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Old June 28th, 2016, 14:34   #16
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Originally Posted by mikebarkski View Post
Oh age verified.....that whole concept is retarded but i guess it protects us in case there are Undercovers on here....if airsoft grew to be big in my small town, i could totally see the powell river rcmp coming on here to sting a offense to any cops on here who just wanna play airsoft while off duty, but in my experience cops just wanna ruin a good time.
i guess ill go get AV'd
The process protects everyone from people like YOU (and vice-versa). Ya know, new, unknown, etc? It's a community, so it makes it safer to buy, sell, trade and deal with other online garbage that's common on other forums. Also we don't help youth get their hands on guns, so we verify everyone is an adult as well. Under-covers, as you say, are the least of your worries, unless of course you're planning something illegal. Many of our members are military and emergency people and we are supportive of them.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...

Last edited by Ricochet; June 28th, 2016 at 15:38..
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Old June 28th, 2016, 14:50   #17
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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The AV process is to protect us from scammers, shady people, potentially selling to dangerous people, and to mark people who are good or bad to deal with.
It really has almost nothing to do with cops or legality of selling an airsoft gun.
Ive seen dozens of cases of people getting screwed over fb trade deals, but its very rare over asc...wonder why that is???
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Old June 28th, 2016, 15:20   #18
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Originally Posted by mikebarkski View Post
Oh age verified.....that whole concept is retarded but i guess it protects us in case there are Undercovers on here....if airsoft grew to be big in my small town, i could totally see the powell river rcmp coming on here to sting a offense to any cops on here who just wanna play airsoft while off duty, but in my experience cops just wanna ruin a good time.
i guess ill go get AV'd
huh? what?!
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Old June 28th, 2016, 15:23   #19
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I think all these & all the OP's posts need to become one mega thread right where the OP's first post wound up.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old June 28th, 2016, 15:51   #20
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sry..meant no offense

Originally Posted by nardac View Post
Wow, really? You must be new here, maybe do a bit of research/reading, and please lose the attitude. There are lots of law enforcement on here who play, and I find your comment rather disrespectful.
Im sorry Nardac, i didn't mean to seem hostile towards or to have any sort of attitude. I meant no disrespect to you or any police in particular....i have a cousin who is a Trooper in the state of Kansas....but if you had been beaten up as many times as i have by overly aggressive police you would be hesitant to spend your free time with them as well.

And i am new to this forum, and never heard of the importance of verifying a members age because everyone knows everyone where i live. However i understand why we do it here...cause we dont know each other really

I hope this simmers any boiling hostilities anyone was feeling after my previous remarks, again i dont want to offend/disrespect anyone, especially not law enforcement
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Old June 28th, 2016, 16:31   #21
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
The AV process is to protect us from scammers, shady people, potentially selling to dangerous people, and to mark people who are good or bad to deal with.
It really has almost nothing to do with cops or legality of selling an airsoft gun.
Ive seen dozens of cases of people getting screwed over fb trade deals, but its very rare over asc...wonder why that is???
Ok, see that makes more sense...protecting the community from scam artists so guys dont feel like they are buying a gun with an unknown history from a stranger....when i play out on the gulf islands there are games that are all that illegal? i am 28, and dont want to get in trouble just for playing with a 16yr old (who's in full protective gear, and his parents know, and are ok with it)...we only have one Cop on texada so he is REALLY nice about it...but has cautioned us about playing in Powell River cause there are more officers than just him who may not share his opinion...(sry, this is way off topic)

thx for your coment e-luder......that was very helpful, i think the biggest thing i have learned hear is that i have to make my purchase at a walk in i can feel the g17 or 1911 cause everyone is different...and i can talk to the tech at the store about parts for whatever gun i yea i want to try out the TM quality but when i make the purchase it wont be online....any recommendations for a good store on the island or in N.van? (island is better, less ferries)
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Old June 28th, 2016, 17:01   #22
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Mike, take the time to get AV'd. You will be getting a better deal than a store, and some guns for sale here already have upgrades. If anything, go to a store to hold one and get a feel for it at least. You'll get more for your money on these forums.
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Old June 28th, 2016, 20:14   #23
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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We had a big sort of "little league" airsoft group in manitoba that was all ages. It's fine as long as the parents are good with it and they have proper supervision.
Selling guns to minors on the other hand is dependent on provincial law.

The AV thing is a bit of a hot button topic for many people on ASC. We have had a LOT of people in the past criticize the AV system for being "archaic" or "useless". Mostly boils down to those people either not being eligible to be AV'd, having been previously banned under a different IP, or just plain can't be inconvenienced to go through the process.
Fact is, it works.
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Old June 28th, 2016, 20:45   #24
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Originally Posted by mikebarkski View Post
Im sorry Nardac, i didn't mean to seem hostile towards or to have any sort of attitude. I meant no disrespect to you or any police in particular....i have a cousin who is a Trooper in the state of Kansas....but if you had been beaten up as many times as i have by overly aggressive police you would be hesitant to spend your free time with them as well.

