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SIG 552 hi-cap not feeding


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Old July 14th, 2005, 21:08   #1
Goodriddance's Avatar
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Thumbs down SIG 552 hi-cap not feeding

The title says it all. My Hi-cap mag isn't feeding right (sometimes not at all) into my SIG 552. Anyone know why? or what can I do to solve it?

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Old July 14th, 2005, 21:12   #2
Join Date: Mar 2004
You did wind it right?

Anywho lets see. the tab's that make contact with the bb's in the bottom of the magazine's resivor may have broke. That is about all I can think of off the top of my head.

Could you provide a picture of your feeding mechanism?
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Old July 14th, 2005, 21:40   #3
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yeah I was winding it. I'm new to Airsoft and the winding thing. Maybe that's my problem. I would stick the mag in the gun, wind it for until I could see the BB's load in. I'd shoot and maybe 2 or 3 would fire, than no more. So i tried winding for a long time (about 15 seconds) and still got the same thing.

Any advice on my wrong doings? proper ways to wind?

oh and I dont think its the resevoir... the low-cap feeds just perfectly.
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Old July 14th, 2005, 21:58   #4
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Eer oops, my bad, I meant the place where the bb's stay before they are loaded into the tube part. :lol:

Hmm, My Sig 552 worked great with both Hi & Lo cap's so not really sure whats up with it. Is they any way you can try a different hicap?
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Old July 14th, 2005, 22:00   #5
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I dont ahve access to any other hi-cap so thats no good.
How long are you supposed to wind for? just until the tube is filled with BB's? or do you need to wind it up to get pressure on, how does this winding system work?

All I can really do is fool around with it, so any info on how it works is appreciated.
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Old July 14th, 2005, 22:16   #6
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Insert the magazine into your 552 and wind it up till you notice a failr bit of pressure when winding. Then it SHOULD work fine.

Is this hicap new or used?
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Old July 14th, 2005, 22:36   #7
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Did you fill the hicap all the way up?
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Old July 14th, 2005, 22:46   #8
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its a used hi-cap. but, I never did wind it up until there was any pressure on the winding. I think I just wans't winding it enough.

I'll fool around with it when I get off work. Thanks for the help.
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Old July 17th, 2005, 15:43   #9
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I guess it depends on the hi-cap, but some will click when they are winded fully. takes me like over a minute to fully wind my ak47 hi-cap on first load.
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Old August 20th, 2005, 02:56   #10
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i had the same prob too. sometimes it would shooot but usually at the start of the clip it would jamm correct?

i took my hi cap apart and found at the bottom of the mag by the winding mech where the bb feed up that there's a notch or a small space in the feeding tube. i ended covering that notch with a small piece of paper and some tape and now my gun fire flawlessly. try that. if now the i would shoot some silicone oil in the mag and try it again.
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