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To those who want to try and smuggle guns across the border.


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Old August 16th, 2011, 03:22   #16
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But what user was it?

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Old August 16th, 2011, 09:23   #17
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Originally Posted by takagari View Post
Wow you guys are jumping on people importing?

There ARE legal ways to bring legal unrestricted firarms.

Since he brought these from most likely a store, these probably wern't shooting the required 427 fps.

and he didn't declare them.

This is definetly not a statement for why you should only by canadian rifles. It's more of a don't be a dumb ass smuggler article.

However paying someone else to import legally for you is probably easier.
+2!! You can import airsoft guns, just follow the rules and you will not have a problem. The key is knowing the rules and following them. I imported one of mine no problem, had a chrono sheet stamped and signed by the dealer certifying the fps and proper receipts etc. I declared it, had to go in and show all the paperwork, paid some duties on it, and drove home. The dork in the article probably would have avoided all the problems if he had declared them and then had all the appropriate paperwork. Of course if you make a decision to try to break the law and get away with something and get caught you deserve what you get.

As for supporting Canadian retailers, I will buy parts, mags, bb's, and gear from them for the most part, but when guns are 30-50% more expensive and I can import the same gun legally I will have to pass.
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Old August 16th, 2011, 09:26   #18
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canadian guns are coming down in cost a bit.

I probably wont of spent another $100 dollars within canada to buy my masada, and an additional 60 to have it shipped to me.

But if you know what your doing it's easy.

This is a smuggling article that had an airsoft twist so people are jumping on it.
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Old August 16th, 2011, 09:57   #19
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I just can't help but wonder what would have happened if he had said he had them? I guessing the would have destoried them, then again the officer might have been meh toy guns.
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Old August 16th, 2011, 11:35   #20
Armed Infidel
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Originally Posted by jakster
So what do you this? Tempted to give it a try. I'll talk to a border security friend and see what they have to say. Anybody else thinking of bringing their AEG/GBB

For my fellow Canadians, I have good news! We are legally able to bring our full metal/full black airsoft guns across the border AND get them back into Canada! No more needing to bring Cansoft or using rentals!
I have personally tested this process, so I can vouch that it works.
What you need to do is:
1) get all of the guns you want to take with you into cases/bags.
2) if you have them, get all of your purchase receipts for your guns.
3) Go to your nearest CBSA office (there is a list of offices on the CBSA website)
4) Tell them you need a Y38 form filled out as you would like to attend an American Airsoft game and take your own equipment.
5) They will ask to inspect your guns, and document them all on the green Y38 form.
6) If your gun does not have a visible serial number, they will put a translucent yellow 'Canada' sticker on the gun. (If this happens, I suggest using something to make sure it stays on: epoxy, clearcoat, layer of clear tape over it...etc, as they don't stick well)
7) Put the completed and signed Green Y38 form and all receipts into your gun bag so you don't lose it.
8) Go to Operation Pine Plains!
9) On return to Canada, declare you are returning from an airsoft game, and have the Y38 card with your passport when you hand your documentation over to the CBSA Border Guard.

I cannot promise that they won't pull you over and check everything to make sure, but you WILL be able to bring your own equipment and get it back into Canada.

If you would like more information, feel free to contact me as I have personally gone through this process successfully. Currently we have successfully registered: 1 VFC SCAR-L, 2 VFC SCAR -H (one with an EGLM), 1 VFC SR16ES, 1 Ares Tavor, 1 KWA USP 45, 2 Glock 18c, 1 P229, 1 Glock 23, 1 Magpul PTS Masada ACR.

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Bloodsport....just wondering if this is valid to your knowledge??...going to Pine Plains in October..haven't talked to Jakster directly(but will) but wondering if this is something you have heard about?
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Old August 16th, 2011, 13:26   #21
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I havent chimed in on a thread in a while so this one is the one.

I am a trucker. I have crossed the border several times. I have invested a lot of time and money into geting all the documentation and clearence I can get to make sure I'm legit.

I have dealt with CBSA agents all across Canada at each of the ports of entry. The common mistake people make is that they are stupid. The next is that people think if one POI is tough, the next one or two over wont be. They are paid to know and detect what you are doing wrong. Never think you can out smart them. There are LEGAL ways to get stuff in the country yourself. I have done it. Im not going to say how because everyone should research and understand the rules themselves. This not only goes for airsoft but EVERYTHING and the first thing you will be told, if caught, is that ignorance of the law is not a defence in court. "I didnt know" won't work.

When I started trucking I was told this very simple thing. If I get caught doing what I shouldnt be, I will NEVER be allowed to cross the border again.
Is it really worth it?
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Old August 16th, 2011, 16:04   #22
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Originally Posted by Armed Infidel View Post
Originally Posted by jakster
So what do you this? Tempted to give it a try. I'll talk to a border security friend and see what they have to say. Anybody else thinking of bringing their AEG/GBB

For my fellow Canadians, I have good news! We are legally able to bring our full metal/full black airsoft guns across the border AND get them back into Canada! No more needing to bring Cansoft or using rentals!
I have personally tested this process, so I can vouch that it works.
What you need to do is:
1) get all of the guns you want to take with you into cases/bags.
2) if you have them, get all of your purchase receipts for your guns.
3) Go to your nearest CBSA office (there is a list of offices on the CBSA website)
4) Tell them you need a Y38 form filled out as you would like to attend an American Airsoft game and take your own equipment.
5) They will ask to inspect your guns, and document them all on the green Y38 form.
6) If your gun does not have a visible serial number, they will put a translucent yellow 'Canada' sticker on the gun. (If this happens, I suggest using something to make sure it stays on: epoxy, clearcoat, layer of clear tape over it...etc, as they don't stick well)
7) Put the completed and signed Green Y38 form and all receipts into your gun bag so you don't lose it.
8) Go to Operation Pine Plains!
9) On return to Canada, declare you are returning from an airsoft game, and have the Y38 card with your passport when you hand your documentation over to the CBSA Border Guard.

