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TM Glock 17 Custom? Or KWA, KJW pistol?


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Old March 26th, 2013, 19:32   #1
Sgt Stiglitz
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TM Glock 17 Custom? Or KWA, KJW pistol?

Hey fellas,

First I'm totally new to this, so I hope I'm posting in the right section (I'm a newb, so I suppose I'm right where I belong!).
I want to gear up and go play airsoft asap, it looks and sounds like a hell lot of fun. I've been checking out lots of videos, reviews and forums for the past months to try to educate myself in order to be able to make the best decision regarding what's available out there, and what to buy to get the best for my dollars. But there are so many manufacturers, models, pros & cons to every single one of them...I'm still not sure what I should purchase as my first blowback pistol...

I just found a specific model online, the TM Glock 17 Custom for 240 bucks, and I'd like to have enlightened opinions on this. I like the Glock 17 a lot and I've kept reading that TM is always the best way to go overall, unless maybe you want metal externals and don't have the budget to buy these costly external TM metal parts. My main issue is that this gun's frame is frosted (clear) foliage colored plastic. It's kind of ugly as you can imagine, but I guess it's possible to take the gun appart and spray paint the frame (provided you use the right paint, I found a guy on a forum who said he used a specific spray paint that worked great on his) which I would probably do. But is it real hard to completely tear down and put together that pistol back together? FYI I'm handy and hopefully smart enough to go online and figure out mecanical stuff, but I have no experience whatsoever with airsoft... I wouldn't feel comfortable dissecting AEG gear boxes just yet for example... More importantly, I read somewhere that this kind of clear frame might crack shortly if this gun runs on green gas? Is that true? Because if it is, there's really no point in going through all this at all... I also heard that TM guns generally don't shoot hot (under or around 300fps) but still have good range and better accuracy than most by having great barrel, hop up and better internals all around. But it's probably not great if I end up having to run it only on dust gaz (and reduce fps even more) to keep this clear frame from breaking... Unless opaque TM frames are available in the country without costing an arm and a leg..? Also are the mags easy to find(or compatible with other available brands) in Canada?

I had initially planned on buying one of the KWA pistols cause they come full metal stock and are supposed to be great. I like best the ATP, M226, MK23, M93, M9, USP and 1911PTPs probably in that order. But these models are pretty much all out of stock now anyways, as well as the mags on most canadian websites I found, except the MK23 and USP/USP tactical that are currently in stock (the extra mags aren't though). What bugs me is that the mags are all quite expensive (55-65$+tax for most KWA models), and fact is, they have not even been available at all for a little while (I guess importing mags from foreign stores is not more legit than buying the gun itself, so I have to go with what's available here unfortunately)... I hear these KWA guns have a really nice crisp blowback though -which I fancy- and all have the NS2 system as well as good quality mags that make them really good on gas, but it basically doubles the gun's price if I wanna get 3 or 4 spare mags with it...If I can find them that is... There's that, and the fact that KWA is not TM compatible as far as I know, which might be a bitch when certain KWA stock parts will have to be replaced or if I want to upgrade at some point...
What about the KSC ones? I know that KWA is like the U.S version/distributor of KSC and that they are compatible, but that KSC might still be better? But does that make sense to buy KSC instead of KWA if you live in Canada (part-wise etc...). KSC products do not seem to be that available in Canada anyways compared to other brands.

To the point that I'm now also considering buying a KJW full metal instead, like the P226 for 170 bucks (the gun AND extra mags are available), and maybe just buy a few better (TM?) quality parts to upgrade it precision-wise (a better inner barrel and hop up I assume? Or would it take a lot more work on the internals to get a satifying accuracy?). The green gas/propane mags are about half the price of the KWA ones, which is great... On the other hand, I hear the KJW handguns suck about twice as much gas a KWA gun would to shoot the same amount of BBs (for KJW slides are quite heavier I suppose?)... Which is not so great, as gas cost must certainly add up down the road and compensate quickly for the mags price? What do you guys think, is spending on upgraded internal parts worth the money?

WE pistols, which are widely available and relatively cheap, are out of the picture I guess, as I've mostly heard bad things about them? They make a Glock 17 with metal slide, but is that really worth buying even if it's available now and ''cheap''? Probably not...?

To summarize, unless I buy a (TM) Glock 17, I'd rather buy a full metal pistol that has a bit of weight and recoil, and that is solid. FYI I don't give a shit about trademarks really (I actually wish the KWA pistols had less of them), all I want is a good pistol that feels sturdy with a decent blowback, that can perform alright, last a while, and be eventually upgraded a bit as I go without being a total money pit... Only question is, which one?

What would you guys advise? Thanks in advance for you help ladies and gents, most appreciated!
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Old March 26th, 2013, 19:34   #2
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first get age verified
and where online? if its out of Canada, don't
also in my opinion, i'd go with TM but maybe with KWA as well
Love and Tolerance
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Last edited by redzaku; March 26th, 2013 at 19:40..
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Old March 26th, 2013, 19:51   #3
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
first get age verified
and where online? if its out of Canada, don't
also in my opinion, i'd go with TM but maybe with KWA as well
This. Mind you, the WE G17 is pretty solid for someone on a budget.. if you are.
and Don't post a link though.
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Old March 26th, 2013, 19:54   #4
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Like redzaku said the first step is to get age verified assuming you are at least 18, from there many options will open up. The second step should be to save your money and get the best gun you can afford, remember the saying "buy once, cry once".

