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ICS MP5SD5 Problem (possible gear or motor problem?)


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Old March 8th, 2006, 01:21   #1
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ICS MP5SD5 Problem (possible gear or motor problem?)

Ok, I'm posting this on behalf of reality's-soulja on what I was able to see from the MP5.

Anywho, basically the problem right now is that whenever the MP5 fires, the motor spins, and doesn't catch onto the gears. So I checked the gears inside the mechbox, they don't seem to be chewed out or anything. The motor head seems to be in good condition, he just bought it and all, it's a longtype Systema High Torque motor.

I then tried to adjust the amount the motor was sticking into the mechbox with my thumb at different lengths, when it was inside the pistol grip, to see if it would catch, well, after some tries, it didn't seem to catch onto the motor.

A screw was then purchased to replace the missing one on the bottom of the pistol grip plate to adjust it the 'right' way I guess lol. Anywho, after some adjustment, it still didn't seem to do the trick.

Any suggestions?
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Old March 8th, 2006, 01:44   #2
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Is it possible your friend got a mislabled motor?
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Old March 8th, 2006, 12:56   #3
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Location: GTA I'm pretty sure he's got the right motor, says it's compatible... I guess it could have been mislabelled, is it a common problem? Cause the motor looks just like that.
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Old March 8th, 2006, 18:35   #4
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I'm bad at knowing what parts are called and I have a way of naming them myself. So knowing that, you might want to be sure there is that little circle plate on the bottom of the pistol grip which actually moves the motor upward towards the gears when you tighten the screw in the middle of the motor plate. If that isn't there it might take more than the screw length to push the motor enough to engage the gears.
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Old March 8th, 2006, 22:43   #5
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Yup, that's there. I think the silver dish is pretty much there to prevent the screw from scratching the motor, I'm not sure, but whatever, it's there.
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Old March 9th, 2006, 18:48   #6
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Vancouver, BC
So basically the motor isn't going high enough to engage the bevel gear? Is it possible that you have a short type motor? You've checked the bevel gear to make sure one of the teeth aren't shaved flat? (that's happened to me before) Otherwise, I can't see why else it wouldn't engage.

I know I read your first post and you've answered most of my suggestions but that's all I could think of.
"Any punk can shoot from across the room but it takes a real man to get close enough to stab"
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Old March 10th, 2006, 11:48   #7
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Mount Albert (North of Toronto)
Have you checked to see if the gear on the motor is tight on the shaft. If the shaft or gear is defective at the mating surface it may be spinning on the shaft. If this is happening then the teeth on the gear will not show any signs of wear as it is not actually turning when under load.
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