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Old November 16th, 2011, 21:31   #16
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
marui VSR 10
PDI cylinder set, theres 2 diameters of spring, 9mm and 11mm, so make sure you match your spring accordingly
PDI V-trigger
laylax 6.03mm barrel
firefly hop rubber
PDI barrel spacers

That's everything I got in my rifle and it shoots like a laser
Hmm, normally people tell me to stay away from laylax barrels... Usually prommy, edgi and pdi are the suggested barrels (edgi here)
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Old November 17th, 2011, 00:22   #17
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Originally Posted by krap101 View Post
unless we're talking about custom work?
Not all parts/adaptors are availiable on the market. Some have to be machined and powdercoated.

Accessories, such as Harris, Scope spare mags etc etc are included in that #

I stuck with the Prommy tightbore, I wanted to keep mine at 6.03 as the bb's seem to stabalize better than with the 6.01s
Im looking for accuracy, not velocity on my rifles.

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Old November 17th, 2011, 00:32   #18
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
Not all parts/adaptors are availiable on the market. Some have to be machined and powdercoated.

Accessories, such as Harris, Scope spare mags etc etc are included in that #

I stuck with the Prommy tightbore, I wanted to keep mine at 6.03 as the bb's seem to stabalize better than with the 6.01s
Im looking for accuracy, not velocity on my rifles.
Gotchya, I thought the price was only the gun and upgrades, but with accessories, it looks a bit better.
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Old November 17th, 2011, 04:37   #19
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Originally Posted by krap101 View Post
Hmm, normally people tell me to stay away from laylax barrels... Usually prommy, edgi and pdi are the suggested barrels (edgi here)
laylax MAKES prometheus lol
They also make first factory, nine-ball, and tricked out fishing reels.
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Old November 17th, 2011, 08:29   #20
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I own a TM VSR 10 aka PDI VSR10 which I had it for good 5yrs. Poured alot of time and $$ to get this bad boy to shoot super accurate and far. The only TM left is the stock and the mag release. 95% all PDI parts internal and external. PDI Premiere Bore up Vacuum Palsonite cylinder set(mod), Bore up v-trigger, PSS10 hop chamber(mod),lots of PDI spacers and PDI 6.01mm inner barrel. Shoots 495fps -/+5fps consistency.
Team P.I.M.P. Vancouver BC
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Old November 17th, 2011, 09:33   #21
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can someone explain to me why using a clone base hurts performance even if you replace every internal part?

i have had great success with my L96 being able to hit hit 400 ft with a 2 foot variance although i have sank a decent amount of money into it
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Old November 17th, 2011, 09:53   #22
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sloppy manufacturing tolerances may mean the hard mounting points are out of spec, a millimeter there, a millimeter here = huge difference when you're talking making a shot 200 ft away. You can't build a house if the foundation isn't done properly... well you can, it's just a shit house with crooked walls that could fall down at any time.

bad mounting points for parts so your airseal is an issue, mounting points could be loose.... if you think it's bad in airsoft.. you should see some of the car parts that come out of china... we're talking brake rotors that are x thick in one spot and half as thick in another.
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Old November 17th, 2011, 09:56   #23
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Originally Posted by BioHazarD_99 View Post
can someone explain to me why using a clone base hurts performance even if you replace every internal part?

i have had great success with my L96 being able to hit hit 400 ft with a 2 foot variance although i have sank a decent amount of money into it
When guys offer up an's often a generalization and meant to apply to the masses. One disaster of getting a "cheap" gun to shoot well....doesn't make it true. Neither does ONE anecdote of making a "good" gun shoot well. And there's a natural occurance that guys will post up their sucesses....and not their disasters.

But if you look into it enough...and look where the points of reference'll see trends. (i.e. a newcomer to airsoft who's only bolt gun has been a "cheap" bound to say it's working fine and was a great deal)

What I've found (and I've been continually wrong for almost 4 decades now and counting ) is that you can replace a whole lot of parts...but at some level the foundations typically aren't alterable.

No part that you'll typically replace (i.e. piston/guide/sear/etc...) will address an issue of the outer barrel being less that sqarely/tightly set to the receiver. And unless you replace the receiver (or use thread inserts), nothing will make the soft metal of the receiver any stronger/stiffer and not have the stock screws strip out the material. The typical upgrades won't make the stock fit better to the action, it won't make the rails attached to the receiver straighter/flatter, it won't make the mag catch better, etc..... And upgrade parts might not fit a clone/cheap gun as they would a "good" gun for which they were designed.

To add to all might very well get a "cheap" gun that's all ok...or you might get a crooked stick. "Cheap clones" tend to be hit and miss.

In the each their own and good enough is sometimes good enough.

But that's why, IMO, it's generalized that starting with a clone base is not the best way to go if you're looking to end up with a "no compromise, best chance of success" bolt gun.

Last edited by m102404; November 17th, 2011 at 09:58..
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Old November 17th, 2011, 15:06   #24
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Getting a clone is fine if your buying a new receiver and barrel, because all the stock does is cradle it lol
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Old November 17th, 2011, 15:12   #25
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Originally Posted by BioHazarD_99 View Post
can someone explain to me why using a clone base hurts performance even if you replace every internal part?

i have had great success with my L96 being able to hit hit 400 ft with a 2 foot variance although i have sank a decent amount of money into it
Hmm, the last time I saw someone say they shot 400 ft, their gun was shooting 800fps+ and they only had a 2:3 hit ratio... You know what it takes to make a shot at that range? Everything comes into play that far. Humidity elevation, temp, winds, spin-drift. There's a 6-10 second flight time so you have to shoot it where the targets going to be. Even the coriolis effect, the spin of the earth comes into play. The President will be wearing body armor, that means a head shot. You believe there's a shooter involved capable of making this shot?... oh wait...
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Old November 17th, 2011, 15:38   #26
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If you're shooting 800fps with a .3, you're LOSING accuracy.
I've noticed even at 500fps, .3s don't perform as well as they do at 440fps.
Just like it's not recommended to use .25s above 350fps, .28s just do better.
But the opposite is also true, where heavier BB's don't do well at all in low FPS AEG's, like using a .3 in a 300fps gun, because there isn't enough initial pressure to get the BB spinning fast enough through the hopup.
You'd need a really heavy BB and really hard hop rubber at 800fps to get optimal spin, hell you might as well be using .22LR if your shooting 800.
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Old November 17th, 2011, 19:09   #27
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@ krap101 I loved that movie :P but yeah im only shooting 400-500 fps. And i do understand that some clones just will always suck, my question was pointing more towards, why do they suck. I realize i got lucky and mine works very nicely. m102404 answered the question very well. Thank you
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Old November 17th, 2011, 19:35   #28
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Originally Posted by BioHazarD_99 View Post
@ krap101 I loved that movie :P but yeah im only shooting 400-500 fps. And i do understand that some clones just will always suck, my question was pointing more towards, why do they suck. I realize i got lucky and mine works very nicely. m102404 answered the question very well. Thank you
Your getting 400ft range out of 400-500fps gun? I never knew that's
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Old November 17th, 2011, 21:02   #29
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lol its not easy and as i said theres about a 2 foot variance, but it can be done
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Old November 18th, 2011, 14:06   #30
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Just cause your BB can reach that distance, doesnt mean you can hit a barn door at that range.

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