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Old August 20th, 2012, 15:26   #1
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Location: Mississauga, ON

Alright guys, so I'm preparing to purchase my next GBBR, but the question is will it be worth it?
I have my eyes on the G&P Magpul M4A1 WOCX GBBR, but from what I read up on it, it's either mostly or entirely built from aluminium alloy. Even the internals are stated to be made of aluminium. I haven't seen any news about this GBBR or any indepth reviews, so I was just wondering if the gun is worth it's low $500 price tag.
So going through it in my head, once I make purchases to replace the aluminium internals for steel, how much is this GBBR really gunna cost me? I'm fine with leaving the bolt carrier aluminium, but I want to replace primarily the bolt catch, trigger group and buffer lock.
Wondering if anyone currently owns a G&P Magpul M4A1 WOCX GBBR and has done mods on it. If it's not worth it, I'll just grab a KJW M4 GBBR instead. Thanks in advance.
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Old August 20th, 2012, 15:52   #2
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WOC-X is their budget version apparently. I've never dealt with the WOC-X series, but I have a few WOC's and I'm just going to say that even the steel parts take a beating. I can't imagine how long the aluminium parts last.

Having that said, a good WA based build will be costly but ultimately worth it. The assortment of parts available and the feeling (shooting it and cosmetically) is unsurpassed so far. KJW will be much cheaper, since it's pretty reliable in its stock form, but will lack the "feeling" factor.

Why not just build a WA/WOC yourself? It'll cost just a little more, if not the same.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old August 20th, 2012, 15:56   #3
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Originally Posted by mmmken View Post
WOC-X is their budget version apparently. I've never dealt with the WOC-X series, but I have a few WOC's and I'm just going to say that even the steel parts take a beating. I can't imagine how long the aluminium parts last.

Having that said, a good WA based build will be costly but ultimately worth it. The assortment of parts available and the feeling (shooting it and cosmetically) is unsurpassed so far. KJW will be much cheaper, since it's pretty reliable in its stock form, but will lack the "feeling" factor.

Why not just build a WA/WOC yourself? It'll cost just a little more, if not the same.
I see, thanks for the feedback man, appreciate it. I would build a WOC kit myself, but it's been hard to find one I want that's not already sold out lol.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 02:14   #4
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Alright guys, so I've decided that the G&P MAGPUL WOC-X M4A1 GBBR will be the next GBBR I'll be adding to my armory. It's little on the costly side, but I pretty much think it's because it's the MAGPUL version. I also just bought an entire WA steel internals set, which I'll replace with the aluminium internals stock on the gun. I'm also curious, but for anyone who has the G&P MAGPUL WOC-X M4A1 or any other G&P WOC or WOC-X series; are the dust cover on these GBBRs functional? I'll keep you guys updated until I get the gun.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 02:31   #5
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Like stock WA Steel parts? Apparently the stock WA stuff isn't that good otherwise people wouldn't be clamoring for G&P Steel stuff or the ViperTech. It's late right now and I've been up for a while but I'll try to expand tomorrow when my mind is refreshed.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 06:13   #6
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Like stock WA Steel parts? Apparently the stock WA stuff isn't that good otherwise people wouldn't be clamoring for G&P Steel stuff or the ViperTech. It's late right now and I've been up for a while but I'll try to expand tomorrow when my mind is refreshed.
They're G&P on the bag lables, but the description sticker on the baggies says WA followed by the part name. I also have a spare RAtech steel hammer.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 12:48   #7
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Then it's G&P internals. Very rare to find actual WA parts anymore. If you haven't found out yet, WOC: WA Official Copy.

Don't mix and match parts. You'll wear things out quicker because of different steel grades.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 12:57   #8
a.k.a. Palucol
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Originally Posted by mmmken View Post
Then it's G&P internals. Very rare to find actual WA parts anymore. If you haven't found out yet, WOC: WA Official Copy.

Don't mix and match parts. You'll wear things out quicker because of different steel grades.
Yep, I've been there.... and trust me... parts do wear off fast on a WOC....

It also takes alot of tweaking/breaking in, etc to make it work/shoot/cycle perfectly!

Here's a link to my build thread, I've been building mine for the past 2 years, and you might find some useful info in there.... (and some pretty pictures :P)
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 13:48   #9
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Originally Posted by mmmken View Post
Then it's G&P internals. Very rare to find actual WA parts anymore. If you haven't found out yet, WOC: WA Official Copy.
Don't mix and match parts. You'll wear things out quicker because of different steel grades.
Thanks man for notifying me about that.

Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith View Post
Yep, I've been there.... and trust me... parts do wear off fast on a WOC....
It also takes alot of tweaking/breaking in, etc to make it work/shoot/cycle perfectly!
Here's a link to my build thread, I've been building mine for the past 2 years, and you might find some useful info in there.... (and some pretty pictures :P)
Thanks for link, it's gunna be a huge help and it'll be great to have a basis to reference from now.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 14:01   #10
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Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith View Post
Yep, I've been there.... and trust me... parts do wear off fast on a WOC....

It also takes alot of tweaking/breaking in, etc to make it work/shoot/cycle perfectly!

Here's a link to my build thread, I've been building mine for the past 2 years, and you might find some useful info in there.... (and some pretty pictures :P)

Anyway, definitely. The smallest error (ie, not having the proper amount of buffer tube spacers) could cause cycling problems. Having the same brand of parts cannot be stressed enough - and this goes for everything: receivers, internals, bcg's, etc. I now have an assortment of receivers of different brands and I found that some uppers will just not fit into lowers of some brands. Even down to magazine fitment.

I found out that a WA official magazine (Heavy type) does not fit into a G&P Magpul Lower Receiver for some reason recently, and only my G&P Magpul mags do. Again, stick to the same brand to minimize problems.

Paul: Although this is best suited for PM, I was wondering where you bought your LCT internals? They're out of stock everywhere. AirsoftParts has just the trigger sear, and eHobby is completely done.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 14:14   #11
a.k.a. Palucol
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I got them from Ehobby and AirsoftParts a while ago, but Rhino Airsoft has some in stock!

(Best internals you could get for ur WOC!)
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 14:22   #12
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Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith View Post
I got them from Ehobby and AirsoftParts a while ago, but Rhino Airsoft has some in stock!

(Best internals you could get for ur WOC!)
Not sure if you've used your gun extensively or not, but the smooth side (where the roller is on the LCT) on my G&P steel hammer has straight horizontal dent lines made presumably from hitting the BCG when cycling. Is this happening on your LCT hammer?

What BCG are you using? RATech or INO?
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 14:33   #13
a.k.a. Palucol
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Yes that did happen to my hammer, its from the BCG cycling back,....

I'm using an Ino steel Bolt with G&P Negative nozzle.... and Ino steel is really

Compared to a RA-Tech bcg, which looks like it is made of super soft and cheap aluminum....
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 14:40   #14
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Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith View Post
Yes that did happen to my hammer, its from the BCG cycling back,....

I'm using an Ino steel Bolt with G&P Negative nozzle.... and Ino steel is really

Compared to a RA-Tech bcg, which looks like it is made of super soft and cheap aluminum....
That's one of the reasons why I stopped using my INO BCG.. the steel is too strong for any of my G&P hammers to handle. I'm back to all G&P, but even that is causing slight dents (not as extreme as the INO though).

Since avoiding those dents was why I was considering LCT stuff, I'm not sure if it's on my list anymore.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 15:12   #15
a.k.a. Palucol
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I think rounding or sanding the edge at and angle on the BCG could help a little...
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