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Old February 19th, 2014, 16:19   #1's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2014

Hello airsofters!

My name is Silviu and I want to present you a website:

What is Airsoft-Arena?
It’s a website created by me and two friends of mine, with the intention of building the largest airsoft gun database on the internet.

Motivation for creating airsoft-arena:
At the moment, there is no place on the web where you can find an airsoft gun database and I (as an airsoft player and airsoft gun collector) thought there should be a website where all airsofters can centralize all the information they have, so it would be easily accessible to others.

What does airsoft-arena offer at this moment?
- airsoft gun catalog with over 2000 airsoft guns
- individual page for each airsoft gun with stats and other information
- airsoft manufacturers list, grouped by region
- news module
- search system with relevant search results (even for guns with code names)
- airsoft guns filtering system based on multiple characteristics (class, propulsion, manufacturer...)
- user system with personal page
- user comments system for guns
- discussion boards for each airsoft gun
- airsoft guns rating system

What we want to implement in the future:
- latest discussions and most active topics section on homepage
- complete and up to date airsoft guns catalog
- comments system for news and manufacturer pages
- rating system for manufacturers
- reviews module that allows users to create an airsoft gun review or embed a review video
- a system that allows users to update the information for an airsoft gun
- wants & owns system for each user, allowing to have individual gun lists
- notification system for comments and discussions on each user's guns from their wants and owns lists
- shop links on each gun page, providing an easy way for the user to find a place to buy the gun
- possibility for users to upload pictures of their guns

Please have a look on the website and leave your feedback, positive or negative, doesn’t matter, we would love to get it anyway.
If you like what we have done so far and think this is a good project, please support us by visiting the website, registering and using its features. Together we can grow the largest airsoft community and database on the web.
At the moment, our progress is very slow because we work only in our free time. If you think this project is worthy, consider making a PayPal donation and help us get going faster. Any amount is welcome.

Thanks for reading and we are waiting for your feedback!

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Old February 19th, 2014, 16:20   #2's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2014
The Long Story

Airsoft-Arena started as a project when I was a student. Me and my friend Marius (who is still part of the airsoft-arena team) built an early version of the website. There were only a few airsoft guns in the database, just for presentation purposes. This was 3 years ago. Since then we changed the design three times and gradually added new functionalities and grew the airsoft guns database. We were also joined by the third member of our team, Sebastian.
We added all guns made by some of the more notorious manufacturers: Ares, ASG, Cybergun, Classic Army, Echo 1, G&G, G&P, ICS, King Arms, KJW, KSC, KWA, KWC, LCT, Marushin, Real Sword, SRC, STAR, Tokyo Marui and VFC but the database is now more than a year old and some new products are available now that need to be added.
We also want to implement an easy method for users to be able to add an airsoft gun or update the information available for the already present guns.
Our goal is to stimulate airsofters all over the world to visit our site and browse the airsoft gun database and also contribute, adding information about airsoft guns, comment, make reviews and rate airsoft guns.
We have already implemented the possibility to create a user profile and to manage your personal information, ratings and comments. In the near future we will implement a lists feature for each user where you can track the guns you own and the guns you want and also a form for adding reviews. We also want to implement the possibility to mark discussions you want to watch and get an alert when something new was posted.
After we complete the gun database we will contact the major airsoft retailers all over the world and choose some of them by region and post on every gun page a link to the retailer's page of that gun. This way, users can go directly to the place where they can buy that gun. This way we hope we can also get some funds to continue updating and maintaining the website.
Another idea is to make some in-depth video reviews of airsoft guns. This means not only presenting the looks of the gun and its basic functionalities, but also disassembling it and presenting the inner parts and recommending upgrades if needed. The reviewed guns will be kept by us and if members of the community will have any more questions, we can anytime provide more information or do more videos, tutorials and tests.
We have lots of ideas for the website but little time to implement them all. When we started this project, we were students and had more free time available but now we had to get full time jobs as programmers.
We would love to earn our living by working only on this project but first the website needs to get more popular and maybe later on we can collaborate with airsoft related companies. But to achieve that we need support from the airsoft community.
That’s why we ask you to register on the website, try out all its functionalities and let us know what you think about it. Send us suggestions on how to make the website more useful for you, what features you would like and also what we should change on the existing ones.
Please also consider making a donation with PayPal. Raising some funds for the project would help us really much to get going faster. It would motivate us and give us confidence that people are interested in this project and make us hope that one day we can earn our living by working only on

Thanks for reading and we are waiting for your feedback!

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Old February 19th, 2014, 16:33   #3
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
It's an interesting idea. A database of "all" available models, manufacturers, and reviews of each would be good. As long as it is readily updated, and catalogued appropriately. A comprehensive list of what every person owns may not be beneficial though. Other than that, all information is covered very well here on ASC, and I suspect other collective airsoft communities.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old February 19th, 2014, 19:47   #4
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Brampton Ontario
With some work I think this could be really amazing! For sure get guides and such, and an easy database for mods, certain repairs. Goodluck guys!
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Old February 19th, 2014, 20:49   #5
CR0M's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Hamilton
Sounds incredible, I hope you guys do well
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