Custom .45 - airsoftcore
Colt 1911 Caspian .45 - airsoftcore
Colt 1911 Springfield - reviewcentre
Colt 1911 - hellaairsoft
Colt Python .356 6" Revolver - airsoftcore
Colt Python .357 4" Revolver - neasg
Colt Python .357 6" Revolver - airsoftcore
Colt Python .357 6" Revolver - lonestarairsoft
Glock 17 -
IMI Desert Eagle - unconventional-airsoft
IMI Desert Eagle - unknown
IMI Desert Eagle - airsoftcore
IMI Desert Eagle - arnies
IMI Desert Eagle - neasg
IMI Desert Eagle CO2 - airsofthq
IMI Desert Eagle CO2 - ampair
IMI Desert Eagle CO2 .50AE - arnies
S&W Sigma 40F Co2 - arnies
S&W Sigma 40F Deluxe Co2 - lonestarairsoft
SIG Sauer P226 - airsoftcore
SIG Sauer P226 - unknown
Walther P99 - 858airsoft


AMT Automag .44 - justpistols
Beretta M92F - justpistols
Bren Ten - justpistols
FN/Browning 1910 Secret Agent - anon
FN/Browning 1910 Secret Agent - wege
Colt 1911 Government - arnies
Colt 1911A1 - airsoftcore
Colt 1911A1 Secret Agent - anonymous
Colt .25 Secret Agent - anon
COP .357 - arnies
COP .357 8mm - justpistols
Constrictor Maximum Revolver - france-airsoft...translated from Google LOL
Derringer - justpistols
M-500 shotty - 858airsoft
Mauser C-96 model 712 - justpistols
Ruger Super Blackhawk 10.5" - justpistols
Sturm Ruger & Co MK1 Maxi - airsoftcore
Taurus Raging Bull 8" Barrel 8mm - airsoftohio
Taurus Raging Bull 8" Barrel 8mm - justpistols
Walther P38 - justpistols
Walther P88 - anon
Walther PPK - airsoftcore
Walther PPK - anon


H&K MP5K - arnies
H&K MP5K - tac4airsoft
H&K MP5K A4 - redwolf
IMI Micro Uzi - airsoftdolphins
IMI Micro Uzi - anon
IMI Micro Uzi - anon
IMI Micro Uzi - floridaairsoft
IMI Micro Uzi - xringairsoft
IMI Micro Uzi - ironfoot
IMI Micro Uzi Type U - redwolf
Ingram M11 CQB - planetairsoft
Ingram M11 CQB - ironfoot
S&W 4506 - justpistols
Vz61 Scorpion - airsoftohio
Walther P38 - arnies
Walther P99 - arnies
Walther P99 - airsoftcore
Walther P99 - justpistols
Walther P99 - redwolf
Walther P99 Fixed Slide - poweredge hawaii
Walther P99 Fixed Slide - airsoftcore
Walther P99 TacIII - arnies
Walther PPK/S - arnies
Walther PPK/S - redwolf
Walther PPK/S -


H&K P7M13 - justpistols
H&K P7M13 - arnies


IMI Desert Eagle 10" - justpistols


'Artillery' Luger - arnies
'Artillery' Luger - justpistols
Casull 7.5" Revolver - airsoftcore
Colt SAA Civilian - justpistols
Colt SAA Civilian - airsoftretreat
Glock 17 - redwolf
Ruger Super Redhawk .44 Magnum 7.5" - justpistols
Ruger Super Redhawk .454 Casull 7.5" - justpistols
S&W M29 .44 Magnum - redwolf
S&W M29 .44 Magnum 8 - airsoftguide
S&W Model 29 .44 Magnum 8" - airsoftplayers
S&W M500 .500 Magnum 8" - justpistols
S&W Model 19 2.5" -
S&W Model 36 .38 Chief Special 2" - justpistols
S&W Performance Center 629 .44 Magnum - justpistols
S&W Model 29 .44 Magnum 6.5" - justpistols
S&W Model 629 .44 Magnum Classic 8" - justpistols
S&W Model 66 Combat Magnum 4" - arnies
S&W Performance Center 629 V-Comp - justpistols
SIG Sauer P226 Heavy Weight - redwolf
SIG Sauer P226 Rail Frame - arnies
SIG Sauer P226 - unknown
Smython - arnies yep.. thats right...a Colt/S&W .357 Magnum hybrid.

