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Need a little help on internals...


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Old February 27th, 2015, 12:41   #1
Corinth's Avatar
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Need a little help on internals...

I'm looking for some help in regards to the internals of my AEG as I've actually never worked on one before, ever. I was a big paintball enthusiast when I was a kid and in my teens but since coming over to airsoft in my adult years I have only experience working on gas-operated guns and I am no longer interested in just buying an AEG based off the exterior appeal but it's internal quality and all the finer details. I'm as clear as mud on the subject, quite frankly, I'm nervous as hell when it comes to fiddlin' around inside an AEG.

I've tried searching around for beginners guides on these forums and on the web that can walk me through taking apart my gun, but I've mostly found threads that seem to be geared (ha, punny) toward intermediate to advanced users. I don't know what tools I will need, where I should start when it comes to upgrades and how to install said upgrades. Angel Custom, Lonex, PDI, they all sound great but I'm not sure at all which one suits my gun best or how to go about getting 'em in there.

Your time and patience would be appreciated, or suggestions on where or who I can go to to get a some mentoring from.

Honour and Respect... Pew! Pew!
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Old February 27th, 2015, 12:51   #2
EOD Steve
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At the risk of sounding harsh - YouTube is your friend.

No seriously, there are so many airsoft disassembly/tutorial videos, it's mind-boggling.

The Steve has spoken.
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Old February 27th, 2015, 12:54   #3
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Start with this to get an idea how the system works. Once you understand that try to match it up with other parts

Gears, piston, cylinder, air nozzle, tappet plate, spring, spring guide, etc.

Then watch a couple youtube videos with take downs and when you go to open up your gearbox do it in a clean area and try not to let it explode and lose random parts in your carpet.

As far as upgrades goes, try to understand how the system functions and how the parts interact with each other first. Then you can worry about upgrades and such. As for tools, pretty much if you do DIY hobbyist stuff you'll be fine. Otherwise I recommend a multi headed screwdriver set (something like this), some hand tools (mastercraft or whatever) pin punches, angled pick, awl, etc., and have at it. Something else that's useful is an AR wrench don't buy an airsoft one buy a real steel one, they're cheaper and probably of better quality too.
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Old February 27th, 2015, 12:56   #4
"bb bukakke" KING!
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there's no magic brand that is the awesomest. just parts from brands that work well together.

You find those by trial and error / experience. mileage varies from one person to the next as you can see some of us have different results with different parts and combinations.

Also knowing what the crap parts are and who rebrands what.. but that's just airsoft in general.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 27th, 2015, 13:34   #5
Join Date: Feb 2013
Knowing your aeg, what you want or need to be fixed, and making a plan is the best thing. Unless you are pretty sure about your thing I'd recommand to read here and some other airsoft forums (airsoft mechanics have some guides for hi-end tuning)

There is many adjustments you can do that are very unexpensive but will require a bit of time and adjustments. You dont always need to put hundreds of dollars into internals to have a AEG that works fine.

For a start you can search on compression, shimming, angle of engagement motor adjustment.

Here a few more questions you will need to answer:
Is there a real problem with your AEG?
How is your FPS consistency ?
What do you want to improve ?
-Reliability ?
-Accuracy ?
-Trigger response ?
-Rate of fire ?
Do I really need all that stuff to play ?
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Old February 27th, 2015, 18:49   #6
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Things that matter: compression parts (seals, mostly), hop rubber, barrel, brand and weight of BBs.

If you have a $200 gun that shoots 1.6j, has perfect compression (no air leaks), prometheus barrel with R hop and you're using good .3g BBs, then you'll be shooting as good as a gun with $400 of extra crap in it's mechbox.

Your compression parts and barrel group are your range and accuracy.
Then you match your muzzle energy (or fps) to an ammo weight; like at 400fps on a .20 (1.48j), you'll be wanting to use .30 or .28g BBs.
The rest of the internals just augment reliability, rate of fire, trigger response, and/or electrical efficiency.
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