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P90's 101 Guide/KS P90 Review



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Old February 11th, 2013, 13:23   #31
Short Round
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Originally Posted by ALlpep View Post
Does the king arms midcaps fit the KS P90?
Yes they will
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Old February 12th, 2013, 00:43   #32
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help best way to break in p90 mid caps
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Old February 12th, 2013, 01:52   #33
Short Round
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Originally Posted by nuky View Post
help best way to break in p90 mid caps
Put silicone oil into the bb channel then load the magazine with bbs, release the bbs from the magazine then repeat like 10 times.
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Old April 8th, 2013, 08:22   #34
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I have the King Arms P90. I am looking for a replacement/upgrade hop-up. Does anyone know if there are any compatibility issues between KA - TM - CA - E1?

Also, anyone know where to get trigger contacts for them? Don't need them yet, but planning ahead
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Old April 8th, 2013, 23:32   #35
Short Round
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Originally Posted by moz_boz View Post
I have the King Arms P90. I am looking for a replacement/upgrade hop-up. Does anyone know if there are any compatibility issues between KA - TM - CA - E1?

Also, anyone know where to get trigger contacts for them? Don't need them yet, but planning ahead
Shouldn't be any issues with KA to TM and Echo1 compatibility wise. The KA and Echo1 are both based off of the TM unit. I have heard some issues with CA's that can easily be solved with some sanding and filing.

Final verdict would be get TM or CA, avoid the Echo1 and All-Win units, I have had/heard bad experiences with both units.

Trigger contacts you can order CA ones from Airsoft Global I believe (Got mine from there). Those are probably the best P90 trigger contacts you can get on the market imo.
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Old June 17th, 2013, 20:20   #36
Short Round
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Was thinking about this today and couldn't find any confirmation (verbal or image) about if P90 magazines would fit HSGI Taco Pouches. Well to answer that,

YES these magazines will be very secure in Taco Pouches despite their height and how much they stick out of the pouch. Just tighten the shotcord and you should be fine.

Really handy for those that run multiple platforms on top of P90s. Also keep in mind I use real Taco pouches, not the fake clone china made ones, don't know if you will get the same result with the fake ones.

Looks a little weird but it beats constantly switching pouches.

Last edited by Short Round; August 28th, 2015 at 13:33..
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Old September 3rd, 2013, 17:40   #37
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Interesting bit of news. Previously it seemed impossible to order just a v6 gearbox shell from classic army.

Well since I've gotten no love from any vendor, I reached out again to the CA corporate site and again reiterated my situation that I would like a spare shell. (among other parts not listed on any vendor site)

They forwarded my request to their flagship store who have put one on order for me. The cost is 45$ for the shell and motor cage plus shipping. I'm currently waiting for it to become available to ship.

So that means if anyone needs a shell they don't have to use the shitty misaligning KS one or the weird bushing TM version that sometimes doesn't like v2/3 gearsets.

contact info for the classic army shop is
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.

Last edited by lurkingknight; October 1st, 2013 at 09:19..
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Old August 28th, 2015, 12:46   #38
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Gonna necro this thread.

I love my CA P90, but it has the issues of the receivers not fitting together extremely well, and the threads have snapped off. It's also getting midcap syndrome now (I feel your pain, lurkingknight) So I figure it's time for an upgrade.

Which company makes the most externally solid P90, in your guys' opinions? Internals will be gutted so that doesn't matter too much.
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Old August 28th, 2015, 13:37   #39
Short Round
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King Arms P90s always feel very rock solid every time I have held one. It's got some good weight to it as well which reminds me of the CAs.

That would be my go to if I ever considered getting a new one. Otherwise Tokyo Marui would probably be my second pick.
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Old August 28th, 2015, 16:13   #40
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tm would be my first pick... the 2 that I have had never creaked. CA did and felt cheap, the KA is the only one I've had which I've seen break the back plate anchors but it happens to all of them, oddly enough it hasn't happened to mine yet. The KA body feels really brittle, same with the CA compared to the tm.

The g&g doesn't like certain mags because the nub that hits the retainer isn't long enough to reach into the mag.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old August 29th, 2015, 11:40   #41
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I bought a G&G P90 (PDW99) about 3 months ago and it's by far my worst airsoft purchase. Sloppy assembly, super-soft metal in the upper receiver, a manual that looks to have been written by someone who never even handled the gun, a dot-sight that's parallax hell, a trigger that needed repair after about 2000 shots... I could go on and on.

I definitely wouldn't recommend the G&G offering. Mine was bad enough that I don't even look at G&G products any more when I'm shopping for a new gun. Good customer service (specially their Canadian distributor) but what a crappy gun.
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Old August 29th, 2015, 21:47   #42
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Originally Posted by fretwire View Post
I bought a G&G P90 (PDW99) about 3 months ago and it's by far my worst airsoft purchase. Sloppy assembly, super-soft metal in the upper receiver, a manual that looks to have been written by someone who never even handled the gun, a dot-sight that's parallax hell, a trigger that needed repair after about 2000 shots... I could go on and on.

I definitely wouldn't recommend the G&G offering. Mine was bad enough that I don't even look at G&G products any more when I'm shopping for a new gun. Good customer service (specially their Canadian distributor) but what a crappy gun.

