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Never EVER look into the loading nozzle when unloading an AEG!!!


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Old April 11th, 2006, 22:16   #16
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Wow, tanx for the warning. Look like it's not an isolated incident.

Stalker, can you take a pic of your eye? It could be added to the list of airsoft related injury. It will also give us an idea on how painfull it must be.

I won't laught at you, since I almost lost my right eye from a broken metal pease off my KJW M9 slide last summer.

I ended up with the same conclusion than you: Airsoft = eye protection all the time, even for testing shit out in "controled" environement.

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Old April 11th, 2006, 22:24   #17
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Kinda late now to take a pic of it, swelling only last an hour and felt like I had a thick eyelid, and because of the embarrassment of it, didn't tell the wife and tried to hide it. Wasn't noticable when eyes open, eye closed you could clearly see it, but it's gone down pretty much all the way now. Eye lid still a bit sensitive, eyeball still a wee bit sore, but otherwise 100%. Thanks Fox.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 23:23   #18
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This is why I never ever look at the end of barrel regardless if it is not loaded or loaded. It gives out a creepy feeling..
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
The plush dogs were cool.

Don't let the dog haters and plushy haters get to you, man. ANYONE can post pictures of their guns, but it takes a special breed of man to post a picture of his guns with plushies!
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Old April 11th, 2006, 23:40   #19
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Lucky shit you are. Glad to hear you're OK.

When I have to look down a barrel, I always point a light into the bb feed tube in the Armalites. It'll tell me if there is still a bb in the inner barrel if I can't see the light when looking down the barrel.
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Old April 12th, 2006, 00:54   #20
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
Kinda late now to take a pic of it, swelling only last an hour and felt like I had a thick eyelid, and because of the embarrassment of it, didn't tell the wife and tried to hide it. Wasn't noticable when eyes open, eye closed you could clearly see it, but it's gone down pretty much all the way now. Eye lid still a bit sensitive, eyeball still a wee bit sore, but otherwise 100%. Thanks Fox.
"Honey, why are you wearing an eye patch"
"Errrr....I mean ARRRRR, I'm trying to be a pirate...."

Glad it wasn't serious injury though. :salute:
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Old April 12th, 2006, 00:55   #21
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at least no real damage. maybe this little tid bit should be added to the rules or some place close that maybe FAQ's??. that way no one could get hurt again.
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Old April 12th, 2006, 01:24   #22
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LoL, that sucks... your lucky. Something similiar has happened to me. One day i decided it would be fun to set up obsticles in my basement to shoot at. Word of advice, use obsticles that have "Give" and aren't solid. The first shot bouced off the target, off 2 walls, and into my mouth!!! Let me tell you having a BB hit the back of your throat doesn't feel good.
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Old April 12th, 2006, 06:32   #23
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Good heads up there Stalker..
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Old April 12th, 2006, 06:42   #24
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The important point here is that it's such an unexpected source for a BB flying out. The barrel, well, gives the creeps to anyone. But the loading tube? I would not have thought about it. Now I will. The BB also came out at high speed to hurt that much, could have been far worse in a hurry.

Since I wear glasses, I have a small amount of added protection all the time, but still it's not safety glasses. Yes, this should be pinned someplace OR a list of other similar dangers based on what has really happened should be made, then pinned?
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Old April 12th, 2006, 09:06   #25
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Originally Posted by bruce
Lucky shit you are. Glad to hear you're OK.

When I have to look down a barrel, I always point a light into the bb feed tube in the Armalites. It'll tell me if there is still a bb in the inner barrel if I can't see the light when looking down the barrel.
Ya, I do that too. Just I got shot out of the loading tube (thinking about it now, I didn't call my hit............ damn!) I shine a light inthe loading tube to look down the barrel to see if the hop up works and whatnot, and occasionally to check for blockage, but I saw the BB sitting in the chamber, pointed the gun in a safe direction and pulled the trigger......... SMACK!

Eye still sore this morning, bruised for 3/4 of my eyelid and slightly swollen. Sandra finally noticed it before I left for work, so decided to get her to take a pic of it to post here for ya.
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Old April 12th, 2006, 09:21   #26
I've done it too. You are not alone.
Old April 12th, 2006, 09:44   #27
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Did it look like this after?

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Old April 12th, 2006, 10:15   #28
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I have also, shot myself point blank. I think Grey was there that day too. I was fixing a MP5-PDW and I was having a bitch of a time getting the stock on with the battery in the gun. I was holding the gun upside down and tucked in to my left side and holding it steady with the left arm while both hand worked on the stock.

Just as I got the stock on I moved my right hand to put down the PDW and pulled the trigger. Right into the inside of my left elbow. Only hurt cause I was not expecting it and man did I jump.

So even the best of us do have miss fires. but then again we play with the guns alot more then others.

Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Wild idea: read the manual. Yes - Tokyo Marui manuals contain good information.

Despite being 50% in Japanese, the other 50% is still in English and covers important information regarding the operation and functions of your airsoft gun.
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Old April 12th, 2006, 10:36   #29
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Wow Stalker, you're so damn lucky you had your eye closed... I imagine this thread would be very different if you had it open...that looks painful! Good to know you're ok!! Same with everyone else whos had similar experiences.

I agree with Greylocks and Beaver, this should be pinned. Especially seeing as this isn't an isolated incident.

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Old April 12th, 2006, 10:38   #30
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Really careless thing to have it happen. But sometimes we just lose focus and forget about these little issues. What happened was 'n00bish', but it's a good warning/reminder to others.

Glad you weren't seriously hurt.
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