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Mp5 tappet and air nozzel ordeal!


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Old August 13th, 2006, 05:52   #1
brently0725's Avatar
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Mp5 tappet and air nozzel ordeal!

Hey folks,
I have worked on airsoft AEG's for a while now and have stumbled upon a problem and I was wondering if anyone might have some advise for me!!
My gun is now feeding like 2 to 5 bb's at a time

I broke the tappet plate in my TM MP5 SD5. Ver 2 mech box here.
So I bought an Area 1000 one thru Systema @ SpecArms. The first thing I noticed was that the end of it was not a half moon like the stock one but more like a quarter moon
Tappet Picture

Will this make it feed impropperly?

Also I replaced the stock cylinder, cylinder head, air nozzle and piston head with one thru Hurrican and the air nozzle looks different. It has an O shape at the end where as my stock one had an X shape.

Will this possibly affect my feeding?

Any help or other suggestions would be appreciated.

Also if I left any important info out just ask.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Tappet1.JPG (11.9 KB, 27 views)
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Old August 21st, 2006, 01:37   #2
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Old August 21st, 2006, 01:50   #3
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Are the nozzles both the same length? This may be affecting your feeding as well. The more of the arm there is on tappet, the more it will move. If you have your old tappet, try to match the profile using a Dremel and make sure the profile is smooth. Also, install your old nozzle if the lengths are not the same.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old August 21st, 2006, 07:18   #4
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I highly reccomend NOT dremeling your NEW tapet plate. There might be more then one issue at work here. What is your spring(FPS) and battery? (ROF)

Try taking out everything in your mechbox and leaving only the gears, cylinder, piston, tapet plate, and airnozzle in. Put the hopup together with the mechbox now. When you turn the gears does the nozzle get pushed in all the way into the hopup when it comes time for the piston to be released and pushes it's airflow? Be sure to use your finger as the replacement for the spring by pushing the piston forward while moving the gears.

Once the piston is released forward into the cylinder, the nozzle should be fully forward inside the hopup with a bb already loaded into the chamber.

From there you can determine if its nozzle, spring, gears, or a hopup issue. Unless the tappet plate is not being moved by the gears then by all means return it and get a refund since it's not doing its job.

Be sure to check the hopup itself and see if it is loading bb's properly. Some don't like the pressures of bb's being forced upwards...

Hope this helps. I'm local so if you absolutely need to you can easily find someone like me to help you look at it.

sorry shameless plug lol. Even though I am still learning much about the mechanics of airsoft guns. I have worked on all 3 of my guns. One being a CA MP5SD5.

Good luck otherwise!
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Old August 21st, 2006, 09:52   #5
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Originally Posted by Prowler
I highly reccomend NOT dremeling your NEW tapet plate. There might be more then one issue at work here.

Even though I am still learning much about the mechanics of airsoft guns. I have worked on all 3 of my guns.
I have taken that into account as well. And I've worked on literally dozens of guns and nearly every type of mechbox from every major manufacturer. I've had to Dremel tappet plates to match profiles when necessary.

Try to get the original tappet if possible. If not, Dremel!!!
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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