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problem with hicapa shooters design chamber/outer


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Old December 15th, 2008, 00:55   #1
Join Date: Nov 2008
SOLVED problem with hicapa shooters design chamber/outer

Finally my SD chamber arrived from HK.maybe some of you guys remember that i have problem with guarder chamber,so i order a SD chamber to replace the guarder one.
but i have a problem with the SD chamber as well.dunno why but the hopup chamber to SD chamber fitting is wayyy too tight (around the area where SD rounds the corners).so i filed those area in the SD chamber just enough so that the hopup unit can be inserted and move forward and backward (as it should be able to).
The problem is that after i screw the outer barrel to the chamber,the hopup can’t move back and forth, it stuck. But if i unscrew it halfway/or just even a few turns, it can moves again just fine.
i noticed that even though the inner barrel aligns perfectly with the hopup unit, if i insert it to the chamber it looks as if the inner barrel is tilted a bit to the right.(looking from the end of the inner barrel/bb exit, chamber markings side up).and maybe if i attach the outer barrel, the inner barrel is not aligning properly with the outer thus creating the problem.
I’m afraid to file anything since gbb parts (especially metal parts) are kinda hard to get by here in indonesia.thanks alot.

Last edited by simohayha; December 18th, 2008 at 00:43..
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Old December 15th, 2008, 08:09   #2
Join Date: Nov 2008

with the plastic tm barrel,the width of the nub on the hopup is the same as the chamber

in the SD chamber,the chamber's nub (i dont know its name) is a bit wider than the hopup (very small difference though)

this is where i file the chamber,left and right side of where the hopup should slide in

the inner looks a bit tilted to the right

any ideas guys? thanks
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Old December 16th, 2008, 23:19   #3
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help,any ideas guys? sir ILLusion? Racingmaniac? styrak? thanks
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Old December 16th, 2008, 23:57   #4
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Very strange....Don't know what to say to help you.
What a wonderfully helpful post. Why even bother if its not gonna help.

Simohaya, how much exactly did you file down? maybe its possible that the inner barrel would have been straight before you filed that area down?

You said it was filed down because of fitment, so try filing down the opposite side so it equals out.

Sorry thats all I can really think of at the moment, Illusion or MadMax will probably have better advice to give.
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Old December 17th, 2008, 00:39   #5
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I'm out of my depths here...especially without seeing it first hand.

But...when you're screwing on the outer barrel to the chamber before you insert the hopup unit and inner barrel right?

The tip of the inner barrel can hang up getting into the hole at the end of the outer barrel...and maybe it's jamming it.

Switch back to the stock inner barrel (and stock hopup rubber if you've swapped that too) and reassemble the outer barrel/chamber to see if it fits up least you'll know that your barrel/chamber combo isn't wonky. can fit an o-ring in the groove that you have in the center of your inner barrel and it will assist with centering the inner barrel (and the hopup) with the outer barrel.

Best of luck...please post up what the fix is...

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Old December 17th, 2008, 01:06   #6
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Take your inner barrel and see if it passes clear through the outer barrel. If the through bore isn't long enough (or is too small in diameter) it'll hit the front of the inner barrel and prevent it from moving when you crank down the outer barrel.
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Old December 18th, 2008, 00:49   #7
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Thanks all for the replies.i managed to solved the problem by comparing the chamber with my friend's.
@tys: the problem is with the chamber, it seems like nothing wrong with it, but if u compare its measurements with another (working) SD chamber,some of its measurements are a bit off (too thick in my case) causing the hopup unit to missalign.

here is where i file the chamber (im filing the inner side),took me like 1 1/2 hour to file it with hobby file since dremeling it seems too risky.working just fine now.
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Old December 18th, 2008, 03:54   #8
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Did you file it evenly? there may be a slight gradient that isn't noticable by simply looking at it. Check that all 3 axis are flush and 90* to eachother. So 1. make sure that length wise its flush, 2. width-wise not much to check, 3. but height wise make sure its flush too.

Its really weird :s... seems like that Capas giving you quite alot of trouble >_<... I'm sure it'll all come together soon.
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Old December 18th, 2008, 03:55   #9
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in this case...yours is to tight but mine is to loose. Haven't found any solution yet
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