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Old July 1st, 2013, 21:40   #31
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I'm not saying they're weak, I'm just saying no gears are indestructible. And if you shred 10 pistons on a set of gears, chances are you're gonna damage something.
No system is impervious to shock. If the gears are indestructible, and the gear shafts are indestructible, then the shock is going somewhere else. That's also why it's a good idea to run bushings instead of bearings on a high speed setup lol

Last edited by ThunderCactus; July 1st, 2013 at 21:43..
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Old July 2nd, 2013, 00:14   #32
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I'm going on over 300,000 on my dsg, more pistons then I can count, even a few pinion gears too. The seigtek gears are in amazing condition. They literally powdered my pinion gear, it didn't jam with 3300mah with a 45c nano lipo just kept spinning. Thought I had eaten the piston.

Also my kanzen 8mm ceramics are going strong no issue at all been in there since day one.
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Old July 2nd, 2013, 00:26   #33
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Originally Posted by IggysPiggy View Post
I'm going on over 300,000 on my dsg, more pistons then I can count, even a few pinion gears too. The seigtek gears are in amazing condition. They literally powdered my pinion gear, it didn't jam with 3300mah with a 45c nano lipo just kept spinning. Thought I had eaten the piston.

Also my kanzen 8mm ceramics are going strong no issue at all been in there since day one.
pretty much par for the course on a DSG.
the kanzen ceramics are actually weaker than the modifys as well.
too busy tinkering to play.
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Old July 2nd, 2013, 00:49   #34
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Bearings aren't a great idea on a sector gear to begin with, ceramic or steel.
Steel bearings get distorted, ceramic bearings dent the shit out of the races. They're not designed for the kind of shock loading the sector gear puts on them. I'd say the BEST setup for bearings would be ceramic bearings on the bevel and spur, and steel bushings on the sector gear.
Ceramic bearings are designed for precision, high speed, non-shock loads.
But bushings are perfectly appectable for our application, and better suited to the shock loading of the sector gear
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Old July 2nd, 2013, 02:06   #35
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Originally Posted by wind_comm View Post
the kanzen ceramics are actually weaker than the modifys as well.

Says who? Some anecdotal post on a random forum?
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Old July 2nd, 2013, 10:15   #36
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Originally Posted by Nozomori View Post
I want a HK416 that sounds like a MG42.
Lol Stripping pistons going a bit too fast eh? Get a Polar star that is the only system that can handle the RPM even better than a PTW, if you want massive high speed firing rate and sound a POLAR STAR unit trumps any GBBR or any AEG/PTW, I have one on my M2490B and my MK63 Stoner those things are loud, fast and incredibly intimidating when fired. For those that made comments that this is not paintball, we dont use tanks just tell them airsoft once used tanks and CO2 too in fact they are far more reliable set up for realism recoil and sound far better than a vibartor going off each time you squeze the trigger.
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Old July 2nd, 2013, 16:25   #37
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That was the point of the comparison frank, to show just how easily both systems can be fixed/refilled. Albeit a tank swap is a little faster and there is no comparison to reliability at those speeds the polarstar will win.

But he has a dsg setup already, he either had someone build it or did himself, either way he's got CASH into it already.

If you've spent the money on a polarstar setup you usually have more then one tank.

If you've spent the money on a dsg setup you usually have extra parts and the skill to fix fast.

And dsg are useless, other then the fact there fun to build and shoot. As a reliable primary they offer no tactical advantage except to the other team.

And your right I was stretching the time fair enough. But again your statements can be swapped around as well. If I was to field the dsg at an OP I would bring extra parts always do regardless my main point was to show that you can swap a piston with speed that would be ALMOST as fast as a walk back and tank swap.

Also as an investment side note. For the cost of one hpa tank I can buy how many pistons? A lot depending on what tank you run. That's just one not including the adjustable reg.

I am trying to help the original OP not start something. I was showing how both compared that Swapping/refilling tanks is no more an issue then swapping a piston.

Last edited by IggysPiggy; July 2nd, 2013 at 16:39..
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Old July 2nd, 2013, 17:20   #38
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Dsg are anything but reliable, and if fills are so easily accessible then its not really much of a choice. Your initial investment doesn't have to be as large as a single tank will suffice.

Ah spring spacer and m140 would not be easy to install. I run the riot spacer and a riot spring so the amount of force for install is easier then an m100.

Was only trying to help in your decision not discourage you. The consistancy of the polarstar will amaze you and nozzle swaps are not to difficult. I was thinking of getting a 249 one for the mk46. If I do I may have an v2 kit for sale lol .
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Old July 2nd, 2013, 17:29   #39
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Sooo... back on topic, pistons for DSG builds? Suggestions besides changing your entire system? So far I've seen SHS 14 tooth.
I change primaries like other people change socks.
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Old July 2nd, 2013, 22:48   #40
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I moved the P* discussion over to the P* Thread.

Lets give Spike a chance to get an answer too :P
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Old July 2nd, 2013, 23:25   #41
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Originally Posted by Spike View Post
Sooo... back on topic, pistons for DSG builds? Suggestions besides changing your entire system? So far I've seen SHS 14 tooth.
SHS 15t, Lonex Red. both with a buttload of work and material removed.

there are guys with builds pushing over 100k round DSG builds on full sets of ceramics. bearings are terrible at 6mm, a bad idea at 7mm, but about perfect at 8mm.

you can still get the range with a DSG and an r-hop, if not more because your volume of fire is that much higher. if you're worried about vibration in the slightest, lock down your barrel group with the o-ring mod (aka HS5's barrel lockdown kit).

that being said, p*s are great. every time my gearbox makes me angry, I threaten it with throwing it away and buying a p*. it usually falls back into line after. =D it's a hell of a lot less maintenance, that's for sure.

of course, THAT being said, you've already pumped (what I can only assume to be) a lot of money into your DSG build. you might as well stick it out for the grins and the "SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND" moments. it's probably worth it.
too busy tinkering to play.
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Old July 2nd, 2013, 23:42   #42
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try finding mags that reliably feed 55+
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old July 2nd, 2013, 23:45   #43
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Forget any pistons with polymer teethes like the Lonex red. You have to use a full steel rack piston with a super light body. The SHS one with the holes already cut into it might be a good option. I'm also testing with that piston in my 37RPS DSG. Another option is the Mad Bull PX piston. But you have to lighten it yourself. I'm gonna try that too. Either slow down or get the P* like everyone else has suggested.
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Old July 3rd, 2013, 00:12   #44
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I also thought the Mad Bull PX was bad too, but after testing it and installing a few, it's a pretty good piston. The rack is wider than standard pistons so if your shimming is a bit higher, you won't chew into the body. The problem with the Modify Quantum was the exact opposite. The rack was too narrow and so your shimming had to accommodate it. The PX does have fitment issues with some gearbox shells as it's a bit thicker. The rails might have to be filed down a bit to fit. I've only had to spend 5 mins with a file and never had an issue. If you're going through that many pistons, then I would suggest break everything down and refit every part, to make absolutely sure that nothing is binding and everything is engaging perfectly. I know it's possible to shoot at 50+ RPS and lasting at least 30K rounds. The FPS must be low though. Nothing over 350 FPS at that ROF.
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Old July 3rd, 2013, 00:16   #45
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
try finding mags that reliably feed 55+
MAG brand plastic cheapo mid caps...

Not 55+ in this pic, but I have had them working at 60 RPS. Next time I have a chance I'll take the chrono out and see what the absolute max I can get with them is.

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