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Beware of manchovie!!!



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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:11   #46
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Should i really be respectful to the guy who denied breaking my gun and then gave me a hassle while trying to get reimbursed?
Oh, so he was dry firing the gun and broke it at your house?

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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:13   #47
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Ur all saying im being disrespectful to the guy, but actually hes the one who called us names and gave us nothing to be thankful for.
Originally Posted by Bdot
Im only calling the ones "cunts" who arent bothering to read it all and are just siding with him cus they know him.
At this point I think we are also pissed at the shotgun approach you have to us and the barely concealed hypocrisy.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:14   #48
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:15   #49
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Look, if you think you got ripped off, and you think you're the better man, than act like it. Only fools fight fire with fire. If you've been wronged, lay out exactly why you think so in a civil manner. Then, if Manchovie barges in here slinging shit at you (unlikely), we'll all know what's up. If you're the one who's at fault, what you've done will also quickly become evident. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding somewhere in the process. These things happen, and as you clearly think you're the better man, why don't you do the honourable thing and calmly work out the kinks?

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
I told him i needed the guns on a certain date before the guy even ordered the parts. And dont give me the excuse hes got a life outside airsoft and i shouldnt be giving him a time frame. I gave him a time frame of 2 months ahead of time for 8 hours of work. Which all of it supposedly were on the nights before i told him i had to leave on a vacation. Not only that but he didnt even put it together properly!!
And then i shit from him after i realize its broken and he doesnt even wanna give me my money back or even fix it properly a second time. Ur all saying im being disrespectful to the guy, but actually hes the one who called us names and gave us nothing to be thankful for. Should i really be respectful to the guy who denied breaking my gun and then gave me a hassle while trying to get reimbursed?
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:17   #50
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
I told him i needed the guns on a certain date before the guy even ordered the parts. And dont give me the excuse hes got a life outside airsoft and i shouldnt be giving him a time frame. I gave him a time frame of 2 months ahead of time for 8 hours of work. Which all of it supposedly were on the nights before i told him i had to leave on a vacation. Not only that but he didnt even put it together properly!!
And then i shit from him after i realize its broken and he doesnt even wanna give me my money back or even fix it properly a second time. Ur all saying im being disrespectful to the guy, but actually hes the one who called us names and gave us nothing to be thankful for. Should i really be respectful to the guy who denied breaking my gun and then gave me a hassle while trying to get reimbursed?
first he does not have to do shit unless he feels like it. being a gun doc is not a tax deductable job

second if you were going on vacation why did you need your guns. you could just leave them with him till you got back

third how do you know it wasnt back together right if you never took it apart in the first place

forth you are being disrespectful he is probably at least twice your age respect your elders dumb ass

fifth he gave a reason to be thankful for he did fix your gun you just didnt know it

and last he gave you your money back to shut you the fuck up and to leave him alone again you lucky he is not pressing charges for harassment and again you have not given bad feedback yet so obviously this didnt happen


how hard is it to post a pic of your guns to prove they arnt shit

Last edited by logoris; January 4th, 2012 at 01:21..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:19   #51
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
I told him i needed the guns on a certain date before the guy even ordered the parts. And dont give me the excuse hes got a life outside airsoft and i shouldnt be giving him a time frame. I gave him a time frame of 2 months ahead of time for 8 hours of work. Which all of it supposedly were on the nights before i told him i had to leave on a vacation. Not only that but he didnt even put it together properly!!
And then i shit from him after i realize its broken and he doesnt even wanna give me my money back or even fix it properly a second time. Ur all saying im being disrespectful to the guy, but actually hes the one who called us names and gave us nothing to be thankful for. Should i really be respectful to the guy who denied breaking my gun and then gave me a hassle while trying to get reimbursed?
so you admit you gave him a time frame and that he met it, you told him i must have it by this date then literally harassed them the whole time, the way i see it you gave him a date two months away so he thought he had some time to get to it and order your parts. and your all pissed he didnt get it done sooner then the date you gave him. thats like a teacher telling you a paper is due on feb 10th then giving you an f for not handing it in on jan 20th.

