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bb's and mags


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Old January 7th, 2012, 12:16   #1
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bb's and mags

is it the norm for bb's to fall out or be on top of the mag when you pull it from the gun? have a jg m4 s-system ... the other thing I find is that semi-auto stops working at times and I have to select auto fire a burst and THEN I can go back and semi will work....:banghead:
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Old January 7th, 2012, 12:25   #2
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BBs falling out is completely normal. When you insert your mag into your gun, your hopup holds the mag's spring-latch open and BBs are forced into the hopup by the mag's spring. The only thing preventing them from going into the chamber is the nozzle in the way, which only gets moved out of the way when you fire.

Meanwhile, you have those BBs that are being held in the hopup chamber by nothing but the mag.. When you take the mag out, there's nothing holding those BBs in there. They fall out. Perfectly normal.

Note that it is possible to design a hopup that prevents this from happening. An example of a hopup that prevents BBs from falling out is the Madbull Ultimate Hopup, which has a small o-ring at the bottom of the hopup tube which by way of a window into the tube manages to stretch into it and gently hold BBs in the chamber. It's a pretty neat design.

Another way to prevent BBs from coming out is to have a decently-high RoF gun and a peppy mag spring. If you fire fast enough on full auto and the spring in your mag is strong enough, you will end up with no BBs left in your mag and no BBs left in your hopup. They'll have all been fired out.

Semi-auto stopping at times and requiring a burst is a common issue in AEGs, but I'll defer to the gun doctors here on that one...
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Old January 7th, 2012, 12:25   #3
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Yes, some BBs will fall out when you remove the mag. As for the other thing, that's a whole nother problem. Which I have NO idea about, so, yeah.
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Old January 7th, 2012, 12:30   #4
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Yea I have the same problem on all my guns. The simple fix is yes full auto trigger pull, back to semi some people just try to single shot burst in full auto there. But thats not a fix. At a CQB style game I went to I got hit by someone quite a bit a close range SEMI only range but his gun was set at auto I told him to go turn it back to semi or I'll inform the game host he complained that semi wasn't 100 percent. I said same with my guns GET OVER IT. He changed then atleast while I was watching.

The long term fix to this problem, MOSFET. oh and fix your trigger contacts.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old January 7th, 2012, 12:35   #5
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only hop up that prevents bbs from falling out is probably the madbull one its alot safer to have bbs fall out when taking out the mag, however its also better to have one in the chamber while reloading
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Old January 7th, 2012, 14:27   #6
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There are two common causes of semi-auto lockup:

1 - An incomplete trigger pull, resulting in you releasing the trigger (and thus the power) before the mechbox fully cycles.

2 - A shitty battery that doesn't have the current to crank the MB around in a timely manor. 2 can further aggravate 1.

Mechbox lockup is particularly noticeable in V1 and V2 mechboxes, and somewhat less in V3. I haven't had a V6 lock on me yet.

So how can you solve this? First, make sure you always completely pull the trigger, all the way back to the stop, before releasing it in semi. If you find your mechbox takes too long to cycle this way you need to find a way to speed it up. Do this by making sure it's properly greased, shimmed, and that you're running a good battery. The ones that come with JG guns are crap (by way of comparison, the 9.6v 1000 mah JG one that came with my P90 functions only slightly better than my Elite 8.4v 1500 Mah ones. My Intellect 1600 Mah 9.6v blows them all away -Even a trigger tap provides the power to cycle my G36).

You can find a much more in-depth description of this issue here:

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Last edited by kalnaren; January 7th, 2012 at 14:33..
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Old January 7th, 2012, 15:21   #7
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have you guys seen new mags that have the little rod that comes out near the end of the magazine? Prevents the last BBs from being wasted.
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Old January 7th, 2012, 15:28   #8
aka coachster
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They are not new. The follower is just designed longer.
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Old January 7th, 2012, 15:31   #9
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
They are not new. The follower is just designed longer.
I don't understand why they weren't on old mags. It really took them that long to figure out to add a centimeter of plastic to a rod?
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Old January 7th, 2012, 15:49   #10
aka coachster
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I see it for a couple reasons. With an extended follower, it's easier to damage and render the mag useless. More importantly, the majority of players don't see a loss of a couple BB's to be a deal breaker.
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Old January 7th, 2012, 16:26   #11
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Gas blow back rifles eat every BB in the magazine.
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Old January 15th, 2012, 23:57   #12
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It seems like i've got the same issue with my newly bought TM M4A. But i find if i hold the mag in (so its not wobbling around - is wobbling normal?) it doesn't give me this issue.

Granted my observation is based on only a couple of hundred rounds shot within the last few hours

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Old January 16th, 2012, 00:30   #13
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
There are two common causes of semi-auto lockup:

1 - An incomplete trigger pull, resulting in you releasing the trigger (and thus the power) before the mechbox fully cycles.

2 - A shitty battery that doesn't have the current to crank the MB around in a timely manor. 2 can further aggravate 1.

Mechbox lockup is particularly noticeable in V1 and V2 mechboxes, and somewhat less in V3. I haven't had a V6 lock on me yet.

So how can you solve this? First, make sure you always completely pull the trigger, all the way back to the stop, before releasing it in semi. If you find your mechbox takes too long to cycle this way you need to find a way to speed it up. Do this by making sure it's properly greased, shimmed, and that you're running a good battery. The ones that come with JG guns are crap (by way of comparison, the 9.6v 1000 mah JG one that came with my P90 functions only slightly better than my Elite 8.4v 1500 Mah ones. My Intellect 1600 Mah 9.6v blows them all away -Even a trigger tap provides the power to cycle my G36).

You can find a much more in-depth description of this issue here:
On another note another possibility and this happened to me is why i know about it. One of the trigger wires inside the mechbox is riding a little to high and is interfereing with your selector paddle inside the mechbox. But yeah its more than likely what kalnaren said.
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Old January 16th, 2012, 01:33   #14
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
1 - An incomplete trigger pull, resulting in you releasing the trigger (and thus the power) before the mechbox fully cycles.
I'd say this is the most likely explanation
You can't know where your cycle will really end on full auto, sometimes it stops with the cutoff lever engaged, which would make starting the cycle in semi-auto impossible.

Is it locking up often or just every now and then?
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Old January 16th, 2012, 01:50   #15
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Originally Posted by lyphe View Post
But i find if i hold the mag in (so its not wobbling around - is wobbling normal?) it doesn't give me this issue.
Wobbling is normal, there should be a little bit of play between the mag and the magwell.

Also, holding the mag in a certain way doesn't do anything for locking up the gun. What it does do however, is make certain mags feed better (eg. STAR, and Magpul Green Label mags that you either need to hold the mag a certain way or shim it to force it to actually feed BB's properly into the hop up)
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