Originally Posted by Kos-Mos
Did you try to put some BBs in the hop-up unit, with the gun unside down, and fire?
If it shoots perfectly all the time, it's your mag. The BB catch at the top might be too long, or the feed tube of your hop-up unit is too short. In both cases, shaving the very tip of the BB catch usually solves the issue.
If it does not, it's your tappet plate or nozzle.
Yeah I did. With 6 dirrent mags of two brands, one HC and five LC's. It isnt the mag. And I'm glad it isnt becausse they are a lot more excpensive to replace then a tappetplate.
When the tappatplate mod is working I'm happy when it isnt I'll try it in combination with a differt nozzle. But for now I stay with the advise on trying the tappetplate-mod.