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Anyone else longing for a shift to real cap mags?



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Old December 12th, 2013, 21:09   #121
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we used to do realcap scrims and just let every fill their mags to whatever the real limit was.
Typically add 4 extra for the BB's that get lost in the feed tube
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Old December 12th, 2013, 21:35   #122
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At our games we usually all go out with similar amounts of ammo, all hicaps or otherwise, at least even per team. So if one team has a guy with an m249 then the other team gets to have an m4 box mag. Or 1 team gets a sniper and a support weapon while other team runs regular hicaps. Sometimes you can use whatever you can carry and sometimes pistols with one spare mag. Our games are more casual but all of our players are very good about the honour system so it's all good. The great thing about airsoft is you can play any kind of game you like, super hicaps or realistic low caps! If you're playing with people that can't abide by the honour system or are the too tight ass "has to be real or nothing" type, then you're playing with the wrong people. Lets keep it fun folks!
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Old December 12th, 2013, 21:36   #123
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
we used to do realcap scrims and just let every fill their mags to whatever the real limit was.
Typically add 4 extra for the BB's that get lost in the feed tube
That makes sense and seems more than fair.
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Old December 12th, 2013, 21:58   #124
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Im all for the real cap or atleast closer to real cap tactics. I run a GBBR I only have 30 rounds. It does change your tactics. Heck going back to Mid caps fully loaded feels redundant. I often end up short filling my AEG mags 30 ish rounds anyway.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old December 12th, 2013, 23:10   #125
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Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Im all for the real cap or atleast closer to real cap tactics. I run a GBBR I only have 30 rounds. It does change your tactics. Heck going back to Mid caps fully loaded feels redundant. I often end up short filling my AEG mags 30 ish rounds anyway.
Although I run 60 - 70 ish rounds per magazine on average, I mostly agree with this statement. There is however one time where having extra amm, extra magazines makes a huge difference. Large scale, large player base, endurance events. You can get into firefights that last so long, with so many targets, that your ammo gets sucked down very quickly, and the guys you've already shot have regrouped and re spawned, without much ground changing hands.

Also, I can't imagine any event being engineered to purposefully pick on one or two platforms, but if you have a non ergonomic gun magazine, such as the P90, then it is strictly you who will live with those consequences. Having an alternative would then be a intelligent choice, and if you can only afford one gun, then do yourself a favor, and get something more versatile. Buy odd gear, guns, equipment, etc, after you've set yourself up for success.
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Old December 13th, 2013, 11:52   #126
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
if you have a non ergonomic gun magazine, such as the P90, then it is strictly you who will live with those consequences.
Those with weapons with large magazines do live with the consequences of their choices. A LMG user with a huge box mag, or a P90 owner is not going to complain that the M4 players can carry more mags.
The same should be said for the other way around. No one should complain that those players are carrying larger mags that carry more rounds, cause that's the trade off of carrying a larger mag.
I'm all for real/low cap games, but for someone to force all players to only load their Mags with 25-30 rounds regardless of what weapon they are running cause that's the common number is ridiculous.

Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Having an alternative would then be a intelligent choice.
Wow! Get an alternative incase you are at an event where they decide all weapons have to be loaded with the same amount of ammo? That's silly. I have different guns for different playing styles but I haven't factored that into my decisions. (nor will I ever)

Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
and if you can only afford one gun, then do yourself a favor, and get something more versatile.
P90 is an extremely versatile gun. Odd....but versatile.

Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Buy odd gear, guns, equipment, etc, after you've set yourself up for success.
To suggest that buying an "odd" gun is to set oneself up for failure is ridiculous. You don't need to be status-quo to succeed. (Unless your goal is to fit in)

Last edited by slowbird; December 13th, 2013 at 12:17..
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Old December 13th, 2013, 12:14   #127
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You asked a question and completely misunderstood the answer

Originally Posted by slowbird View Post
If the latter, how are things settled when it comes to knowing/not knowing how many rounds the mag should be loaded with?

Otherwise, everything loaded to whatever that gun's magazine would normally hold
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Old December 13th, 2013, 12:16   #128
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Sure, but it really depends on what the game organizer, or whoever, is trying to accomplish. Are you going for realism? Using real steel amounts in magazines, and then applying an appropriate magazine cap based on real world equivalents, or related. Maybe it's an ammo cap through and through, and has no direct basis off of real steel. {blank} number of rounds per magazine, and {blank} number of allowed magazines total. The off dynamic is always the gun. It doesn't matter wether it's a famas, AK, M4, etc, etc, you can work with those easily. However, if a player has an LMG, sniper platform, or a one-off type gun, then it is they who must fit into the game perimeters. It's not really that big of deal, I'd just run a pistol if I had to. There's nothing wrong with running a P90, I didn't want to give off that impression, but it is what it is. There are platforms out there that "only" have high caps available, period. Guess what? They will be restricted from use if the game calls for it.

