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Gun seized at border, and I need help to get it back! Airsoft Expertise required!!


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old January 9th, 2015, 22:03   #16
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
A lawyer is going to cost $200 to $300 an hour... is your gun actually worth that? If they test it and it shoots over 366 fps then you'll get it back. If they don't test it or it shoots under then you won't. That simple imo.

As for being flagged... it doesn't really matter what color you are or what you do for a living, once you're on the list you're on the list. Have a buddy with the RCMP and he somehow got on the list... gets searched every time he comes back to Canada.
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Old January 9th, 2015, 22:15   #17
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Originally Posted by PEACHTREE View Post
Dude !

Brown people! That's not nice

I have done a lot of flying in the last ten years and I was f ing molested every time. Picked for every single time. Even when I was in full dress uniform.

I know how you feel my friend.

I am as white as marshmallows...... Lol

We get it too.
I have never been "randomly selected" for additional screening more than when I traveled with a CF-booked ticket.

To the OP: Unless you specifically declared it as a low-powered airgun then you are totally screwed and should probably just deal with it. If perchance you did, then you may be able to prove that point and get your gun back. Not that it will remove you from the watch list, you are basically screwed on that.
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Old January 9th, 2015, 22:56   #18
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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OP, it's gone, suck it up and get a new gun in country.

This isn't a fight you're going to win if it's a stock gun. They're about 400FPS and you didn't have any of your shit in order to deal with CBSA by the sound of it. You tried to slip an airsoft gun into the country (I say this since you fail to mention a declaration) and you got caught. You're on a list for 7 years, it's essentially the equivalent of getting your peepee slapped for being caught with your hand in the jar.

Your gun is, quite frankly, a cheap piece of crap anyway, I wouldn't cry over it, just get another low quality M4 like an AGM, APS or Combat Machine and start slinging BBs at people.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old January 10th, 2015, 19:50   #19
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Well firstly the flag on your file will last 7 years, and you better be above board in that 7 years. Secondly once they have taken your gun it's as good as gone for ever. I know these things from past experience, not mine but a close friend who drove across the border with me. He was very lucky that they didn't take his car well!
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Old January 15th, 2015, 14:39   #20
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You made a mistake, but mistakes come with consequences. They don't hate you, it's about the fact that not declaring something is very serious, and it could've landed you in more hot water. Accept that you've been flagged. If you want to smooth out your future flying experiences, be 100% agreeable when you get searched, it's a small price to pay.

Your gun is gone, Canada has laws, the CBSA has their own mandates, and they shouldn't have to waste time and tax payers dollars testing your gun. There are ways to legally import airsoft guns, but there must be documents proving it shoots over 366 FPS, with a 6mm 0.20g round, or else it is deemed a replica. The alternative is your gun looks different from a real firearm enough that it can't be a replica. No paint or orange tips don't count, it must a clear receiver, etc, etc.

Keep in mind that the CBSA has the right to seize and destroy any airsoft guns they want, wether the protocol was followed or not. In your case, I would never try bringing in something like that again as you're on the list.

If your destinations allow for guns to be brought into their countries, you can bring it from Canada and then return it with the right document. Y-38, I believe it's called, basically records your gun here, and then as long as it's the same gun in the exact same shape, then it may re-enter Canada. Make sure you brush up on all applicable laws.
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Old January 15th, 2015, 15:14   #21
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Sweet, you're going to get lubed up.

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Old January 15th, 2015, 15:21   #22
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Originally Posted by Shirley View Post
Sweet, you're going to get lubed up.
shhh! It's not polite to talk about it..... bwahahhaha!
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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