And i am new to this forum, and never heard of the importance of verifying a members age because everyone knows everyone where i live. However i understand why we do it here...cause we dont know each other really

I hope this simmers any boiling hostilities anyone was feeling after my previous remarks, again i dont want to offend/disrespect anyone, especially not law enforcement
Thanks for your apology, I'm not law enforcement, but I do work closely with police in my profession. So I wasn't going to let something like that go. Nice that you addressed it though.
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Old June 28th, 2016, 22:41   #25
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Originally Posted by mikebarkski View Post
Whats AV'd?
And i've heard that TM guns are mostly plastic yet people still swear by them BECAUSE THE PLASTIC LASTS LONGER?? huh thats interesting cause some many other brands seem to boast there full metal products..
Any complaints or warnings about the tm g17? so far everyone likes it with high expectations for life span
Plastic can bend and recovers nicely when it takes shocks. Also, those plastic pistol actually have metal rails in them. Usually some kind of steel in higher end guns (some parts of my Marui 1911a1 have some rust, like the inner frame). So you get metal that's ok quality taking the friction and plastic that can take shocks* and bend in other parts. Best of both worlds. In a full pot metal gun like a WE Hi-Capa, you have weak pot metal taking shocks and deforming, and rails eating each other because they are made of crapium or something. Add the normal "hazards" of Airsoft like sand and drops and you have the perfect recipe for a failing gun.

But if you want to learn to fix guns, cheap guns are amazing. They'll need fixing all the time, you'll get good at it in no time, but your wallet will hate you in the end, because that craptastic gun upgraded to be somewhat reliable will have cost you more than a glorious piece of Tokyo Marui plastic.

* Does not apply to TM G17 and G18 slides. They have a 90° square-ish front. Plastic squares are bad at taking repeated shocks. Those are better with a good quality aftermarket aluminum slide.
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Québec province's master age verification representative.
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Old June 29th, 2016, 03:34   #26
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
We had a big sort of "little league" airsoft group in manitoba that was all ages. It's fine as long as the parents are good with it and they have proper supervision.
Selling guns to minors on the other hand is dependent on provincial law.

The AV thing is a bit of a hot button topic for many people on ASC. We have had a LOT of people in the past criticize the AV system for being "archaic" or "useless". Mostly boils down to those people either not being eligible to be AV'd, having been previously banned under a different IP, or just plain can't be inconvenienced to go through the process.
Fact is, it works.
I hear ya, for me it is the inconvenience of leaving my little enclosed world, im 2 ferries and a long car drive from any stores on the island and 3 ferries and a stressfull drive to any stores in Van city..haha so getting AV'd cost more than most of my guns, i havent left the powell river/texada area for about three years

Last edited by mikebarkski; June 29th, 2016 at 03:38..
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Old June 29th, 2016, 10:42   #27
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Originally Posted by mikebarkski View Post
Im sorry Nardac, i didn't mean to seem hostile towards or to have any sort of attitude. I meant no disrespect to you or any police in particular....i have a cousin who is a Trooper in the state of Kansas....but if you had been beaten up as many times as i have by overly aggressive police you would be hesitant to spend your free time with them as well.
Why do I get the feeling this guy has a prohibition order for 10+ years...
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Old June 29th, 2016, 14:56   #28
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Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
Why do I get the feeling this guy has a prohibition order for 10+ years...
Cause your judgemental and like to make assumptions...its ok, i know lots of people like that...(i dont mean that to be mean or antagonizing, however i LOVE making over-the-top comments, playing devils advocate, abrupt sarcasm & anything that will get a quick rise out of people, or leaving them assuming that i am an end-of-the-world theorist with a massive stock pile of real ammunition and explosives)...ever play with tannerite explosive!? that stuff is fun!!! (and now a bunch of people on this forum probably think 'im the reason guns get a bad rep' or maybe that i should have my kids taken away
lol, people are really politically-sensitive these days, and like to "

I have i no criminal record, just like my civil liberties is all
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Old June 29th, 2016, 15:03   #29
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Originally Posted by mikebarkski View Post
Cause your judgemental and like to make assumptions...its ok, i know lots of people like that...(i dont mean that to be mean or antagonizing, however i LOVE making over-the-top comments, playing devils advocate, abrupt sarcasm & anything that will get a quick rise out of people, or leaving them assuming that i am an end-of-the-world theorist with a massive stock pile of real ammunition and explosives)...ever play with tannerite explosive!? that stuff is fun!!! (and now a bunch of people on this forum probably think 'im the reason guns get a bad rep' or maybe that i should have my kids taken away
lol, people are really politically-sensitive these days, and like to "

I have i no criminal record, just like my civil liberties is all
Look here friend, Airsoft is a relatively small community here in Canada, and posts like the above are not quickly forgotten. So how about you chill out and remove foot from mouth so that you can play the game without everyone knowing every minute detail that runs through your head.

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