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Holosight versus Mag sight


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Old December 19th, 2012, 14:02   #1
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Holosight versus Mag sight

Are those 552/3/7 holosights everyone seems to have any easier to use than an ACOG-style sight? I've been using an ACOG, and I find it's a pain to get a good image through it the point where I sometimes just remove it between rounds and use only the irons. I was wondering if those holosights are any easier to use, since they seem to have larger viewing windows.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 14:20   #2
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It's much easier to use than a magnified ACOG if that's what you're using. The problem with magnified ACOGs is they have pretty short eye-relief and because they're so small you have to line up just right to get any decent sight picture at all. Since aimpoints/holosights aren't magnified and have a larger aperture, they're much easier to pick up quickly. If you're just using an ACOG-style red-dot, it's probably still easier just by virtue of the larger aperture. Just ask someone to let you try theirs out at the next game.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 14:24   #3
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Real or Repro?

Real ACOGs have good eye releif for a fixed magnification optic, but most importantly, the red chevron will stay centered in your vision even if you're out of the focal point (you can see the red even though you can't see a clear image) which means you can still line up close shots using the BAC (Both eyes open, red chevron "appears" in non-weapon side eye, it's a neat trick, try it)

Eotechs have unlimited eye relief. The reticle appears to float infront of the front sight at no matter what distance you are from it, at the same size regardless of distance from it, it's a really cool piece of tech. The airsoft replica's attempt to simulate this effect, and it's close, but clones will magnify and reduce the reticle the further and closer you put your eye to optic. You can also see the reticle from off of center. Meaning you can in theory expose yourself less by not being directly behind the rifle and still see the reticle to fire a shot. This is more practically applied when pushing the rifle onto target and pulling the trigger as soon as the reticle is in place, this allows for very fast acquisition of targets.

Ultimately, airsoft clones fall very short compare to the real thing, but attempt to simulate the effects of the real thing as close as they can. They are not worth the money though, the real thing is far superior, the cost difference is negligible in my opinion.

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Old December 20th, 2012, 01:10   #4
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Originally Posted by TaroBear View Post
Are those 552/3/7 holosights everyone seems to have any easier to use than an ACOG-style sight?
If your ACOG is magnified... Then yes, holo eotechs are easier.
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Old December 20th, 2012, 02:43   #5
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I'm talking about a clone in both cases. Is there a noticable size difference between 551/2/7? I'm looking for the largest one in terms of view. My issue right now with the ACOG is that with a mesh faceguard and my ESSs on, I can't really get as close to the scope as I do when I'm testing/practicing at home. So I end up with a horrible/unusable image from the sight half the time, since I can't really get close enough to it. I'm hoping the holosights won't have this issue? I want to mount it in the middle of my rifle, and still be able to see it clearly if my cheek is resting on the stock.

Last edited by TaroBear; December 20th, 2012 at 02:45..
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Old December 20th, 2012, 02:51   #6
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That will work fine, the replicas still have unlimited eye relief and can be used with both eyes open. There really is no difference between the EOtech models when it comes to sight picture size either. The only issue you might run into with a replica is brightness in daylight but that will vary between different ones.

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Old December 20th, 2012, 03:12   #7
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Run a clone eotech 552 from airsoftpark on my Scar H, works great. 552 uses AA batteries and sits pretty high up so even if you face protection is on, you can still sight it. The further the eotech from your eyes, the larger the reticle and I find it kinda sucks in daylight. The brightness setting on this clone is hard to notice until you're out of natural light.
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Old December 20th, 2012, 19:51   #8
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Okay guys, thanks for the helping. I've got a 551 coming in the mail now. I guess we'll see how it goes.
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Old January 6th, 2013, 03:31   #9
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I personally use the combo of holographic-aimpoint. My holographic is real deal EXPS2 while my aimpoint is a cheap knockoff... This combo allows you to engage tangos far away while you can still enjoy good eye relief when the magnifier is flipped to the side. As for the brightness... the only holographic I have is a real deal, and it worked well even when I aimed at a shiny tin roofs in last August. Based on BennyBoy's experience, I would choose a knock-off ACOG if I was you, because strong daylight simply won't affect optic scopes. If you don't want a real deal 551/552 and you still want to play in a sunny day, you might want to try knock-off ACOG.
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Old January 24th, 2013, 11:43   #10
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I'd also look into getting a plastic protector for your new optic. Don't want it getting smashed on your first game by a lucky shot. I use a knock-off 552, it's great. Great battery life, and the brightness is fine for me. I have some difficulty on the brightest days seeing the reticle, but not to the point where I can't see it at all. I've compared the difference of mine to a RS 553, and honestly, unless you have a ton of money to throw at your optics, a knock-off is just fine for 1/10th the price of the real thing.
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Old January 24th, 2013, 14:51   #11
Rusty Lugnuts
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
Real or Repro?

Ultimately, airsoft clones fall very short compare to the real thing, but attempt to simulate the effects of the real thing as close as they can. They are not worth the money though, the real thing is far superior, the cost difference is negligible in my opinion.
I have found the cost difference to be substantial , Do you have an example?
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Old January 24th, 2013, 15:10   #12
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Originally Posted by Rusty Lugnuts View Post
I have found the cost difference to be substantial , Do you have an example?
Everyones budget is different, cost differential obviously will vary depending on ones available finances.
However in my experience, the saying "Buy real, buy once" becomes more prevalent over the years of playing the sport.


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Old January 24th, 2013, 15:26   #13
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Rusty Lugnuts View Post
I have found the cost difference to be substantial , Do you have an example?
I have killed 3 $100+ dollar clones on my GBBR they just get shook apart.. I picked up a real eotech for $500 .. and it is going strong with no sign of failure.. ( and I can use it on my RS setup too )

so if I had bought a real one to start.. I'd be up about $400
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Old January 24th, 2013, 16:22   #14
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I've got a $28(no tax, free shipping) clone on an AEG. I don't have a GBBR or real steel so multi-application is moot. Comparing that to a $555+tax+shipping real EOTech...
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Old January 24th, 2013, 17:02   #15
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by DustMagnet View Post
I've got a $28(no tax, free shipping) clone on an AEG. I don't have a GBBR or real steel so multi-application is moot. Comparing that to a $555+tax+shipping real EOTech...
I would hardly classify a $28 sight a "clone" more like a physical representation of.. with none of the function.

but it comes down to what works for you and how much you want o, or have to spend..

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