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MP5's which one to get?


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Old December 16th, 2014, 13:13   #31
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Resurrecting this thread a tiny bit. I too have been looking at MP5's. Ideally I want an MP5 with a swordfish kit on it. I would consider an A5 or something like the for the ability to add a flashlight fore grip to it. The SD5/6 are also a favorite but I know it is a PITA to install a swordfish on them.

I was considering the Cyma CM041B which has an RIS front end. Is that compatible with the swordfish kits I see floating around or should I be looking for a different model. Same place is also offering ICS MX5 Sportline MP5's in various flavours with a Dan Wesson 4" revolver for 290-340$. Not sure if I should look at the Cyma or the ICS models. Any advise is appreciated.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old December 16th, 2014, 13:32   #32
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I'm also going to hijack this thread for my own nefarious purposes.

I picked up a G&G Mp5 Top Tech for cheap. Is this accurate enough for field play? Or am I going to need something else?
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Old December 16th, 2014, 15:00   #33
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Not sure why it wouldn't be. If its not shooting streight consider a new inner barrel and perhaps new bucking
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Old December 16th, 2014, 15:40   #34
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Naminator: Anything called 'Sportline' is a money pit. The money saved when buying any brand's 'Sportline' models is wasted on the same gun later (and then some).
A Cyma is at least honest about what it is and where it fits in the dollars-to-doughnuts hierarchy, 'Sportline' models are where established brands go to cut corners (Exhibit A: they're bundling two slow-moving items together, likely at a loss, to try and flush their stock).
If I had to build a swordfish out of a Cyma, I would (it's been done), but when you're spending money on a front-end or rail kit of any kind, you're much better off spending that money (and time spent fitting/ modding) a better gun.

Try to match brand to brand as closely as possible to save yourself headaches solving fitment issues. The Cyma will require body work, and when you're spending 1/3-1/4 of the base gun's cost (excluding labour) on a new front end, while performing destructive body mods for fitment, how is that acceptable to your bottom-line?
It's like bolting a spoiler, spinner rims, and an $800 stereo to your second-hand Sunfire GT.

12car: 'Accuracy' is in the eye of the beholder. Seriously. There are too many variables to give you a non-bullshit answer. Whenever I hear someone say 'accurate' when referencing guns (airsoft or real-schmeel), my hackles raise.

"Is it good enough to play outdoor?"
Yes. It is at least as good as 8/10 other guns on the field +/- 10 feet, unless it has preexisting problems. You should probably clean the barrel.
"Will I hit anything with it?"
Unknown at this time.

Anecdotal evidence which applies to both of you:
I have a Cyma MP5. I did the right work to it (compression replacement), I didn't throw money at it I didn't need to (gears, motor, accessories), I take care of it and play well/ within the gun's own specific limitations, I love it, and it rules.
That being said, I'm still trying to hock it on a friend so I can go buy a CA B&T or a VFC, because those guns really are that much better where it matters to me.
My rule of thumb, through allllll of the tens of guns I've turned over, from top of the pile to bottom of the pit, is never to spend more than half of a gun's base cost on that same gun. With cheaper guns (my $220 Cyma SD6), that gives me about $100 to pay for my parts and my own labour. With a $500 gun that gives me $250, etc.
You don't need to dump $250 into a $500 gun, which leaves room for fancy shit. You could dump $250 into a $200 gun, but even though it is now nearly as expensive as the $500 gun you didn't buy, it will never be the $500 gun.

Good luck to you both.

Last edited by Cliffradical; December 16th, 2014 at 15:53..
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Old December 16th, 2014, 15:48   #35
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I heard good things on the CYMA, how are the Classic Army ones?
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Old December 16th, 2014, 16:02   #36
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Thanks for the tip cliff. I think I will be getting the cyma and doing some minor modifications and saving the swordfish for a different better gun (unless i get it and save it for later).

I appreciate the example and your half the value in mods. You can put a bunch of money into a raggity car but at the end of the day you got a nice looking raggity car.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old December 16th, 2014, 16:04   #37
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Depends which line. The CA B&T are (at least were at one time) very highly regarded as a skirmishing platform. The ones I've cracked open just all fit together so nicely you think "Yup, nice".
Even the old split-bodied ones (though now hilariously outdated) are pretty special. Not as pretty as the VFC/ Umarex ones to be sure, but a great, gameable frame to build in.

