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Backpacks for 24 hr milsim games


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Old December 6th, 2017, 22:04   #1
Delta_Charlie's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2012
Backpacks for 24 hr milsim games

Hey guys,

I'm in the market for a good backpack for next year's milsim games and I'm just curious what people are using? Any input will be greatly appreciated.


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Old December 7th, 2017, 09:51   #2
docholiday's Avatar
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Really depends on the season/type of game and the resulting load requirements. From smallest to largest load requirement what I have been using and have been very happy with.

- Mystery Ranch Day Lid (14.7 L)
- Mystery Ranch 3DAP (30 L)
- Mystery Ranch 3DAP with Day Lid (30 L+ 14.7 L)
- Arcteryx Khyber 80 (although I would recommend one of the larger Mystery Ranch packs over the Arcteryx offerings due to overall comfort) (80 L)

If I had to pick one pack to rule them all I would pick the MR 3DAP - built quality, design/layout and comfort are amazing.
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Old December 7th, 2017, 12:58   #3
Desmodus's Avatar
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For longer weekend games I run the USMC ILBE 70+L, for shorter games I use a either a 45L ruck or 28L 6sh104 pack.

Like Doc said, really depends on the season and type of game.
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Primaries: LCT AK74MN w/SKTBR, VFC M4 SOPMOD Block 2
Secondary: Latino heat, TM Glock 17
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Old December 7th, 2017, 13:32   #4
Stryker's Avatar
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Check this out, if you haven't seen it yet.
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Old December 10th, 2017, 01:21   #5
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Here's my Eberlestock Halftrack next to a friends Alice pack:

I don't always run the pack this heavy, and in this image I have a lot of "extras" strapped to the outside since this was a setup I was testing for a 40h game. On the bottom I have a USGI bivy, on the back is an Adapt pack, and a GP pouch below that. On the right side is some condor pouch with my jetboil. I also have two EI-style zippered med pouches on either side of the waist belt to hold tools and quick-access items I need while wearing the pack.

I built this setup with the idea that I can drop the main pack and detach the adapt pack, and still have all of the essentials with me (water, spare mags, some food etc...); although I find myself doing this less and less. My goal is to eventually grab a single, larger pack (probably mystery ranch) that in theory should carry and distribute larger loads more efficiently. I've found the halftrack to be somewhat of a "squat" pack, and given the way I have it set up in this image, I feel loading it up on the outside of the pack causes it to hinge away from my body and put extra pressure on my lower back; all the extra pouches = extra weight the pack wasn't designed for.

All said and done this setup weighed about 45lbs with my water and wet-weather gear (a bit more once I strapped a spare gun to the outside). This is the heaviest I would ever go with this pack, or probably any pack for that matter.

So... think about how much capacity you need, and definitely consider the dry-weight of whatever packs you are looking at.

*Busy signing for his packages*
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Old December 11th, 2017, 01:48   #6
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Location: Charlottetown, PEI / Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1 for Eberlestock. Love my Battleship and LoDrag
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