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Which BB's are best from my local stores?


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Old August 21st, 2015, 01:12   #1
Join Date: Jul 2015
Which BB's are best from my local stores?

So I've been looking at bb's and reviews for hours now and I'm real split on what I should use. I got a bag of 0.25 bio GoldenBall Pro. I haven't gotten to play with them but shot them at targets and they seem fine. Someone also recommended Elite Force to me so then I started looking into them and saw multiple videos of people cracking both goldenball and elite force open and finding bubbles in them, elite force more than goldenball (although I'm not sure if these are GoldenBall's in the Black bag or the Pro's in the Green and Yellow bag). I've read that Bioval have really good accuracy and seeing them being opened they're really good quality as well, but they're not available at any local stores. Airsoft Gi has them but I don't feel like paying $30 for shipping so I'm staying local and these are the bb's I have to chose from.

AMP Armory
GoldenBall Pro
Mad Bull (I've read about some recalls on them)
Valken Tactical
and Elite Force

My other thing is I was going to order GoldenBall pro's from amazon but if they're actually not good I'll hold off. But seriously, the deal is great and I have prime so free 2 day shipping! 12,000 rounds $55, and I'm sure its legit. The listing is by GoldenBall themself.

Last edited by KillerUnleashed; August 21st, 2015 at 01:16..
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Old August 21st, 2015, 01:15   #2
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Old August 21st, 2015, 01:50   #3
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^ What he said.
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Old August 21st, 2015, 02:23   #4
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BB Bastards!

Golden ball sucks
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Old August 21st, 2015, 02:40   #5
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G&G - I tried one bag of G&G... All I have to say is never again. Shot like shit.

Golden Ball - I was given a sample bag of their .3s once and they were horrible. Accuracy was not horrible but was definitely not good. They did not feed properly in my PMags as EPMs, and the surface looked almost powdery so I was not surprised.

MadBull - I used them when I was a noob, but I've since stopped using them. They do not shoot consistently in my setups and I had lots of fliers curving in random directions. Feeding at high speeds was an issue.

Elite Force - I used these for a while and had respectable results, no complaints. Shot straight, fed fine even at extremely high speeds.

Valken - I got a sample of their .3s and I had no issues. Shot respectably, no feeding issues at high speeds.

BB Bastard - These are what I use exclusively now. No feeding issues, and more importantly my guns are shooting more accurately than when I used Elite Force, although its possible that my guns have gotten better. My only complaint is that the bags are horrible. They always break, but if you report the bag failure to them they'll take care of you.
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Old August 21st, 2015, 07:13   #6
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The cheap Madbulls are meh, but the expensive ones are good. They stupidly named them "match" and "precision", so its hard to tell which ones are good without checking the price. I think the match ones are the good ones, but I always forget.

The Elite forces are good too.

For G&G, their Bios are better than their regular BBs. The Bios are ok, avoid the rest.

But of course, if you can get BBBastard, do it.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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