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How serious do you take airsoft?



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Old August 24th, 2011, 14:48   #46
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airsoft is the perfikkt excuse to buy the toy guns I would have needed when I was 8 years old
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Old August 24th, 2011, 14:52   #47
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Originally Posted by Boyso View Post
..... I don't want to see someone next to me in Nike with jeans and a hoodie ....
In the beginning of Hotbox I was playing in slippers, but thats only for "realism" and trying to blend in with "poor militia".

I take airsoft pretty seriously when I'm on the field. The equipment is of course limited by the size of your wallet, but proper mentality should be displayed by all.
I try to fully emerge into role I'm playing, be it a soldier or a farmer with a gun. So during the game I try to give it all, or whatever is required based on the theme, running around harassing/mocking the enemy and running away when they come back with force (like Libyan rebels) or guarding an empty hallway for 3 hours.

The most important aspect of the game is to follow the "game design". If you are playing a skirmish, you can fuck around, but if you signed up for a milsim play accordingly. I wouldnt mind playing a guy with a clearsoft (hopefully at least painted). But if a "super soldier" is trying to show off in a milsim and doesnt follow orders/game design that would piss me off a lot more.

Basically, Airsoft is a role playing game, just play your assigned role to the best of your ability/budget.
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Old August 24th, 2011, 15:19   #48
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
In fact, next nonmilsim I go to, Im going to roll jeans and hoodie and see how I get treated.
If it's a skirmish, maybe. If it's a more organized game, then it shows the same level of disrespect for the organizers and other players as if I showed up to a serious WW2 game with a fully RIS & Magpul'd out gun and full MOLLE gear, digital camo, etc.

In some cases, the scenario might call for it -- drug dealers, militias, etc. Otherwise its like showing up to a baseball game with a piece of 2x3 for a bat and a glove made of cardboard and duct tape.

Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
I think there should be a group 4. Wich is more extreme than group 3. Taking airsoft to it's limit as a trainning tool.
I considered that, but I'm not sure I would consider that group actual "airsofters": they simply use it as a training tool (just as simunitions or MILES) and have little or no interest in it beyond that. They have their own unique lifestyle as LE/military/other operators which goes far beyond what we do in airsoft despite the emulation of it that occurs with group 3 people.

Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Very true.. I know quite a lot of very "serious" players that are lucky to get out 3 or 4 times a year..
Also there some very serious players who only attend a handful of games per year by choice, the less formal skirmishes and such holding very little appeal to them.

I attended almost every game in the area last year (and a few elsewhere in the province) and honestly I wouldn't do it again: not that they were bad per se, but many of them just didn't do much for me and left me feeling like I could have safely stayed in bed that morning and not missed much.

Simply, I think as you elevate your own game you begin expecting more of the events you attend (and the players present).

Originally Posted by kennysteez View Post
i would love to be group 3 but lack of money is stopping me my girlfriend is really kool with it she even shot one of my friends with an m203 so if money wasn't a problem group 3 for sure
I think its a mistake seeing "group 3" as being all about the gear and stuff. It really is first and foremost a mindset.
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Old August 24th, 2011, 15:35   #49
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Exactly. Airsoft is limited to a persons time, budget, family ...ect. Our teams is on the serious side of things. We play every weekend, and go to every event we can. When a new player starts we guide him on what to buy, where to buy, and how to prioritize when on a budget. I personally don't care what style of airsoft someone plays. But at some point it becomes a different game entirely, with the same basic ideas. When you play competatively there are certain things you need to be effective. I.E. Gear at a certain grade, time, practice ...ect. I understand those that can't afford the time and money tondo this. However, you can't just take what you like and leave the rest. Don't bother coming to a serious milsim if your not a serious player. It changes what we all invest a lot of time and money to accomplish. How would you feel if someone showed up to your "casual" monthly games with a $2000 gun and high end tactical gear, and kept snot-rocking everyone. There are lines drawn in the sand, and like I mentioned before. One style of airsoft isn't the same sport even, as another. Live and let live, bit don't walk into someone elses sport and say "I want to be able to do things my way, and not put in the time, effort, money, and hard work you all put in to do this here."

