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Since I upgraded my KSC Autoglock...


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Old March 30th, 2006, 12:12   #1
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Toronto
Since I upgraded my KSC Autoglock...

Since I upgraded my KSC Glock 26C with a metal slide/barrel kit, I've run into a few problems. The installation was breezy, much easier than I expected... However, I've noticed a few changes since the upgrade:

One being that the gun is no longer field strippable! Usually, the procedure would be drop the mag, pull the slide back, set the elector switch to safe, pull the side pins down, and let the slide go forward, and it slides off. For some reason or another, the slide seems to get stuck on the internal hammer mechanism... In order for me to fully remove the slide, I am forced to poke my propane adaptor's tip thru the hole in the back of the slide, push the hammer down out of the way and then the slide comes off easy. Why is this happening? I didn't change anything in the lower frame, just swapped the internals from one slide to another...

As well, I've noticed that my BBs are not hitting the target anymore... I believe that this MAY be due to the fact that it's starting to get warmer outside, and the propane is shooting harder now. It seems as though the BBs fly straight for about 20 or 30 feet, and then go straight up into the sky. I know i know, hop up is too high... So I disengaged hop up entirely. Still, the same thing happens. Is it possible the 0.2's im using are too light? Do I need 25s or 3s?

Lastly the rate of fire has slowed down dramatically.. (obviously, as the metal slide is much heavier than the stock plastic one...) I have lready ordered an upgraded hammer spring, but I don't think that's what I need... Will enhanced recoil springs bring my ROF back up to normal? What about a high-flow?

Sorry for the mass of questions in one post..., and thanks to anyone who has anything helpful to say!

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Old March 30th, 2006, 16:34   #2
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Cambridge, ON
As for the slide difficulties, did you install a heavier hammer spring? I did on my Glock 19 and found that it took a bit more effort to install/remove the slide because the extra tension on the hammer made it more difficult to push down.
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Old March 30th, 2006, 17:08   #3
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GBBs are typically made to perform with 0.25g or heavier BBs in mind. They will generally not be able to adjust low enough for 0.20g BBs (as you have experienced.)

Secondly, because of the increased weight of the slide, it's normal for performance to be more sluggish than before. This can be counteracted by installing enhanced recoil springs.
A hammer spring only makes your velocity more consistent, possibly higher, and will make it possible to crack open the valve on a propane filled magazine on a hot summer day. Actually, even some propane filled magazines can't be cracked open with a stock hammer spring at room temperature.
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Old March 30th, 2006, 19:43   #4
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Well then, Brian, I guess the next time I see you, I'll be picking up an enhanced recoil spring & a bag or two of 0.25s, along with my hammer spring (which I assume, by now, is waiting for me?)

Originally Posted by sdkfz234
As for the slide difficulties, did you install a heavier hammer spring? I did on my Glock 19 and found that it took a bit more effort to install/remove the slide because the extra tension on the hammer made it more difficult to push down.
Nope, not yet, but soon! Who knows, maybe it will solve the field-strip problem lol :P
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Old March 30th, 2006, 21:38   #5
try a bit of lube too
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Old March 30th, 2006, 22:32   #6
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yep, your hammer spring is here awaiting pickup
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Old March 30th, 2006, 23:13   #7
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I found that my slide didn't slow down all that much. I've got a couple of before and after videos and you can see that although it did slow down it was barely noticeable. It does make a nice clickity clack sound now though. Especially when I rack the slide to chamber a round.
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Old March 31st, 2006, 00:00   #8
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It's hard to say, but it looks like my 26C shoots faster..

EDIT: That's an old vid with the stock plastic slide
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Old March 31st, 2006, 01:12   #9
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At first it looked alot faster but I watched each one 3 times and it looks close to the same with the plastic slides.

Mercury0_0, is that first video done with no upgrades, like stock from the box?
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Old March 31st, 2006, 21:23   #10
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Yep, bone stock, just before I installed the metal slide.
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