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What is the best 1911 GBB?


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Old November 4th, 2008, 02:23   #1
Exclamation What is the best 1911 GBB?

Im looking at buying a new 1911 in the near future, Im wondering what you think is the best 1911 gbb in its stock form?
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Old November 4th, 2008, 02:30   #2
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I think it'd be TM, though the WE 1911 is a great upgradeable gun that fires 300 and comes with a metal slide and a full metal body (not like the TM's ABS that costs $50 more and will break) but it has some minor glitches (check my topic on this board).

I'd probably end up going with the TM though. BTW, RM is the 1911 king as far as I can tell, so he'd probably be able to tell you all the details and give you a better opinion than mine.
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Old November 4th, 2008, 02:34   #3
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Old November 4th, 2008, 02:43   #4
Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post

So far my #1 choice,

I Always heard good things about TM pistols, most of my teammates have TM pistols.
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Old November 4th, 2008, 02:46   #5
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Originally Posted by pawscal View Post
So far my #1 choice,

I Always heard good things about TM pistols, most of my teammates have TM pistols.
Well you do own a TM 4.3 so you should know.
Quality, and very accurate.

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Old November 4th, 2008, 02:52   #6
Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
Well you do own a TM 4.3 so you should know.
Quality, and very accurate.

Actually, i dont lol, because i bought it used this summer but it has not worked once since getting it. Thats why im doing my research before jumping on the TM wagon again lol.
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Old November 4th, 2008, 04:38   #7
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
Can you please let me know how this gun works out for you? Is the slide ABS or metal? Also, if it's not metal, how much would it cost to get a metal one?

Have you upgraded it or modified/repaired it in any way? How long have you had it and has it's performance been dwindling? I wouldn't mind getting rid of the old WE and forking up the extra cash for a TM pistol as long as I don't have to end up upgrading the slide or internals.
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Old November 4th, 2008, 04:50   #8
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I've held and fired both the TM and the WE. I prefer the WE personally, and it hasn't let me down yet. I'd say WE but everyone here will disagree with me most likely. If the TM 1911 was full metal, I'd take it over the WE in a heartbeat.
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Old November 4th, 2008, 07:25   #9
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WE 1911's are garbage, I've yet to see one that didnt bust the spring cap out and bend the barrel bushing. They're a great price for a full metal gun, but it leaves a sour taste in your mouth when it busts after a game or two. Some people seem to get away with them, but I've personally seen at least 5 or 6 go tits up in a matter of weeks.

I've owned an MEU, and they are a nail driver. They come ABS, same as the TM 1911A1 and they shoot hard. The frame feels a little wider than the 1911, and the mags have the rubber bumper on them which I dont care for. Performance wise, they're awesome if the new look is your style, it wasn't mine.

I have a pair of TM 1911A1's that are great. I've put a few parts in them, but am keeping them cosmetically old school. I have friends who have run them for years on propane and stock slides without cracks.. so yes TM is your friend for 1911's.
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Old November 4th, 2008, 08:23   #10
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Redwolf has the reviews.

The new WE Socom Gear Wilson Combat & the TM MEU.

Both guns are good, and both have pros and cons.

The TM MEU, where is metal internals, accurate.
The WE Socom Gear Wilson Combat, where it is full metal.

I am not sure if the Wilson Combat is TM friendly.

But, you can upgrade the WE Wilson Combat, but it won't be as accurate as the TM, where you can upgrade the TM MEU with metal kits.

The TM MEU comes with real NOVAK sights, where WE Wilson Combat comes with 99% copy of the real grips.

The WE Wilson Combat has rough finishes.

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Old November 4th, 2008, 10:14   #11
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those WE seem like a TM copy so how come the mags aren't compatible?
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Old November 4th, 2008, 10:31   #12
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Cassius View Post
those WE seem like a TM copy so how come the mags aren't compatible?
It only "seem" like a copy, it's not a copy. WE1911 evolved from WE2011, rather than being a straight forward copy of the TM1911. As such, WE designed its own mag for the WE1911, though it does use the same valve as TM1911.

I pushed my WE1911 pretty hard. It was sensitive to cold weather, though that's as much as the single stack mag as anything else. She turned out to be a good work horse for me, but I also knew how to troubleshoot her properly.

Anyways, I wouldn't recommend a WE1911. In countries where you can get them closer to MSRP, they're pretty good. Here in Canada, for the same amount of money, you can probably do better. I'd recommend you to shoot for a KJW1911 or a CA1911 (both much less common than WE1911). Both are straight up TM clones.

Alternatively, I give KJW 6 months until they pop out a TM MEU clone.
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Old November 4th, 2008, 10:37   #13
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Tokyo Marui all the way for GBBs in stock form.

I've been to games where brand new WE's just break down after getting a little sand in them, my TM runs flawlessly and I there's been mud/sand in it :P
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Old November 4th, 2008, 10:52   #14
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Depends what you're looking for. If you're looking for heft in the hand, go WE. If you want outright reliability and shooting performance, TM bar none.

TM's hop up design is stellar. You can tell that they put in significant engineering when you shoot their GBBs out of the box. They're also tuned to work decently well with lower pressure HFC134a. That will extend your playing season significantly.

WE gloms on a heavy metal slide that can cycle in the best of conditions, but if things cool down you're stuck. Their heavy slides require lighter springs to cycle because it takes so much work to get the thing moving so they go light on the spring. I've got a WE 3.9" which is pretty much a copy of the Hicapa. The spring is so slack that you can do what I call a "whip cock". Punch forward aggressively and you can cock the slide with inertia. Just like real steel, if you use a light recoil spring and get a little grime or gun smegma and your gun may fail to return to battery. I also find a bunch of goofy little mistakes like springs that aren't quite the right stiffness which leads to fun troubleshooting adventures.

Finally, WE uses single port mag valves.

for an explanation of double and single port mag valves scroll down on this post:

This leads to frequent short fills which would probably be really bad on a singlestacker mag with limited gas capacity. This is the shortfall of buying from clonemakers. You get a sort of parody of what was originally a beautifully engineered device. Some features get duplicated, some mimicked, and most subtleties outright missed.

Has anyone broken a stock TM slide recently? We're all blasting propane now. I'm not sure if I've ever heard of a slide broken by recoil force. I've seen a gun or two pwned by a fall onto concrete but post TM Hicapa slides seem to be propane tolerant now.
Want nearly free GBB gas?

Last edited by MadMax; November 4th, 2008 at 10:55..
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Old November 4th, 2008, 11:20   #15
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Five stars to this thread for the most amount of useful information on one page.

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