I cannot promise that they won't pull you over and check everything to make sure, but you WILL be able to bring your own equipment and get it back into Canada.

If you would like more information, feel free to contact me as I have personally gone through this process successfully. Currently we have successfully registered: 1 VFC SCAR-L, 2 VFC SCAR -H (one with an EGLM), 1 VFC SR16ES, 1 Ares Tavor, 1 KWA USP 45, 2 Glock 18c, 1 P229, 1 Glock 23, 1 Magpul PTS Masada ACR.

Contact information:

Bloodsport....just wondering if this is valid to your knowledge??...going to Pine Plains in October..haven't talked to Jakster directly(but will) but wondering if this is something you have heard about?
It is true, for more information (its in the AV section) see

I wrote that up after having talked with CBSA and another local user emailing CBSA/RCMP.

There are legal ways to get your stuff down and back and in theory legal ways to import, but I for one am not willing to risk my money on trying to import.
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Old August 16th, 2011, 17:32   #23
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A lot of this discussion seems to be missing the point of the original post. The title of the thread was "To those who want to try and smuggle guns across the border." not "To those who want to try and legally import guns across the border." There are lots of talks, especially with people who have no intentions of ever being verified or supporting Canadian retailers, trying to gain advice on how to smuggle and bring prohibited items into Canada. There are many legal ways in which how to do it, but they either don't have the patience to learn how or don't care and would rather press their luck. They know it's illegal, yet still make attempts anyways. This is one of those cases.

This man didn't declare prohibited items in his car because he knew they would be confiscated. He willingly and knowingly attempted to subvert the law and failed. He will be spending some years in jail. Just because this is a "sport" or a "hobby" doesn't make breaking the law justified.
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Old August 16th, 2011, 18:05   #24
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Originally Posted by Deltastone View Post
A lot of this discussion seems to be missing the point of the original post. The title of the thread was "To those who want to try and smuggle guns across the border." not "To those who want to try and legally import guns across the border." There are lots of talks, especially with people who have no intentions of ever being verified or supporting Canadian retailers, trying to gain advice on how to smuggle and bring prohibited items into Canada. There are many legal ways in which how to do it, but they either don't have the patience to learn how or don't care and would rather press their luck. They know it's illegal, yet still make attempts anyways. This is one of those cases.

This man didn't declare prohibited items in his car because he knew they would be confiscated. He willingly and knowingly attempted to subvert the law and failed. He will be spending some years in jail. Just because this is a "sport" or a "hobby" doesn't make breaking the law justified.

This isn't about how to bring in airsoft guns, or licensing requirements, or CSBA forms, or for that matter, the overall legality of airsoft ownership.

This is about the CONSEQUENCES of trying to get around THIS COUNTRY'S prohibited items import restrictions. If you want to attempt to smuggle, if you're willing to go and break the law, when you are caught (not if, when - this is all about probabilities) you must be willing to accept the consequences of your actions.

If you don't like the consequences of your actions, then DON'T DO THIS.

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy playing Russian Roulette.
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Stalker stays where he is.
His BB's fly across the country to hit their target.
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Old August 16th, 2011, 19:08   #25
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Originally Posted by Armed Infidel View Post
Bloodsport....just wondering if this is valid to your knowledge??...going to Pine Plains in October..haven't talked to Jakster directly(but will) but wondering if this is something you have heard about?
Not related at all, this guy was smuggling guns into the country, not bringing his own back across.
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Old August 17th, 2011, 08:59   #26
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Wow, just wow. If you can't wait follow the rules set in stone, for a reason, you need to pay the consquences. Simple as that
Originally Posted by rc_p120 View Post
Reality has a well known liberal bias.

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Old August 17th, 2011, 12:08   #27
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Originally Posted by BloodSport View Post
Not related at all, this guy was smuggling guns into the country, not bringing his own back across.
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Old August 17th, 2011, 14:22   #28
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Ok guys, I realise I can't smuggle guns, but what about people? I really want a sniper, if I put him in the trunt and didn't declare him, would that be ok?
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old August 17th, 2011, 15:44   #29
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Originally Posted by Gato View Post
Ok guys, I realise I can't smuggle guns, but what about people? I really want a sniper, if I put him in the trunt and didn't declare him, would that be ok?
I imagine it would be alright. Just put him in the part where the spare tire goes and keep some water in there. Don't worry about air holes, I hear snipers don't breathe like normal people lol
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Old August 17th, 2011, 15:56   #30
The Costco Kid
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Just watchout if he gets away from you he might nest in your roof and they are a right bugger to get out.
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