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Classic Army AUG A1 or SAR Taktik II (G3 SG-1)


Airsoft Guns Discussion

View Poll Results: Which gun?
SAR Taktik Rifle II (G3 - SG1) 41 47.67%
AUG A1 45 52.33%
Voters: 86. You may not vote on this poll

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Old October 20th, 2006, 16:35   #16
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Originally Posted by Gryphon View Post
I don't know how people are claiming the AUG is more versatile a gun. It has one rail system for it that's expensive and only works with the A2 receiver, you can't put on different stocks or furniture, if you get the A1 you have NO optics choices, etc. The SAR is FAR more versatile than the AUG will ever be.
You might want to do some research before bashing the AUG. There are at least three different rail systems for it, two of wich WILL fit the military reciever. You also have a full length barrel (wich is actually about an inch longer than a full size G3) in a short carbine sized weapon because of the bulpup design. Another bonus with the AUG is how quickly you can swap barrels. You can have an upgraded gun, say 400fps with a long sniper barrel and change to a C.Q.B. 14" with a velocity reducer in about 10 seconds. You can basically have two guns in one. They are nicely ballanced (not front heavy like all conventional rifles) and can easily be shouldered and fired with one hand if need be. You can't get much more versatile than that!
OH and also the version 3 gearbox is a bonus. Personally I'm getting tired of people bad mouthing the AUG and other bulpup designs because they just don't like the way they look.

Just my 2 cents.
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Old October 20th, 2006, 16:55   #17
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I voted G3, a set of real steel wood furniture would look smashing on it.

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Old October 20th, 2006, 19:37   #18
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I'd say it's a tough decision. I have an AUG A1 and it's really nice. Really, really nice. It's had a few minor electrical glitches with the semi-auto, but that was easily fixed with no AEG servicing experience.
There's not much you can do to an AUG if you like putting stuff on your guns, and the optics are not so versatile, since they're fixed on. However, the optics on the A1 are really nice. They're far, far nicer than I ever expected that they'd be, though the rifle sites on top are a bit crappy (they're just for backup so this is no big deal though). Plus, if you want to change the optics, you can always get an A2 reciever (not the TM, since it's not compatible).
The Tartik on the other hand looks really nice, and is newer. The SAR 41 is an incredibly nice looking rifle, I'd expect no worse of the larger version.
I'd reccomend getting the CA AUG A2 and putting a 1.5X scope or RDS on it, that way you're not screwed if your scope gets shot out or broken and you can change it up if you want.
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Old October 20th, 2006, 20:17   #19
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I stand corrected on the rails, however I stand by my comment that the AUG isn't as versatile as the G3 series. Also please don't put words into my mouth, I never said I disliked the AUG for it's looks. Different strokes for different folks.
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Old October 20th, 2006, 22:57   #20
capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavor

Considering the Aug is fantastically compact, yet remains an exceptional field gun, Id say it wins.

G3 is great, but its big and long, 1036mm vs the Aug's 805mm. Its only 20cm, but considering the Aug is a bullpup, the profile is much smaller and better suited for urban and CQB. Its not like taking the SG1 indoors is pratical, but the Aug, sure, its almost as good in CQB as a SMG style gun like the MP5.

Ok, so the Aug is better for CQB because its smaller and easier to handel...And we all know of the benifits of the bullpup design.

But the G3 is a better field gun because its bigger right? Nada. The SG1 has an inner barrel of 469mm...but the Aug has an inner barrel of 550mm.

So the Aug suites better as a range gun and a CQB gun...

I dig the G3, its a meaty gun, but versitile? not really.
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Old October 21st, 2006, 05:29   #21
made Man
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You cant beat 500 rd hicaps With those things G3 is pretty much a support gun
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Old October 21st, 2006, 10:29   #22
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Originally Posted by Gryphon View Post
I stand corrected on the rails, however I stand by my comment that the AUG isn't as versatile as the G3 series. Also please don't put words into my mouth, I never said I disliked the AUG for it's looks. Different strokes for different folks.
Sorry about that. I didn't mean to point the finger at you, I am just constantly hearing people say how much they hate the way it looks. I personally hated them years ago (based on the looks alone) but after getting a chance to fire a real one in the early 90s', I fell in love. Even though I'm left handed and was forced to fire it from the right shoulder, I didn't have any problems and got a feel for how well ballanced this rifle actually is. I actually found it easier (and quicker) to shoulder and fire from my weak side than conventional AR designs. Although I've never fired a G3 series rifle I do like the way they look & feel and I don't have anything against them. I agree that we all like different guns for different reasons, but I just don't understand how you can say the G3 is more versatile.
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Old October 21st, 2006, 10:46   #23
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Originally Posted by made Man View Post
You cant beat 500 rd hicaps With those things G3 is pretty much a support gun
OH YEA? WGC Shop has a Jet Customs 1000 rnd. drum mag for the AUG. I can smell my battery cooking already!
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Old October 21st, 2006, 15:29   #24
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Good luck running around with that thing under your armpit.
You dont choose who you love, love chooses you; and that little fucking son of a bitch sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being.

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Old October 21st, 2006, 15:45   #25
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It's not as cumbersome as you might think. It's roughly the same size as an AK drum- not a thompson.
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Old October 21st, 2006, 15:55   #26
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Old October 21st, 2006, 16:08   #27
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Originally Posted by made Man View Post
Good luck running around with that thing under your armpit.
I have one (making an HBAR-T). If you have the drum under your armpit, then you're holding the AUG wrong . The drum is at your forearm, about two thirds down towards your wrist. It's actually not bad at all with very little chicken winging.

Plus, as a bullpup, the balance is great to hold it one handed which means you can fire and move while holding down the electronic winding button on the mag.
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Old October 21st, 2006, 18:00   #28
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i loved my Aug, soo much so that i sold it to a friend so i could still use it.

Stirdy and shoots hella fast with a 9.6.
why cant westcan come back?
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Old October 21st, 2006, 21:54   #29
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definitly the G3 Aug's are ugly as sin(but not quite as bad as p90's)
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Old October 23rd, 2006, 21:49   #30
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SAR Taktik Rifle II (G3 SG-1) looks much better, but its your choice.
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