Tokyo Marui

Beretta M9 Military - floridaairsoft
Beretta M9 Military - redwolf
Beretta M92 Biohazard - airsoftforum
Beretta M92 Biohazard - ironfoot
Beretta M92 Tactical master - arnies
Beretta M92 Tactical Master - airsoftohio
Beretta M92 Tactical Master - nlairsoft
Beretta M92 Tactical Master - unknown
Beretta M92 Tactical Master - redwolf
Beretta M92 Tactical Master - lonestarairsoft
Colt Government M1911A1 - arnies
Colt Python 4" Revolver - airsoftcore
Colt Python 6" Revolver - justpistols
Glock 18C AEP - airsoftcore
Glock 18C AEP - airsoftcore
Glock 26 - airsoftcore
Glock 26 - anon
Glock 26 - floridaairsoft
Glock 26 #1 - arnies
Glock 26 #2 - arnies
Glock 26 Advance #1 -
Glock 26 Advance #2 -
Glock 26 Advance - airsoftcore
Glock 26 Advance - poweredge hawaii
H&K MK23 Socom NBB - airsoftohio
H&K MK23 Socom NBB - airsoftretreat
H&K MK23 Socom NBB - arnies
H&K Mk23 Socom NBB - neasg
H&K MK23 Socom NBB - smmairsoftguide
H&K MK23 Socom NBB - unconventional-airsoft
H&K Mk23 Socom NBB - lonestarairsoft
H&K Mk23 Socom NBB - justpistols
Hi-Capa 4.3 - arnies
Hi-Capa 5.1 - arnies
Hi-Capa 5.1 - wege
Hi-Capa 5.1 - ampair
Hi-Capa 5.1 Government - neasg
Hi-Capa 5.1 Government - renegaderecon
Hi-Capa 5.1 Government - lonestarairsoft
Hi-Capa 5.1 Government - poweredge hawaii
Hi-Capa 5.1 Government - airsoftcanada
Hi-Capa 5.1 Government - justpistols
Hi-Capa 5.1 Government - ironfoot
IMI Desert Eagle - justpistols
IMI Desert Eagle .50 AE HK - arnies
IMI Desert Eagle Chrome - ampair
IMI Desert Eagle Hardkick Chrome - arnies
IMI Desert Eagle Hardkick - justpistols
IMI Desert Eagle Hardkick - nlairsoft
IMI Desert Eagle EBB - airsoftcore
IMI Uzi - neasg
Sig Sauer P226 - ampair
Sig Sauer P226 - arnies
Sig Sauer P226 - justpistols
Sig Sauer P226 - neasg
Sig Sauer P226 - planetairsoft
Sig Sauer P226 Rail -
Sig Sauer P226 Rail - ukairsoft
Sig Sauer P226 Railed - airsoftohio
Sig Sauer P226 - airsoftcore
Sig Sauer P226 - ironfoot
Steyr GB - justpistols


H&K USP NBB - airsoftcore
H&K USP NBB - airsoftretreat
H&K USP NBB - hotspotairsoft
H&K USP NBB - lonestarairsoft
H&K USP NBB - neasg

Wei Tech

Baby Hi-Capa 3.8 Type 6 - airsoftcore
Hi-Capa 4.3 - arnies
Hi-Capa 5.1 Type M - arnies
Hi-Capa 5.1 Type M - justpistols
Hi Capa 5.1 Type M -
Hi-Capa 5.1 Type M - airsoftcore
Hi-Capa 5.1 Type M - airsoftcore
Hi-Capa 5.1 Type K - airsoftspecialists
Hi-Capa 5.1 Dragon Type B - arnies
Hi-Capa 5.1 Dragon - airsoftcanada
Xcelerator Dragon Competition - arnies

