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KJW M9 Vertec on Co2?


Upgrades & Modifications

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Old May 8th, 2008, 02:31   #16
johnnyrico's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Winnipeg, MB
My two cents for this discussion...

I have a TM 4.3 hicapa. ( ling-ling, she is so sexy...

Anywho, stock hammer and recoil spring, metal slide.

Reinforced nozzle.

I tried 2 different WE co2 mags for the hicapas in her.

The result was that the fps was actually LESS, but the kick / blowback was more.

Test was done with a new co2 cartridge and full load of bb's and a fully gassed propane mag full load of bb's. Even waited 5 min or so for the propane mag to warm after filling...

The fps average for 10 shots of propane was 288fps. The average for 10 shots of co2 mag was 235fps.

The gun was louder with the co2 and there was noticibly more kick, however the propane had a higer fps.

This is contrary to what I though would happen. I had believed that the co2 fps would be higher but it was not.

I am not sure what to draw from this. It is possible that with a stonger hammer spring MAYBE the fps would be higher with co2, but I do not think so.

Clearly the hammer spring can press it fine seeing as the gun is louder and has noticibly stonger kick, it is just odd that the fps is lower...

Well that is my two cents.
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