There are multi platform events that are open to everyone though.
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Old August 25th, 2011, 12:03   #50
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Originally Posted by Busterbunny View Post
I wear a titanium steel cup.

That's how I roll.
Nawh, thats just smart!
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Old August 25th, 2011, 12:06   #51
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
If it's a skirmish, maybe. If it's a more organized game, then it shows the same level of disrespect for the organizers and other players as if I showed up to a serious WW2 game with a fully RIS & Magpul'd out gun and full MOLLE gear, digital camo, etc.

In some cases, the scenario might call for it -- drug dealers, militias, etc. Otherwise its like showing up to a baseball game with a piece of 2x3 for a bat and a glove made of cardboard and duct tape.

I considered that, but I'm not sure I would consider that group actual "airsofters": they simply use it as a training tool (just as simunitions or MILES) and have little or no interest in it beyond that. They have their own unique lifestyle as LE/military/other operators which goes far beyond what we do in airsoft despite the emulation of it that occurs with group 3 people.

Also there some very serious players who only attend a handful of games per year by choice, the less formal skirmishes and such holding very little appeal to them.

I attended almost every game in the area last year (and a few elsewhere in the province) and honestly I wouldn't do it again: not that they were bad per se, but many of them just didn't do much for me and left me feeling like I could have safely stayed in bed that morning and not missed much.

Simply, I think as you elevate your own game you begin expecting more of the events you attend (and the players present).

I think its a mistake seeing "group 3" as being all about the gear and stuff. It really is first and foremost a mindset.

Good points, I do agree with the group three things. I put alot into my gear, but I still don't see reason behind the whole chain of command, organized practices and team based thing. Thats more what I was getting at.
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Old August 25th, 2011, 12:07   #52
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Originally Posted by Forestsight View Post
I liken the game to rock climbing, It's fun, good exercise and you get to socialize to some extent. The best part is that it's dangerous. I just started AS this summer and the gear is cool, expensive and a great sport. I think it's great people have teams and try to stay true to realistic uniforms and guns but I'm of the camp that if all the teams have a identical uniform, I'd buy that uniform and shoot you in the back. Go rebels! Real warfare is not fair nor uniform. We stay alive no matter what we're wearing. Great blog!!!
Great post on your part. I think I'm on the same level as you, the fact that we stay alive no matter what we are wearing. Thats why I don't see the sense behind the huge preparation for games made by large organized teams. Thanks for the post!
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Old August 25th, 2011, 12:09   #53
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Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
It's a game period, I don't want to wear everyshit a real soldier wear on his vest but I like to look like one so my gear is expensive, but I don't have useless things like fake gps on my wrist or tourniquet etc. I also like to play with people well equipped like me because that fucking looks bad ass.

I like the realistic look of that game, otherwise I would be playing paintball to shoot on people.
I agree. When I come out all camouflaged up and have to play with a bunch of guys in jeans... it really gives you the "my team is totally going to loose" feeling!
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Old August 25th, 2011, 12:14   #54
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
In a milsim environement, with milsim minded people working togheter, I take all your fierse Nike and hoodie players and we will "kill" them in no time. Simply because they play alone and as if they where in COD. They might get kills on a paintball field. But on a "natural" field, against a coordoned team, they will perish.

And on the other hand, if it's a game with a dress code, when these goofballs show up in street cloths, they kinda ruin the mood of the game.
That's why they are looked down uppon.

As Drake said, I'm firmly in Group 3. I don't mind all the other groups, as long as they show up at the apropriate games style.
I think there should be a group 4. Wich is more extreme than group 3. Taking airsoft to it's limit as a trainning tool.