There are many quality pistols in the classifieds for close to the same or less than the price of the marui g17 custom (not that it is bad, there are just better values to be had). There are also quite a number of retailers these days that sell good pistols for very fair prices. Just don't expect any names or links until you are age verified.

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Old March 26th, 2013, 20:00   #5
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Originally Posted by EchoFourTwelve View Post
This. Mind you, the WE G17 is pretty solid for someone on a budget.. if you are.
and Don't post a link though.
methinks times have changed, i was told that telling people to not is now futile due to google
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Old March 26th, 2013, 20:32   #6
Green Synergy
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The TM guns can be upgraded as far as your pocket will let you, the KSC/KWA guns are closer to real spec but only have stock parts available for the most part. Parts are available through the KWA proshop. They're good tack drivers, but serve best as sidearms.
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Old March 27th, 2013, 00:34   #7
Sgt Stiglitz
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
first get age verified
and where online? if its out of Canada, don't
also in my opinion, i'd go with TM but maybe with KWA as well
Thanks for the quick replies homeys, most appreciated! .
No no, it's a 100% Canadian website named in this forum several times. I know about the numerous issues with ordering airsoft guns from foreign shops and I'll stay away from this kind of trouble, I don't want to pay for a gun that's not gonna be good, let alone one that's not even likely to pass the border! I just turned 18... Twenty years ago! But I haven't been age verified yet, I still have to get that done.
I guess I'll check out the ads section as soon as I'm allowed to and will go from there then. More value there for my money you said? 240$ IS expensive for a clear frame TM Glock 17 I guess... + the price of the opaque frame if I wanna buy one... Aside from being ugly, are the clear ones more fragile than the opaque ones by the way?

About my budget (sorry I didn't precise) I'd like to spend around 200 bucks for the gun itself give or take, up to 250$ or something maybe, if I know I'm paying extra to get a good quality reliable handgun. Not having to spend another 250$ for spare mags would be nice if realistic. I don't mind having to pay a bit down the road to maintain it (reasonable wear and tear) or upgrade it.
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Old March 28th, 2013, 18:10   #8
Green Synergy
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I got my KSC Glock 17 with 4 magazines for $280 shipped... if you get AV'ed deals like that pop up from time to time.
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Old March 28th, 2013, 20:45   #9
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saving on propane?!

> ...twice as less... Which is not so great, as gas cost must certainly add up down the road and compensate quickly for the mags price?

I own KJW Beretta M9 and can tell you, gas usage is not concern at all. Mag holds enough gas for ~40-50 shoots (so reload every second BB load), depending on outside temperature and rate of fire. Holding a mag in the hand for few seconds before inserting it into gun adds few more shoots.

You want to save on Propane? Lets see how much are the savings.

Well coleman bottle is 5.50$, enough for lets say 30 charges, your cost per charge is 18 cents. You dont do more then 15 mags per gaming day on the secondary, and this is including maybe some pistol rounds. So 8 charges, comes to 1.44$ of propane. You can save a 0.77 cents per game day! And this is maximum.

You know, if you coming to airsoft to save money, you'll better run away as fast as you still can

Anyway, as my opinion, the more propane you spend on 1 shoot the better, thats why everyone want to own gun with blowback action. More gas spend - more realistic and hard kick back.
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Old March 29th, 2013, 04:21   #10
Sgt Stiglitz
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@Green Synergy:
Thanks for the tip, I might wait longer and check the ads asap. I have been checking all the main (canadian only) websites and it seems hard to put your hand on a lot of great stuff that's always out of stock, and the ''best'' shop I have found so far that has lots of great TM products is RIDICULOUSLY overpriced (I won't name the place as I'm not age verified, but I'm sure you all know which particular site I'm refering to), it's quite frustrating as they have gorgeous stuff that I haven't seen available anywhere else yet... What can you do eh... Get AVed I guess!

Sorry for sounding that cheap Don't get me wrong, I'm ready to spend some (better be), I've checked the average airsoft prices in Canada and I'm still in. I just want to spend as wisely as possible on the long run overall, that's all. I feel like I might as well just throw hundreds of dollars out of the window if I don't make a thorough research first, as durability and performance seem to vary A LOT in airsoft. Thanks for your input on gas consumption, I'm with you on this, it truly costs nothing! I was stuck on green gas prices I guess... But propane does just as well as long as you lube accordingly, right? I want the hard kick, and I was actually considering buying a KJW pistol myself, the P226. I've read pretty good things on it overall, except for the mag leaks that seem to be a common issue. I did some research and I understand that there's a version 2 of the KJW P226 that would be compatible with TM E2 P226 mags, any of you guys have specifically tried that by any chance? Provided that these TM mags are better quality, but I would suppose so?

Thanks again for your kind help guys!
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