I recommend the g&g one. Torture tested mine using 11.1 lips and m170 spring on high torque motor on otherwise stock parts. After 15k rounds I put the original spring back in and did a bridgehop mod, swapped inners for a longer one and and stepped back to a 7.4v I've yet to run into a single issue. I bought the king arms optic rail and fitted that to my p90. And don't go bashing a gun if you've only had it for three months. I've had mine for two years and have yet to replace a part due to wear and tear or broken pieces. It's a solid build. It performs.
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Old September 1st, 2015, 18:07   #43
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I've used the KA p90 Tactical, not the ultragrade, since december of '14.
First gun I have ever owned and after handling a CA, and a G&G and a TM I would pick this one over any of the others.
First off, you need a metal reciever to balance out the gearbox in terms of weight. I just bought a CA p90 with plastic upper (for the gearbox) and just holding this thing is wrong. The KA P90 tacical has a body that is not the cheap plastic that all the others i have held are made of. it looks and feels different, a little bit grainier which is nice for handling.
It comes stock with a 9mm gear box and a 130 spring. stock was 395fps consistently. After the winter I had to replace the full piston after the plastic parts either chipped or literally exploded. It jumped to 410fps and ive weakened the spring down to 398fps. the quick change spring is something I think I will require in all my future guns, because when I make a trip to the big smoke for some indoor I can swap springs on the fly. Also it makes the gearbox easy to open.
My gearbox is pristine other than the piston and head.
With .28g it out shoots anything in the woods, short of a sniper.
Stock hop up can reach out 100+ feet, If you are using this for anything but the vanguard or shock trooper role, you might want a different gun.
If I call a "no hit caller" there is no question that I hit you, and my local refs know it.
Everyone laughs at a 6' 320 pound man with a tiny gun in the morning.
By the end of the day, they only have respect for this beast.
I would say you never need an extended barrel, unless you want a speed build while trying for higher fps on a lower spring.
Before you ever buy one, hold it in store. And not just once, the common consensus is that you either Love it or hate it, there is no in between.
Also this gun is terrible for shooting over bunkers. because the sight is so High from the barrel, I need to expose past my shoulders to make accurate shots. But indoors, or narrow places it is invaluable and you don't need to leave space in front of you to get the gun through or around stuff. Also it is so well balanced you can easily one hand it, while holding another p90 or pistol. It. Is. Awesome.
I use ka 100 round mags, never had any problems with them. Light damage to the lip around the feed hole, when doing the p90 slap when the mag is not aligned properly will cause it to chip. This does not affect performance, just have to be careful while filling or else your loader might slip.
I see suggestions for pouches, I use 2 ESKI double p90/ump pouches. they have flaps, but I just tuck them in for the open top look and easy pull out. The pouches are loose enough that the mags slide in an out easily, but because they are so long, they will never fall out. Unless you are hanging upside down...maybe...
Without some stretching, CONDOR pouches didn't even really fit the mags, and when I almost ripped one in the store, it was still really tight.

I would say only buy the King Arms tactical. If you were going for anything else, metal receiver and a quick change spring are a must.

Final note to Short Round, Thank you for this guide, It was invaluable to me when I was starting out and looking at the different p90s. I've been waiting to reply to this threat until I worked her in a bit. Feel free to update the thread with anything I've said above.
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Old September 24th, 2015, 20:02   #44
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Hi guys, first off - GREAT REVIEW!

I was searching on the net which is the best p90 at the moment and haven't found so far such great resource.

One little addition to the thread - CYMA now makes P90 which is branded as CM.060 , it's very cheap and I found it for 120$ at some EU distributor. I bought one 2 weeks ago, and made very few tests. The included NiMH battery was crap , and lasted only for 2 mags, but I used 7.4V Lipo which was good. Rate of fire is not big , but fine compared to my ICS M4.

I have 4 mags from CYMA and all of them miss-feed from time to time. It's rare but it happens. Stock speed with 0.20 is 120m/sec , but mine was downgraded at webshop for free upon shipping. I wanted this gun for CBQ since my other gun is tuned 129m/sec for outdoors.

Gun comes with 1 upper rail and 2 side mini-rails - 1inch long. It comes in 3 versions, with Flashhider, With Silencer and With extended Barrel - which is just an extension and not 1 piece. It also has metal upper receiver.

So far I did not opened the internals since I am very new to airsoft and no expert on gears. Only tested it outside for about 300-400 rounds, and I really liked it. Since I never had other brands P90 , I can not compare - but definetly will play with it next game at our field - to test it in action. If it's not quality enough I will buy some KA as sugested since I really liked the feel of this weapon.

Here are some pictures:

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Old September 24th, 2015, 21:27   #45
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P90's 101 Guide/KS P90 Review

I bought my CYMA P90 from Depot not days ago...

For the price it's an awesome intro into seeing if the P90 is for me. I hesitated at $290 but for this price there was no hesitation (equiv to your price of 120 Euro). The included NiMH battery was great after a forming charge and 10 cycles. At the beginning it tested only at 600mAh but ended over the sticker at 1229mAh. Lasted for more than two low caps for me.
"...However, if preserving the integrity of the gun was the only factor at play then clearly the best option would be to run a 0.0v Lipo and run around shouting 'bang'."

Last edited by 8bitninja; September 24th, 2015 at 21:31..
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