I'm not saying buy "this and that", just in case a bizarre game comes up. Knowing real ammo capacities is as easy as a google search. But when I said have an alternative, I meant more along the lines of, and just as an example, woodland and an AK, or multicam and an M16. Lots of parts, lots of gun doctors, lots of available gear, lots of everything. You don't have to do this, but that is why it gets recommended to new players. Stay versatile, and stay involved. A P90 is short, has oblong magazines, and not a lot of batteries, accessories, and people available that can just rip it down and rebuild it; not versatile. "Almost any" would-be gun doctor can monkey with a V2 or V3. Go into a gun shop, or airsoft, hell, even online. Wall to wall crap for M4/M16 platforms, and the gear to carry them. Many guns have similar sized and shaped magazine types as well, telling you that the modern world lives mostly within these perimeters.
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Last edited by Ricochet; December 13th, 2013 at 12:27..
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Old December 13th, 2013, 14:23   #129
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The answer of, "If you don't know. 30" I got, and was answered previously.
Though, I would hope players would know enough about their weapon to know the answer.

I'm just trying to get my head around the concept that there are apparently (and I only say apparently because I have never attended personally) events where the rule will be set to a fixed number of rounds per mag regardless of the weapon.

I understand that Event co-ordinators set rules for certain reasons and I'm not one to go against event co-ordinators. I understand the want for realism, and I understand why certain players who are only running High-Caps might be restricted from playing.

All I'm saying is that it seems silly and ridiculous to me that someone can implement a rule in an event where all weapons are restricted to the same amount of ammo per mag.(just like how some people might find things like High-Caps, WWII re-enactments etc etc silly/riciculous)
Maybe If I was at such an event and I was told the reason why they set that universal cap it might make more sense.
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Old December 13th, 2013, 16:24   #130
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Universal caps would be for player to player continuity. Every player would have exactly the same everything. i.e. I want every player to have eight magazines, loaded with no more than thirty rounds a piece. It's fair right across the board.
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Old December 13th, 2013, 16:53   #131
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If you don't like the rule, don't go to the game, simple as that lol

I've been to plenty of max ammo limited games, but it used to be just the WW2 and vietnam games way back years ago in Mb that had mag limits. For realism everyone was limited to semi-auto and 24 rounds per mag, LMG's had 200 rounds in the box.
And no highcaps, no exceptions. So if you didn't agree with the rule, just don't go to the game lol
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Old December 13th, 2013, 19:54   #132
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I can live with overall ammo caps, instead of going real caps only.

its when your pinned down by a guy with 10 190rd midcaps that I have a problem with...

one fight at a time... lets get everyone on board with overall ammo caps, then we'll move to real caps
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Old December 13th, 2013, 20:13   #133
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
It's fair right across the board.
Not really.

That means every MBR of the world, now can carry a extra 10 BB's from "real cap".

It also means that PDW's like say the P90, now do not get their "real life" intended purpose, of having a large amount of fire in a compact package relative to a assault rifle. Who's "real cap" would be 50 BB's.

Your idea isn't about fairness, it's about making everyone fit into the AR dominated world.

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Old December 13th, 2013, 22:06   #134
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Anybody playing in manitoba/winnipeg that would like to try a more "relaxed" airsoft game (we just play whatever king of game we feel like when we get there. if someone has a good idea we try it) feel free to message me and I'll give you more details. We play out in the bush on my friends property all summer/fall(spring if it's dry enough). no fps limits (we simply respect an unwritten engagement distance on anything high powered) our rules are simple, eye protection(most wear full face) and count your hits. I you don't wear eye protection you can't play, and if you don't count hits you won't be asked out again (after taking a barrage of pellets as we will assume you are a real life zombie that we need to eradicate. lol).
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Old December 13th, 2013, 23:13   #135
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Originally Posted by Dimitri View Post
Not really.

That means every MBR of the world, now can carry a extra 10 BB's from "real cap".

It also means that PDW's like say the P90, now do not get their "real life" intended purpose, of having a large amount of fire in a compact package relative to a assault rifle. Who's "real cap" would be 50 BB's.

Your idea isn't about fairness, it's about making everyone fit into the AR dominated world.

It's not my system, it's just "a" system. The point being, wether your trying to have real steel limits, or a blanket ammo cap, weapon not dependent, it's up to the game organizer. Conform, or don't attend. The community is AR dominant, because it's the most reasonable and easy system. If you want to be different, all the power to you, even I'd like some unique gear. However, it's unreasonable for "individuals" to expect special accommodation, or understanding from "everyone" else.
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