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Old September 5th, 2005, 09:25   #1
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UTG MP5 Discussion

So i'm sure most of you have heard/read about the new UTG MP5 A5/A4 series in the US. For 99 USD+shipping you get a get that shoots as hard as a TM MP5 with battery and charger, scope and weaver rail. 2 Hicap MP5K style mags, solid full stock and a retractable stock. Chronoed at 285 FPS by both people who own the gun and the retailers who tested it. Someone has already put 1000 shots through the gun and it has yet to fail. Do you think the invasion of quality LEPGs from china will soon start? Should we start running in fear and try to fight off the invading hordes of UTG guns by not ordering them or should we accecpt them and respect them for their power and quality? I don't know much about LEPGs but i was able to put around 6000 rounds through my WELL M4A1 over the course of one and a half months. I'm still waiting for my TM AEG...soon...soon...

I personally want to try one of these next summer i'm in the states.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 09:58   #2
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I think you get what you pay for.
1000 shots through a gun is nothing.
There wont be invasion because not many people will by crap.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 10:51   #3
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Originally Posted by yanhchan
So i'm sure most of you have heard/read about the new UTG MP5 A5/A4 series in the US. For 99 USD+shipping you get a get that shoots as hard as a TM MP5 with battery and charger, scope and weaver rail. 2 Hicap MP5K style mags, solid full stock and a retractable stock. Chronoed at 285 FPS by both people who own the gun and the retailers who tested it. Someone has already put 1000 shots through the gun and it has yet to fail. Do you think the invasion of quality LEPGs from china will soon start? Should we start running in fear and try to fight off the invading hordes of UTG guns by not ordering them or should we accecpt them and respect them for their power and quality?

I personally want to try one of these next summer i'm in the states.
A stock TM gun is often good for up to 100000 rounds.
1000 rounds is 20 locaps worth, that's barely half a day of gaming.

If they survive 30K rounds that might be relevant. Do they have replacement internals, power upgrades? If not, they're just junker toys, not practical for proper skirmishing. For 99US they sound like they'll make a nice doorstop or paperweight.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 10:53   #4
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I'd be willing to buy one and put it through it's paces, even if it cost upwards of $200CDN. I already have a TM MP5A5 (ok, when I first got it it was, but now it's an SD with an M4 slither stock on it) and have been considering another MP5 type, three guys on my team already have bought MP5Ks and I thought it'd be a decent back up for me, since I already have a crapload of mags.

Looking forward to more info on this. I googled it and it looks decent, but skin deep is all that is available right now. If this thing is any good, and they produce a lot more variants and models, any chance AEG prices in general might drop in Canada due to the competition?
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Old September 5th, 2005, 10:59   #5
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Ive fired an LEPG P90, and let me tell you, its like firing a slightly more powerfull boys gun, although noticably it has more balls then a boys, but theres still something missing.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 11:00   #6
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Originally Posted by HonestJohn
Do they have replacement internals, power upgrades? If not, they're just junker toys, not practical for proper skirmishing.
"What makes it a true AEG? It features a full metal Version 2 gearbox with metal gears which can be upgrade just like the Tokyo Marui MP5. The UTG MP5 will also accept other MP5 AEG magazines and has worked with every MP5 AEG magazine we have tested in it. From a STAR 30 rd to a MOS MAG 3,000 rd drum they have all performed perfectly in the UTG."

looks like they are a TM copy!
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Old September 5th, 2005, 11:07   #7
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Well, Classic Army said similar things when they started selling AEG's. Anyone who's worked on them over the last 5 years can tell you how of a copy of TM they were.

I'd trust an impartial site more, american airsoft is full of crappy junkers, shortyusa does want to make money off them. Look at some of the other stuff they sell, they're not exactly marketing top of the line equipment.

I'll reserve judgement, of course. I'm just saying don't get too excited.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 11:38   #8
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Your chances of getting a Canadian retailer to import one, would be slim to none. Noone wants to import pure crap. :P

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Old September 5th, 2005, 12:44   #9
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The funny part is that people in US actully said this was a good starter AEG. They don't even list it as an LEPG but its an AEG. LOLZ but i will get one in america next time i'm down there. I seriously want to try this one out. I think there's an indepth review on if anyone is interested in more info. Keep this in mind this could be one of those too good to be true guns with hyped up reviews just to boost sales. Who is reliable for reviews anyways? I like arnies airsoft.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 13:28   #10
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Doesnt look half bad to me!

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Old September 5th, 2005, 14:25   #11
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Metal or nothing for me!
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old September 5th, 2005, 14:27   #12
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As with most things in this world, things that are cheaper are usually cheaper for a good reason. While it may be outwardly (and maybe internally) identical looking, there's a very strong likelyhood it's made of cheaper quality plastic, weaker metal, etc to keep costs down. Certain tolerences (not that airsoft parts are high tolerence to begin with) might be lower, ie. more "variety" making it through whatever passes for QC at the knockoff factory.

You usually get what you pay for, and if the price is too good... yeah.

As for American players stating it's a good "starter gun", bear in mind that the American mentality is a polar opposite from ours. They have easy access to airsoft guns, for cheaper, and it's generally looked at the same way as paintball (ie., start with a low end gun, and play - get better stuff when you're more serious about your game).

Unfortunately that isn't a luxery we have in Canada; if you're gonna pay $300 for this POS - unlike Americans who'll get it for under $100 - you might as well save another $150 and get a used TM AEG.

Cheap guns have always been tempting, specially for people on a tight budget. It would be great being able to get all the gun for half the price. But these cheapo guns never deliver, and you'll wind up wasting funds that would have been better used getting a good gun.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 15:29   #13
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Exactly drake. Let's scale back to my astromomy gear (don't laugh). I had drooled for so long over a jap scope, but the $1400 price tag had always kept me away. Anyways, I eventually fell on a no-name brand "Skywatcher" (if you're familiar, it's a Synta, just a different name), everything seemed an exact chinese copy, for less then half the price. Of course, I rushed, and bought it. Three years later? The gears are stripped to shit, both gear brakes in both axis barely hold anymore, the motor is fubar, the optics have degraded, are out of alignment, and there's no provision for even a professional to fix it. About the only thing that held up was - none surprisingly - the 120 dollar japanese diagonal I purchased as an optional accessory.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old September 16th, 2005, 18:54   #14
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I just spotted this new tac vest on the Lepers/UTG website:

I'm gonna be an airsoft ninja!
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Liberals rely on emotion. Conservatives rely on evidence, and the Socialists rely on everyone else.
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Old September 17th, 2005, 04:51   #15
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hey hey hey, no dissin that vest... i got one in OD though be it i dont have a sword
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