also i dont understand, your complaining how little time it actually takes, why didnt you just do it yourself? would you be less angry if he slaved for 36 hours to install a spring?
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Last edited by White_knight; January 4th, 2012 at 01:21..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:21   #52
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wow now i get the "your not even telling the truth replies". Get bartek in here and see what he has to say first. Cus if hes so RESPECTED and honest hes gona tell u they were GOOD enough for him to stuggle for a month on. If thats what all u guys want is proof ill put up a picture of my guns tomoro for all u who wanna just get off topic and start making excuses. The m7 is a full metal body TROY with every magpul part u can imagine. Dont talk to me about being a kid cus im not av or complaining about 140$, sorry but to me thats alot for some service i never got in the first place. And what are u even saying white-knight?? I gave him both of my guns which sat in his house.......
Dont tell me to calm down, i aint freaking out, im trying to defend myself from all of u who seem to agree with the guy who hasnt even said a word yet.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:25   #53
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Dont tell me to calm down, i aint freaking out, im trying to defend myself from all of u who seem to agree with the guy who hasnt even said a word yet.
You are freeking out just by the way your replying to everyones posts.

As for him not saying anything is probably because:

1: he has a job to be at in the morning

2: he doesn't want to bother talking with/about you anymore
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:26   #54
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BACK THE FUCK UP! you have MAGPUL parts on your gun, holy shit, i had no idea. im sorry i take back every thing i said, i didnt know. a TROY metal body you said? ok i get it now. your right it is awesome.

i can think of threads FULL of guns with magpul shit all over them. thats like saying my guns is awesome cause it has sights
Burnaby / Vancouver area Age verifier

Last edited by White_knight; January 4th, 2012 at 01:28..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:27   #55
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I'm going to have to +1 everyone else here.

I don't know manchovie but he seems like a good guy and if there's a lot of vets willing to back him up then maybe you should step back from the situation and look at it from an objective approach.

Just take it easy and ask in a calm manner what he can do for you to remedy the situation and make things cool. That's the approach I take and I'd like to think that I'm a good customer but also one that demands good service and gets it because I'm so "easy going". I know it's not easy sending your expensive stuff out to repair centres and whatnot but if you take the time to look for a good one and are an easy client to deal with then it should be no problem.

Currently I have one of my guns (worth about $400) at a gundocs who lives 3 provinces over. I approached them around October and they've had the gun in their possession for a couple weeks now. I'm not worried because he seems to be trusted and it looks like he does good work. I'll check up on him once in a while obviously but I'm not going to pester him every day.

As for the Troy M7, well AR15/M4 pattern guns should usually be pretty easy to work on and I've done work on some M4's before but the MP5 I wouldn't know since I've never worked on one (not on the externals anyways). As for the M4 being hard to disassemble, that could be the case if you're wired for a connector that doesn't go through that notch on the bottom of the barrel cleanly as is the case with mine with deans which is a bit hard to do.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:27   #56
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Some people here know me, more from games then the boards as i don't normally post. i have never really met manchovie to my knowledge, however i am aware of his reputation as a veteran of the community and his work as a gun doc. if you had of been less hostile right of the bat i may have seen your side. i have read your ENTIRE post and all others after it on every page and i find it insulting and ridiculous, your acting like a child instead of dealing with it like an adult. If you had of done this in any other situation in public chances are you would have a broken nose or worse but thats a different matter. I've read that it was dry fired in his house( WITH NO COMPLAINT THERE IN) and then you went to the car and dry fired it there was a rattle. first off WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING PLAYING WITH IT IN THE CAR, your an idiot, second off if it was fine in his house you left his property before a problem, in any form of tech support job, that no longer leaves the fixer obligated as it worked when handed to you, nor did you request to fire it properly at his house to make sure (as your statement doesn't say so). As far as bartek coming in here to chime in, doubt it will happen as all the veterans of the community know full well how that turns out in a dispute thread. (ex... bordensniper) it just fly's out of control and bans get handed out. respect goes a long way bdot, instead of getting aggressive you should have tried to solve in personally before the boards publicly. and NO tech would reimburse full cost, labour yes, parts NO, the gun may not be fixed but the parts are YOURS. if i ever host a game again you are not welcome at them and that goes for Gato as well., have a good day sir, next time we meet it will probably be at the gallows.
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Last edited by JoE LiEbErMaN; January 4th, 2012 at 01:42..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:29   #57
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By the way, you're mean for saying manchovie is a "lazy scamming asshole."

How about you not waste your lovely time talking here?