CA reportedly has had ups and downs over the last 5 years though, do try to find newer information. That may be partially heresy on the part of people buying CA Sportlines and expecting a Classic Army, but I'm not as hip to the jive as I used to be.


Naminator: Let's be very clear about the Cymas. You can expect parts to break. All of the internals are terrible. The diopter sights are a joke. To get the most life out of the gearbox shell, and the most effectiveness out of the motor, you probably don't want to put more than an m100 spring in it. The gears are adequate if they're shimmed properly, but they'll die eventually. The bodies are some lead-heavy alloy, and very brittle. It will probably crack or fracture if it get's dropped too much or too hard. If you get a collapsible stock, it will warp over time (though they actually fit together pretty well).
If you only do 'just enough' work to it, it'll be punch and pie, but don't go throwing bad money after good.

Last edited by Cliffradical; December 16th, 2014 at 16:14..
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Old December 16th, 2014, 16:48   #38
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Originally Posted by Cliffradical View Post
12car: 'Accuracy' is in the eye of the beholder. Seriously. There are too many variables to give you a non-bullshit answer. Whenever I hear someone say 'accurate' when referencing guns (airsoft or real-schmeel), my hackles raise.

"Is it good enough to play outdoor?"
Yes. It is at least as good as 8/10 other guns on the field +/- 10 feet, unless it has preexisting problems. You should probably clean the barrel.
"Will I hit anything with it?"
Unknown at this time.
Thanks, I realized it was a fairly broad question after I posted it. Live in an apartment downtown so haven't actually been able to get a chance to really test it. And most of the stuff written I've been able to find online is from kids who seem to say whatever gun they have is the greatest gun of all time.
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Old December 16th, 2014, 17:33   #39
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Originally Posted by Cliffradical View Post
Naminator: Let's be very clear about the Cymas. You can expect parts to break. All of the internals are terrible. The diopter sights are a joke. To get the most life out of the gearbox shell, and the most effectiveness out of the motor, you probably don't want to put more than an m100 spring in it. The gears are adequate if they're shimmed properly, but they'll die eventually. The bodies are some lead-heavy alloy, and very brittle. It will probably crack or fracture if it get's dropped too much or too hard. If you get a collapsible stock, it will warp over time (though they actually fit together pretty well).
If you only do 'just enough' work to it, it'll be punch and pie, but don't go throwing bad money after good.
I don't need much gun, I just need enough of a gun to see if I want to sink money into this hobby on going. Ideally I would have something better but I would rather put the cash into a cheap new gun and just enough money to make it work for now. Things like slings, mags, batterys, optics and accessories are easily transferred to a different gun latter on. I am not banking on Cyma being the best, or even middle of the pack.

But I don't know what value brand MP5 is best, be it SRC, ICS, Cyma or one a used more reputable brand like CA, G&G, VFC or whatever.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old December 16th, 2014, 17:45   #40
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12car: Haha, yes. Sometimes the "Best gun ever!" syndrome can be good for morale, even if it's bullshit.

Naminator: The Cyma will probably be perfect for you now, and then turn into a happy loaner/ back up gun (having a backup is always a good idea). Sometimes they even run just fine right out of the box.
I was basically happy with mine as it was, ripped it open to reseat the hopup rubber (it was throwing shots right pretty hard) and then threw in some parts I had lying around from a different project.
It ends up being my primary, even though I own better guns.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 00:09   #41
Brit ter
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I own the Cyma mp5sd6 and Cyma mp5sd6 along with the Cyma mp5k all great aegs , no complaints with them !
Weapons : 39 airsoft weapons. Daf YA 314, 3 ton Dutch Army Truck. Retired Reg.Force 1 Brigade RECCE.
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Old January 27th, 2015, 13:38   #42
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Are the G&G MP5 mid cap mags proprietary or is it like a M4 thing where most fit all?
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Old January 27th, 2015, 14:21   #43
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Originally Posted by Rossco66 View Post
Are the G&G MP5 mid cap mags proprietary or is it like a M4 thing where most fit all?
I had king arms magazines feed well in one, and it's was marketed for the TM
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Old January 27th, 2015, 16:08   #44
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Perso I love my MP5K marui High Cycle!
A monster in CQB, quick, simple, efficient.

Nothing better.
Proud to be Alsatian
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Old January 27th, 2015, 20:21   #45
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Originally Posted by Rossco66 View Post
Are the G&G MP5 mid cap mags proprietary or is it like a M4 thing where most fit all?
Standard MP5 mags.

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