Western Arms

Beretta M1934 - justpistols
Beretta M1934 - justpistols
Beretta M1934 - arnies
Beretta M8045 Cougar F - arnies
Beretta M8045 Cougar F - justpistols
Beretta M84FS Cheetah - justpistols
Beretta M84FS Cheetah - arnies
Beretta M84FS Cheetah Spypack - justpistols
Beretta M84FS Cheetah SpyPack Deluxe - arnies
Beretta M84FS Cheetah - airsoftforum
Beretta M9 Mil-Spec - hellaairsoft
Beretta M92FS Elite 1A - justpistols
Beretta M92FS - justpistols
Beretta M92FS Competition - justpistols
Beretta M92FS Elite II - justpistols
Beretta M92FS Elite CQB - arnies
Beretta M92FS Elite CQB - justpistols
Beretta M92FS Heavyweight - justpistols
Beretta M92FS Perfect Inox - justpistols
Beretta M92FS Perfect Version - arnies
Beretta M92FS Perfect Version - planetairsoft
BOB CHOW Special - arnies
Colt 1911A1 Military Magna Tech - justpistols
Colt M1911A1 MEU(SOC) Early Model (customized) -
Colt 1911A1 MEU(SOC) Late Model -
Colt Government 1911a1 Military - arnies
Colt 1911a1 Military - airsoftretreat
Ingram M11 - redwolf
Kimber TLE/RL II - arnies
Kimber TLE/RL II - amplifiedairsoft
Kimber MARSOC - arnies
Kimber MARSOC -
ParaOrdnance P14-45 - lonestarairsoft
ParaOrdnance P14-45 Combat Plus - lonestarairsoft
ParaOrdnance P14-45 - floridaairsoft
ParaOrdnance P14-45 - redwolf
ParaOrdnance P14-45 - ironfoot
ParaOrdnance P14-45 Silver - justpistols
ParaOrdnance P14-45 Silver -
ParaOrdnance P14-45 Silver - eliteairsoft
ParaOrdnance P14-45 Two-Tone - justpistols
ParaOrdnance P14-45 Limited - justpistols
ParaOrdnance Prokiller P14-45 Combat - arnies
ParaOrdnance Prokiller P14-45 Combat - eliteairsoft
ParaOrdnance Prokiller P14-45 Combat - justpistols
ParaOrdnance Prokiller P14-45 Combat - nlairsoft
ParaOrdnance Ultimate Comp - eliteairsoft
ParaOrdnance Ultimate Comp - justpistols
ParaOrdnance Ultimate Comp - nlairsoft
S&W M4013 TSW Silver - justpistols
S&W Sigma .40 - justpistols
S&W Sigma .40 Metal slide - justpistols
S&W Sigma .40 - eliteairsoft
SCW Beretta M8045 Cougar f - justpistols
SCW Colt Government 1911 MkIV Series 70 - justpistols
SCW Colt Government 1911 MkIV Series 80 - justpistols
SCW Colt Government 1911 MkIV Series 80 - airsoftforum
SCW Colt Government 1911 MkIV Series 80 -
SCW Colt Government 1911 MkIV Series 80 - arnies
SCW Colt 1911 US Army - justpistols
SCW Colt 1911A1 Military - justpistols
SCW Colt 1911A1 Military - airsoftretreat
SCW ver3 Colt 1911 Military - arnies
SCW Colt Defender - justpistols
SCW Colt Delta Elite - justpistols
SCW Colt Lightweight Commander -
SCW Colt Lightweight Commander - hellaairsoft
SCW Colt M1911 MEU Early Model - justpistols
SCW Colt M1911A1 MEU(SOC) Late Model Version 2 - airsoftforum
SCW Colt M1911 DK - arnies
SCW Colt M1911 Premium Edition - arnies
SCW Para Ordnance Doberman - eliteairsoft
SCW Para Ordnance Doberman - justpistols
SCW Para Ordnance Doberman .45 Limited - arnies
SCW ParaOrdnance HRT - hotspotairsoft
SCW Para Ordnance HRT Special (Silver) - arnies
