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Marui G26 - Trigger Troubles?


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Old March 7th, 2007, 17:40   #1
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Marui G26 - Trigger Troubles?

This is going to be a shot in the dark...hopefully another g26 owner has some suggestion.

New Parts
- Guarder steel slide/barrel
- Guader steel guide rod
- Guarder upgraded spring set

The metal slide kit and guide rod installed without a hitch. Pretty much just swapped internals, test fired and everything was running great.
(At this point I'm saying "should have left it")

I carefully removed the pin in the frame, and slid the entire "hammer unit" out.
Pictured here

(parts to the left and right of circle are included in the unit)

After removing two additional pins in the actual unit, all of its internals were free. I replaced the hammer spring with the new one, and put the unit back together.

I checked to make sure the actual "hammer" would lock into place as before. It locked correctly, and releases by activation from part #35
Which is connected to the trigger.

I re-installed the "hammer unit #43" back into the grip as if new. The hammer still locked and released by the pull of the trigger (with the slide removed)
Just for testing purpose to see if the actual unit was doing its job.

Now, even after installing the slide, I would dry fire without the magazine to confirm no error.
Where my problem is, Firing with gas, the trigger does not return. Although without gas, it returns fine.

After trying to get back to point A, I replaced the "hammer" spring to the original, to see if there was any change. And it still showed the same issues.

I cannot determine for the life of me why it will return and function properly without gas, but when fired with gas, the trigger sticks in the fired position and has to be assisted back into forward position.

I've tried re-arranging spring #53 to see if it was put in backwards, putting tension in the wrong area.. but the "hammer unit" wouldn't function properly that way. Unless installed how I first completed it..

I can get photos of anything if need-be, just curious if anyone has done this upgrade before and had trouble.
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Old March 7th, 2007, 20:05   #2
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Okay, I have narrowed it down to part #35

I've started by getting the gun stock again. Problem still happens but I've got a bit more of an idea, still looking for suggestion.

If the trigger is held in the fire position, and a magazine inserted, the trigger is locked in the fire position. If you press the magazine release, only the slightest wobble of the mag will return the trigger forward.

I'll keep updating as I go..
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Old March 12th, 2007, 15:55   #3
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Fixed the problem.. by doing nothing?

After trying to squeeze the trigger even farther back, it must have shifted #35 back into action. Everything is working perfect.

If you need advice or suggestion working on the Marui Glock26, feel free to send me a pm.
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Old May 21st, 2008, 19:30   #4
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Sorry for the necro here but i didn't want to start a new thread. Does anyone have a detailed set of either pictures or walkthrough on how to put the hammer assembly together? I had a broken hammer spring and now i'm trying to get the assembly back together but the diagrams don't show the positioning of parts #48,49,52 and 53. Any help is appreciated.
My Sig was removed beacuse i'm a moron...
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Old May 21st, 2008, 21:35   #5
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Nevermind. got it all sorted.
My Sig was removed beacuse i'm a moron...
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Smelly troll is smelly.
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