Do you think airsoft is a reasonable training tool? I assume you are referring to military training. I could understand team involvement, a good way to practice communication in battle but we are talking about weapons that shoot nothing close to the real things. I would think that it might tamper with the sense of engagement if soldiers trained using airsoft because if real life your talking about 200-400 yards engagement rather then 200 feet as with airsoft. Are you personally involved with the military? If so, please let everyone in on how the training associated with airsoft works, and if my points are valid, or if they are not. Thanks for the great response!
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Old August 25th, 2011, 12:15   #55
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
the 4th group are not players, Airsft guns do make effective training tools , and more and more professionals are recognizing the benefits of Force on Force training with airsoft guns.
Please have a look at my response to FOX, and let me know your thoughts on training with airsoft rifles. Thanks!!
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Old August 25th, 2011, 12:18   #56
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Originally Posted by Busterbunny View Post
Group 2. I might not have time to play every game out there, but I make it to one game per month (I have a wife and kid). I might not have the best gear, but I did invest in a 2-channel radio, headset, sidearm, and such.

I also had fun making Visio stencils of NATO symbols, and making what-if scenarios for the next game we're going to have. When I finished that, I saw I spent an afternoon planning a game for which I was never told I was the CO for my team. And yet I had fun doing it nevertheless.

I realised, at that point, I might have left group 1 for group 2. I'll never get to group 3 for lack of time.
Thats the thing too. People like me, being an 18 year old guy, with only a part time job and no family or full time job to attend to, I obviously have more time on my hands then most... the most important thing is to use the time you do have, and have a blast with it!!!! No matter what group your in!
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Old August 25th, 2011, 12:20   #57
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Very true.. I know quite a lot of very "serious" players that are lucky to get out 3 or 4 times a year..

They would be out every weekend if they could.. but Wife, Kids, Job.. just don't permit it
well put. Thats why I'm trying to get all the airsoft in before a full time job, wife, and kids come into my life :lol:
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Old August 25th, 2011, 12:21   #58
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Originally Posted by Toxicrider View Post
+1!!!!! You only get one kick at the can, enjoy life to the fullest!!! As a firm Group 2 person I still like having all my gear match and would like to eventually either join up with or form a team just to have a consistent group of like minded folks I get along with to go out and have a good time at the fields.
Count me in!! LOL I swear this group classification is going to become a like minded way to classify airsoft players :lol:
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Old August 25th, 2011, 12:22   #59
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
LOL excellent topic

I'm a competitive athlete, I wanna win, but it's still a game.
However I know of some people that think it's the army. Like, their airsoft gear includes a mess kit. Serious.
lmao. Thats what I'm talking about. The mess kit thing. Is that really necessary???
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Old August 25th, 2011, 12:23   #60
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
In my experience there are three grades of players:

Group 1 - the casual players for whom its just another game or weekend sport, the way some people will go play tennis or ride a bike or something: go play every once in a while for shits and giggles if the weather is nice and nothing else is planned;

Group 2 - the serious players, who see airsoft as a more serious hobby and will invest more money into good gear and higher end guns. Not unlike people involved in amateur league sports (but it's still just a game): will try to make it out to games regularly, might play on a team, will be much more serious about the game although they might be skirmishers as much as milsimmers;

Group 3 - players for whom airsoft is a lifestyle rather than just an occasional hobby or sport: as with any other lifestyle choice, a regular and significant portion of income is used to support it; guns and gear are important -- you don't see pro athletes using low end equipment or serious musicians playing Walmart guitars; many everyday friends are fellow airsofters (usually people who also have an airsoft lifestyle); involvement in the airsoft world is daily [some of us dedicating our free time to staff forums and such ]; schedules are fitted around airsoft dates, moreso since many of people in this category are organizers (specially of major/serious events); they might be on a team (if they can find like-minded people) and will usually take the team very seriously; and they take the game very seriously, because it's a fundamental part of their lives -- and by extension dislike having it trashed by "tourists" who just come out to fuck around.

Obviously I'm part of Group 3.

I think, generally speaking, group 1 and 3 don't get along that well ("OMFG asshole elistists" vs. "Stupid noobs with clear guns")

If I was in BC, I'd wanna check out Six4's games.
Good job on those groups Drake!! xD Everyone is using them now.
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