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Blochy paint.


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Old May 30th, 2006, 00:31   #1
youonlywish's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Brantford, ON.
Blochy paint.

Hey all...

Just started a painting project on my M4RIS...

Painting with Krylon Camo Black.

On two of my mags, the paint looks blochy. How would i go about removing said paint... do i need to? can i just put a couple more coats over it?

The Devil's Bench - Gaming Cafe, Brantford, ON.
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Old May 30th, 2006, 00:41   #2
Join Date: Dec 2001
What exactly do you mean by blochy?

But to remove the paint, you can just use a light sanding of 600+ grit sandpaper. Depending what you meant by blochy, you can probably put a couple more coats over it without issue, but make sure that your technique is correct or you'll just get more "blochy" paint.

Some tips:
- Clean the surfaces that you are painting with atleast water (if not rubbing alcohol).
- Spray from atleast 8" away, no closer (if it's from a spray can).
- Make sure the place you are spraying in is room temperature, and not too humid.
- Several light coats is better than one heavy (wet) coat.
- "dman"
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Old May 30th, 2006, 00:52   #3
youonlywish's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Brantford, ON.
Originally Posted by dman
What exactly do you mean by blochy?

But to remove the paint, you can just use a light sanding of 600+ grit sandpaper. Depending what you meant by blochy, you can probably put a couple more coats over it without issue, but make sure that your technique is correct or you'll just get more "blochy" paint.

Some tips:
- Clean the surfaces that you are painting with atleast water (if not rubbing alcohol).
- Spray from atleast 8" away, no closer (if it's from a spray can).
- Make sure the place you are spraying in is room temperature, and not too humid.
- Several light coats is better than one heavy (wet) coat.

What will happen if it IS too humid?
the only place i can paint is in my garage....
The Devil's Bench - Gaming Cafe, Brantford, ON.
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Old May 30th, 2006, 01:05   #4
Im a painter most of the time. I spend most of my days in a spray booth, so I think I can suggest some things.

blotching is from a clean surface. Give a light sanding(600 is a bit overkill, 320 to 400 is good enough) and use rubbing alcohol.
IF it bloched, it will take much more paint to cover it up, whatever chemical is causing the blotching(oil, grease, etc) will go right through and will blotch several layers.

next time, use a primer, and by primer I dont mean a lighter krylong paint. Using Tan to prime for OD is not enough. Primer is ment to neutralize oils and other chemicals that cause bloching and to etch(sp) the surface so the paint sticks better.

other then that, fallow dmans instructions
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Old May 30th, 2006, 01:07   #5
humidity will slow the drying process.
however, it also lowers the number of dust particals in the air.
if you want, dry between spray coats with an electric heater or hair dryer. dont cook it, just help dry it.
but keep your garage door open, airflow is more important then humidity.
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