You wasted 30 hours typing this shit up, but you wasted COUNTLESS hours of other people trying to read your stupid rant.

Last edited by Kladz; January 4th, 2012 at 01:34..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:30   #58
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
wow now i get the "your not even telling the truth replies". Get bartek in here and see what he has to say first. Cus if hes so RESPECTED and honest hes gona tell u they were GOOD enough for him to stuggle for a month on. If thats what all u guys want is proof ill put up a picture of my guns tomoro for all u who wanna just get off topic and start making excuses. The m7 is a full metal body TROY with every magpul part u can imagine. Dont talk to me about being a kid cus im not av or complaining about 140$, sorry but to me thats alot for some service i never got in the first place. And what are u even saying white-knight?? I gave him both of my guns which sat in his house.......
Dont tell me to calm down, i aint freaking out, im trying to defend myself from all of u who seem to agree with the guy who hasnt even said a word yet.
whats wrong with posting them now and there are knock off magpul i can get an mbus sight set for 15bux, we arnt making excuses we are telling you the truth your the one trying to blame someone else for something you dont understand

troy is just a name just because you put it in bold doesnt mean its real

only half decent service you would get for 140 is from a hooker on a corner

you get what you pay for

short time + little money + you bitching = you think u would get quality if so check your self into a mental hospital

and if you have this short a fuse you should never be allowed to drive on public roads
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:30   #59
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YOU is spelled YOU not U

By the way I have read ALL of your posts Every word

Dude take a pill relax.

if he had to order parts they can take weeks perhaps even a month or more to come in. Perhaps he had to wait until he had enough cash to shell out for your parts (until you paid him back)

it is simple dealing with a gun doc....

Example... Amos works on all my guns and he has to order parts. He pays for them and then charges me accordingly. for time and materials. Life is good. I get back a gun that I can trust in and when it fails (and they all fail sometime) then he gets it again for whatever is needed...

Simple rules to deal with a gun tech....

1. Appreciate that he probably has another job that feeds his family and that takes up time.
2. Appreciate that he may not feel like picking up your gun every night sometimes TV time or veg time is more important.
3. Appreciate that he has skill (that you don't have - or don't want to have)
4. Appreciate that he may have other guns to work on.
5. Parts take time to come in (they may come from china or Japan or even the US hell sometimes US shipments can take weeks too..
6. Don't bug the gun tech. I STFU (look it up) and let him do what he does best.
7. have a spare gun to use if you must have work done in the "ON season" in the Off season who cares how long it takes you can't play anyway. but invest in a backup gun as I said EVERYTHING FAILS..... EVERYTHING
8. As amos said Test it at the Gun Doc's place with BB's and with a chrono so you know you have achieved the desired result.
9. DON'T Call them and swear at them. GEEZ that will get you service. i suspect (and I don't know the guy) but I suspect if you had called him and left a nice calm voice mail such as

"Hi. I was testing out my gun at home and the BB's just dribbled out and then it stopped working all together. could I possibly impose on you one more time to have a look at it and let me know if there are issues"

I suspect again (not knowing him) he would have happily gone out of his way to assist you. but instead you chose to yell and throw a tantrum and well you see where that got you...

indeed you do get more flies with honey then with a stick and guess what.... Kind words get you good results.


please stop saying "u" when you mean "you" this is not text messaging here

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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:31   #60
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I think the bulk of frasturation comes from this lack of communication:

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
A week later, on December 2nd he picks up the parts and tells us they will be all ready soon. I ask for him to try and get them finished for my brothers birthday on the 6th, but no reply. I then tell him the absolute latest we can pick them up by is the 16th because we leave on our Christmas trip for 9 days. Over a week goes by with no replies until the 12th when he tells us hes going to have an update this night. Next day he tells us hes having issues with the hop-up not making a seal but he did some research and said he should be able to make it work. I remind him they need to be done by friday, and he tells us not to worry.
There wouldn't have been an issue if he stated right away: "stop messaging me, I'll get back to you later" and "I will get it done in x days" .. not "soon", since soon can be an hour or 3 months..

Amos, back in the day when I sent you my AK you told me upfront, "I'll look at it in a month", which was the "right thing to do".

So, sure Bdot is overreacting, but he has some valid points.

EDIT: Hates gonna hate

Last edited by ViR; January 4th, 2012 at 01:34..
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