SCW Para Ordnance HRT Special Black - justpistols
SCW Para Ordnance HRT Special - eliteairsoft
SCW Para Ordnance HRT Special - justpistols
SCW Wilson Combat CQB (OD Frame) - airsoftretreat
SCW Wilson Combat CQB - anon
SCW Wilson Combat - airsoftcore
SCW Wilson Combat Vreaker V12 - airsoftretreat
SCW Wilson Combat Vreaker V12 - justpistols
SCW Wilson Combat Vreaker V12 - nlairsoft
Shorty .40 - arnies
SV Infinity 3.9" - airsoftcore
SV Infinity 3.9" - airsoftplayers
SV Infinity 4" - airsoftcore
SV Infinity 5" - arnies
SV Infinity 5" Hybrid - arnies
SV Infinity 5" SCW - justpistols
SV Infinity 5" SCW Green - airsoftforum
SV Infinity 5" Standard Model - airsoftohio
SV Infinity 5" Prokiller - lonestarairsoft
SV Infinity 6" IED - hotspotairsoft
SV Infinity 6" SCW - justpistols
SV Infinity 6" Single Stacker - justpistols
SV Infinity Expert 4.3" - justpistols
SV Infinity Expert 5" - justpistols
SV Infinity Expert 5" - airsoftspecialists
SV Infinity Expert 5" (customized) -
SV Infinity F3.9 Full Auto - redwolf
SV Infinity GIGANT - nlairsoft
SV Infinity GIGANT - hammermods
SV Infinity Hybrid Comp - justpistols
SV Infinity Limited 5" - justpistols
SV Infinity Limited 6" - justpistols
SV Infinity Limited 6" - ironfoot
SV Infinity Prokiller Mark II F6 - arnies
SV Infinity Tactical Carry - justpistols
SV Infinity Xcelerator Fluted Black - justpistols
SV Infinity Xcelerator Hybrid 6" - justpistols
SV Infinity Xcelerator Hybrid 6" - ironfoot
SV Infinity Xcelerator Compact 3.9" - justpistols
SV Infinity Xcelerator 5" Limited Edition - airsoftspecialists
SV Infinity Xcelerator 5" Fluted Black - airsoftspecialists
Wilson Combat CQB - justpistols
Wilson Combat CQB - airsoftplayers
Wilson Combat FBI Trial -
Wilson Combat FBI Trial - arnies
Wilson Combat Hi-Capacity - airsoftcore
Wilson Combat Hi-Capacity - airsoftretreat
Wilson Combat Hi-Capacity - redwolf
Wilson Combat Professional - justpistols
Wilson Combat Professional Parkerized - amplifiedairsoft
Wilson Combat Professional (customized) -
Wilson Combat SDS - justpistols
Wilson Combat SDS -
Wilson Combat Striker - justpistols
Wilson Combat Supergrade Classic Hi Cap - justpistols
Wilson Combat Tactical Special - justpistols
Wilson Combat Tactical Supergrade Compact - justpistols
Skladfin is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 5th, 2009, 01:10   #105
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Cranbrook. b.c.
i've got a kwa km16 br and it never came with the manual, i've checked the internet with no success in finding any diagrams for this model it really sucks because i can't seem to get my hop up bucking in the hop-up chmber cant even open the upper reciever up. a diagram for this gun would be so sweet because it is such an awsome gun stock, its deserves more information floating around about it. for new airsofters looking for guns
MagikMann is offline   Reply With Quote

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