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Kenwood/U94 PTT Compatibility


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Old July 22nd, 2015, 19:19   #1
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Question Kenwood/U94 PTT Compatibility

So far I've gone through 2 Z-tactical U94 Kenwood Push-to-Talks. They generally work fine but depending on the angle of the wiring coming out of the button side of the PTT, I loose the ability to transmit. I usually have to play with the wire and make sure it isn't bending the corner too hard, in order to get it working again.

I'm currently using a bowman repro headset which is wonderful and seems to be holding up fine. Is there a more durable PTT I can get that will be compatible with this headset? It has one of those short and stubby connectors with the three rings.

Im pretty sure I read either a thread or a post about this a while ago, I just can't seem to find it.

EDIT: I got one of the SRS Tactical PTT's except the volume is really quiet with my Z-Tac Headsets. Is there any way to get a real one like this one, to work with the PTT I just got?

Last edited by AnthonyG; September 9th, 2015 at 11:21..
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Old July 22nd, 2015, 22:32   #2
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Buy a real one, and never look back.
It's a lot of money for "a button", but well worth it. The reliability and quality (of both the physical durability as well as the radio transmission) of a real one is well worth it though.
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Old July 23rd, 2015, 00:49   #3
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Can you recommend a source?
Not sure if it's just google remembering what I search. But every time I look up "U94 Kenwood PTT" all I get is what looks like repros.
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Old July 23rd, 2015, 01:07   #4
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Avenger PTT from SRS Tactical in Calgary.
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Old July 23rd, 2015, 10:59   #5
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That's the one I run as well:

Select Kenwood as the "Radio Model" option, then read the product description to determine which "Radio Connector" you should purchase. More than likely you'll want a "Ken1/SC"
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Old July 24th, 2015, 17:48   #6
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SRS tac is the place to go for PTT's great service.
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Old September 8th, 2015, 16:02   #7
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Alright, I ordered one of the Avenger PTTs, and it's in my hands. Except I'm running into some problems.

The volume is super quiet going into both my Z-tactical Bowman headset and Z-tac comtacs.

Is this normal? Volume was fine on the cheap-o Z-tac Ptt. Do I need to modify something?

Last edited by AnthonyG; September 8th, 2015 at 16:36..
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Old September 8th, 2015, 18:04   #8
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Yes, real steal is the way to go. Radios themselves are one of the few things you can get lower grade, in fact getting real steel can be difficult as they require radio licenses. But companies like Wouxun, Linton, etc, all make a decent radio. On the other hand, headsets and PTTs should be real steel. Yes, that will make them cost more, but repro, clone, knockoff, toy, etc, clearly equals train-wreck. Clear and reliable communications in airsoft is nearly as important as a well functioning gun.
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Old September 10th, 2015, 01:49   #9
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So upon further investigation, it seems no repro headset will work with the SRS U94 Push-to-talk. Or at least neither of mine work. There's some sort of difference in the circuit or sizing of connector that causes it to be incompatible.

When I asked the original question I thought it was clear that I was looking for a "more durable" ptt to mate with a repro headset, not real Peltor's or Sordins.

Can someone chime in and confirm this is the case. Otherwise I'll be forced to return the PTT since it isn't compatible with my equipment; I have no intention to shell out $300 for a military-grade headset.
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Old September 10th, 2015, 03:26   #10
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I had a repro Bowman it it did work quite well. However repro ptt are are pain in the fucking ass for reliability. In the long run it would be best to invest in quality gear, not necessarily a 300+ comtac or sordin but you can find real Bowman's on eBay for around 100 bucks. There is one one there now for about 130ish. Trust me on this and I'm sure others will back me....nothing is more frustrating for you or your teammates as the inability to deliver clear comms. Keep the ptt you got from srs and source a real decently priced headset. I actually nailed a great deal on sordins for 90 bucks lol

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Old September 10th, 2015, 10:57   #11
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All of the genuine bowman's I've seen have a 5-Pin Lemo connector, which is another reason I'm doubtful I'll be able to get anything other than Sordin's to work with the PPT. If I had to guess, the $130 was probably re-wired.
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Old September 10th, 2015, 11:50   #12
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I haven't heard of any problems between the Avenger PTT and a repro. But I guess it's fairly rare to dish out for a PTT and not a headset.

Perhaps you could post in this thread:

Secondly, I would send an email to SRS Tactical. They're super friendly, and helpful. They'll probably be able to tell you whether or not the PTT differs from a knockoff Z-tac PTT. If not, they'll likely tell you to send it back, so they can test it themselves.
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Old September 14th, 2015, 01:47   #13
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Element has cross-wired terminal 2 and terminal 3 on their TP120 connection. In order to fix the volume issue, you may have to swap terminals on your "real" TP120 PTT unless you can get to the male lead on the headset end (which is a PITA). By swapping the terminals, I have been able to run my Invisio M3 and my Sordin (modded to run on electret mic of course) on Element PTTs.

My advice? Open up *all* your Element PTT and re-solder the connection. That's how I've been rolling with my Invisio M3 for the last year or so. Throw away anything that uses a PCB board (you're left with their CHEST, U94, and U94 Gen 2 line) Then bring a spare PTT to the field to boot.

Last edited by Amoki; September 14th, 2015 at 01:50..
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Old October 8th, 2015, 20:43   #14
Bravo One-Six
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Kenwood/U94 PTT Compatibility

I know you don't want to spend the money on real gear... But you've actually said it yourself. You've been through how much repro stuff so far? That won't end. So you'll eventually realize you've spent the price of a whole new real Comms rig.

Just a thought.

Side note, the real bowman (H4855 headset) does need to be converted to a TP120. This is an operation that SRS can do for you no problem. However, I'm finding my headset transmits very quietly. I have to talk loudly to get through, which is no good if you're trying to hide. I'm in discussions with SRS to see if there's a fix and will advise.

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Old October 9th, 2015, 01:41   #15
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I hear ya.

I guess my plan was to buy incrementally, hoping the SRS PTT would work with my repro headset for the time being, then buy the headset when I have the money.

Turns out there's probably an impedence difference that renders the repro headsets unusable with a legit PTT. I returned the PTT for now and will probably stick with a shoulder mic and earpiece combo. Just waiting to see if anyone has info on either code red or impact comms equipment. So far I've not been able to gather any info on them from this forum.
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